pizza: cover your ears
This commit is contained in:
@ -27,7 +27,9 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Consoles.Nintendo.Gameboy
public class FrameInfo
public IntPtr VideoBuffer;
public IntPtr SoundBuffer;
public int Clocks;
public int Samples;
public Buttons Keys;
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Consoles.Nintendo.Gameboy
[CoreAttributes("Pizza Boy", "Davide Berra", true, false, "c7bc6ee376028b3766de8d7a02e60ab794841f45",
"", false)]
public class Pizza : IEmulator, IInputPollable, IVideoProvider, IGameboyCommon
public class Pizza : IEmulator, IInputPollable, IVideoProvider, IGameboyCommon, ISoundProvider
private LibPizza _pizza;
private PeRunner _exe;
@ -83,18 +83,21 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Consoles.Nintendo.Gameboy
public unsafe void FrameAdvance(IController controller, bool render, bool rendersound = true)
fixed (int* vp = _videoBuffer)
fixed (short* sp = _soundBuffer)
var targetClocks = TICKSPERFRAME - _tickOverflow;
var frame = new LibPizza.FrameInfo
VideoBuffer = (IntPtr)vp,
SoundBuffer = (IntPtr)sp,
Clocks = targetClocks,
Keys = GetButtons(controller)
_tickOverflow = frame.Clocks - targetClocks;
_numSamples = frame.Samples;
@ -127,6 +130,40 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Consoles.Nintendo.Gameboy
public bool DeterministicEmulation { get; private set; }
public CoreComm CoreComm { get; }
#region ISoundProvider
private short[] _soundBuffer = new short[2048];
private int _numSamples;
public void SetSyncMode(SyncSoundMode mode)
if (mode == SyncSoundMode.Async)
throw new NotSupportedException("Async mode is not supported.");
public void GetSamplesSync(out short[] samples, out int nsamp)
samples = _soundBuffer;
nsamp = _numSamples;
public void GetSamplesAsync(short[] samples)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Async mode is not supported.");
public void DiscardSamples()
public bool CanProvideAsync => false;
public SyncSoundMode SyncMode => SyncSoundMode.Sync;
#region IVideoProvider
private int[] _videoBuffer = new int[160 * 144];
@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
/* blip_buf 1.1.0. */
#include "blip_buf.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* Library Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Shay Green. This library is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
#if defined (BLARGG_TEST) && BLARGG_TEST
#include "blargg_test.h"
/* Equivalent to ULONG_MAX >= 0xFFFFFFFF00000000.
Avoids constants that don't fit in 32 bits. */
typedef unsigned long fixed_t;
enum { pre_shift = 32 };
#elif defined(ULLONG_MAX)
typedef unsigned long long fixed_t;
enum { pre_shift = 32 };
typedef unsigned fixed_t;
enum { pre_shift = 0 };
enum { time_bits = pre_shift + 20 };
static fixed_t const time_unit = (fixed_t) 1 << time_bits;
enum { bass_shift = 9 }; /* affects high-pass filter breakpoint frequency */
enum { end_frame_extra = 2 }; /* allows deltas slightly after frame length */
enum { half_width = 8 };
enum { buf_extra = half_width*2 + end_frame_extra };
enum { phase_bits = 5 };
enum { phase_count = 1 << phase_bits };
enum { delta_bits = 15 };
enum { delta_unit = 1 << delta_bits };
enum { frac_bits = time_bits - pre_shift };
/* We could eliminate avail and encode whole samples in offset, but that would
limit the total buffered samples to blip_max_frame. That could only be
increased by decreasing time_bits, which would reduce resample ratio accuracy.
/** Sample buffer that resamples to output rate and accumulates samples
until they're read out */
struct blip_t
fixed_t factor;
fixed_t offset;
int avail;
int size;
int integrator;
typedef int buf_t;
/* probably not totally portable */
#define SAMPLES( buf ) ((buf_t*) ((buf) + 1))
/* Arithmetic (sign-preserving) right shift */
#define ARITH_SHIFT( n, shift ) \
((n) >> (shift))
enum { max_sample = +32767 };
enum { min_sample = -32768 };
#define CLAMP( n ) \
if ( (short) n != n )\
n = ARITH_SHIFT( n, 16 ) ^ max_sample;\
static void check_assumptions( void )
int n;
#error "int must be at least 32 bits"
assert( (-3 >> 1) == -2 ); /* right shift must preserve sign */
n = max_sample * 2;
CLAMP( n );
assert( n == max_sample );
n = min_sample * 2;
CLAMP( n );
assert( n == min_sample );
assert( blip_max_ratio <= time_unit );
assert( blip_max_frame <= (fixed_t) -1 >> time_bits );
blip_t* blip_new( int size )
blip_t* m;
assert( size >= 0 );
m = (blip_t*) malloc( sizeof *m + (size + buf_extra) * sizeof (buf_t) );
if ( m )
m->factor = time_unit / blip_max_ratio;
m->size = size;
blip_clear( m );
return m;
void blip_delete( blip_t* m )
if ( m != NULL )
/* Clear fields in case user tries to use after freeing */
memset( m, 0, sizeof *m );
free( m );
void blip_set_rates( blip_t* m, double clock_rate, double sample_rate )
double factor = time_unit * sample_rate / clock_rate;
m->factor = (fixed_t) factor;
/* Fails if clock_rate exceeds maximum, relative to sample_rate */
assert( 0 <= factor - m->factor && factor - m->factor < 1 );
/* Avoid requiring math.h. Equivalent to
m->factor = (int) ceil( factor ) */
if ( m->factor < factor )
/* At this point, factor is most likely rounded up, but could still
have been rounded down in the floating-point calculation. */
void blip_clear( blip_t* m )
/* We could set offset to 0, factor/2, or factor-1. 0 is suitable if
factor is rounded up. factor-1 is suitable if factor is rounded down.
Since we don't know rounding direction, factor/2 accommodates either,
with the slight loss of showing an error in half the time. Since for
a 64-bit factor this is years, the halving isn't a problem. */
m->offset = m->factor / 2;
m->avail = 0;
m->integrator = 0;
memset( SAMPLES( m ), 0, (m->size + buf_extra) * sizeof (buf_t) );
int blip_clocks_needed( const blip_t* m, int samples )
fixed_t needed;
/* Fails if buffer can't hold that many more samples */
assert( samples >= 0 && m->avail + samples <= m->size );
needed = (fixed_t) samples * time_unit;
if ( needed < m->offset )
return 0;
return (needed - m->offset + m->factor - 1) / m->factor;
void blip_end_frame( blip_t* m, unsigned t )
fixed_t off = t * m->factor + m->offset;
m->avail += off >> time_bits;
m->offset = off & (time_unit - 1);
/* Fails if buffer size was exceeded */
assert( m->avail <= m->size );
int blip_samples_avail( const blip_t* m )
return m->avail;
static void remove_samples( blip_t* m, int count )
buf_t* buf = SAMPLES( m );
int remain = m->avail + buf_extra - count;
m->avail -= count;
memmove( &buf [0], &buf [count], remain * sizeof buf [0] );
memset( &buf [remain], 0, count * sizeof buf [0] );
int blip_read_samples( blip_t* m, short out [], int count, int stereo )
assert( count >= 0 );
if ( count > m->avail )
count = m->avail;
if ( count )
int const step = stereo ? 2 : 1;
buf_t const* in = SAMPLES( m );
buf_t const* end = in + count;
int sum = m->integrator;
/* Eliminate fraction */
int s = ARITH_SHIFT( sum, delta_bits );
sum += *in++;
CLAMP( s );
*out = s;
out += step;
/* High-pass filter */
sum -= s << (delta_bits - bass_shift);
while ( in != end );
m->integrator = sum;
remove_samples( m, count );
return count;
/* Things that didn't help performance on x86:
#define short int
/* Sinc_Generator( 0.9, 0.55, 4.5 ) */
static short const bl_step [phase_count + 1] [half_width] =
{ 43, -115, 350, -488, 1136, -914, 5861,21022},
{ 44, -118, 348, -473, 1076, -799, 5274,21001},
{ 45, -121, 344, -454, 1011, -677, 4706,20936},
{ 46, -122, 336, -431, 942, -549, 4156,20829},
{ 47, -123, 327, -404, 868, -418, 3629,20679},
{ 47, -122, 316, -375, 792, -285, 3124,20488},
{ 47, -120, 303, -344, 714, -151, 2644,20256},
{ 46, -117, 289, -310, 634, -17, 2188,19985},
{ 46, -114, 273, -275, 553, 117, 1758,19675},
{ 44, -108, 255, -237, 471, 247, 1356,19327},
{ 43, -103, 237, -199, 390, 373, 981,18944},
{ 42, -98, 218, -160, 310, 495, 633,18527},
{ 40, -91, 198, -121, 231, 611, 314,18078},
{ 38, -84, 178, -81, 153, 722, 22,17599},
{ 36, -76, 157, -43, 80, 824, -241,17092},
{ 34, -68, 135, -3, 8, 919, -476,16558},
{ 32, -61, 115, 34, -60, 1006, -683,16001},
{ 29, -52, 94, 70, -123, 1083, -862,15422},
{ 27, -44, 73, 106, -184, 1152,-1015,14824},
{ 25, -36, 53, 139, -239, 1211,-1142,14210},
{ 22, -27, 34, 170, -290, 1261,-1244,13582},
{ 20, -20, 16, 199, -335, 1301,-1322,12942},
{ 18, -12, -3, 226, -375, 1331,-1376,12293},
{ 15, -4, -19, 250, -410, 1351,-1408,11638},
{ 13, 3, -35, 272, -439, 1361,-1419,10979},
{ 11, 9, -49, 292, -464, 1362,-1410,10319},
{ 9, 16, -63, 309, -483, 1354,-1383, 9660},
{ 7, 22, -75, 322, -496, 1337,-1339, 9005},
{ 6, 26, -85, 333, -504, 1312,-1280, 8355},
{ 4, 31, -94, 341, -507, 1278,-1205, 7713},
{ 3, 35, -102, 347, -506, 1238,-1119, 7082},
{ 1, 40, -110, 350, -499, 1190,-1021, 6464},
{ 0, 43, -115, 350, -488, 1136, -914, 5861}
/* Shifting by pre_shift allows calculation using unsigned int rather than
possibly-wider fixed_t. On 32-bit platforms, this is likely more efficient.
And by having pre_shift 32, a 32-bit platform can easily do the shift by
simply ignoring the low half. */
void blip_add_delta( blip_t* m, unsigned time, int delta )
unsigned fixed = (unsigned) ((time * m->factor + m->offset) >> pre_shift);
buf_t* out = SAMPLES( m ) + m->avail + (fixed >> frac_bits);
int const phase_shift = frac_bits - phase_bits;
int phase = fixed >> phase_shift & (phase_count - 1);
short const* in = bl_step [phase];
short const* rev = bl_step [phase_count - phase];
int interp = fixed >> (phase_shift - delta_bits) & (delta_unit - 1);
int delta2 = (delta * interp) >> delta_bits;
delta -= delta2;
/* Fails if buffer size was exceeded */
assert( out <= &SAMPLES( m ) [m->size + end_frame_extra] );
out [0] += in[0]*delta + in[half_width+0]*delta2;
out [1] += in[1]*delta + in[half_width+1]*delta2;
out [2] += in[2]*delta + in[half_width+2]*delta2;
out [3] += in[3]*delta + in[half_width+3]*delta2;
out [4] += in[4]*delta + in[half_width+4]*delta2;
out [5] += in[5]*delta + in[half_width+5]*delta2;
out [6] += in[6]*delta + in[half_width+6]*delta2;
out [7] += in[7]*delta + in[half_width+7]*delta2;
in = rev;
out [ 8] += in[7]*delta + in[7-half_width]*delta2;
out [ 9] += in[6]*delta + in[6-half_width]*delta2;
out [10] += in[5]*delta + in[5-half_width]*delta2;
out [11] += in[4]*delta + in[4-half_width]*delta2;
out [12] += in[3]*delta + in[3-half_width]*delta2;
out [13] += in[2]*delta + in[2-half_width]*delta2;
out [14] += in[1]*delta + in[1-half_width]*delta2;
out [15] += in[0]*delta + in[0-half_width]*delta2;
void blip_add_delta_fast( blip_t* m, unsigned time, int delta )
unsigned fixed = (unsigned) ((time * m->factor + m->offset) >> pre_shift);
buf_t* out = SAMPLES( m ) + m->avail + (fixed >> frac_bits);
int interp = fixed >> (frac_bits - delta_bits) & (delta_unit - 1);
int delta2 = delta * interp;
/* Fails if buffer size was exceeded */
assert( out <= &SAMPLES( m ) [m->size + end_frame_extra] );
out [7] += delta * delta_unit - delta2;
out [8] += delta2;
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
/** \file
Sample buffer that resamples from input clock rate to output sample rate */
/* blip_buf 1.1.0 */
#ifndef BLIP_BUF_H
#define BLIP_BUF_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** First parameter of most functions is blip_t*, or const blip_t* if nothing
is changed. */
typedef struct blip_t blip_t;
/** Creates new buffer that can hold at most sample_count samples. Sets rates
so that there are blip_max_ratio clocks per sample. Returns pointer to new
buffer, or NULL if insufficient memory. */
blip_t* blip_new( int sample_count );
/** Sets approximate input clock rate and output sample rate. For every
clock_rate input clocks, approximately sample_rate samples are generated. */
void blip_set_rates( blip_t*, double clock_rate, double sample_rate );
enum { /** Maximum clock_rate/sample_rate ratio. For a given sample_rate,
clock_rate must not be greater than sample_rate*blip_max_ratio. */
blip_max_ratio = 1 << 20 };
/** Clears entire buffer. Afterwards, blip_samples_avail() == 0. */
void blip_clear( blip_t* );
/** Adds positive/negative delta into buffer at specified clock time. */
void blip_add_delta( blip_t*, unsigned int clock_time, int delta );
/** Same as blip_add_delta(), but uses faster, lower-quality synthesis. */
void blip_add_delta_fast( blip_t*, unsigned int clock_time, int delta );
/** Length of time frame, in clocks, needed to make sample_count additional
samples available. */
int blip_clocks_needed( const blip_t*, int sample_count );
enum { /** Maximum number of samples that can be generated from one time frame. */
blip_max_frame = 4000 };
/** Makes input clocks before clock_duration available for reading as output
samples. Also begins new time frame at clock_duration, so that clock time 0 in
the new time frame specifies the same clock as clock_duration in the old time
frame specified. Deltas can have been added slightly past clock_duration (up to
however many clocks there are in two output samples). */
void blip_end_frame( blip_t*, unsigned int clock_duration );
/** Number of buffered samples available for reading. */
int blip_samples_avail( const blip_t* );
/** Reads and removes at most 'count' samples and writes them to 'out'. If
'stereo' is true, writes output to every other element of 'out', allowing easy
interleaving of two buffers into a stereo sample stream. Outputs 16-bit signed
samples. Returns number of samples actually read. */
int blip_read_samples( blip_t*, short out [], int count, int stereo );
/** Frees buffer. No effect if NULL is passed. */
void blip_delete( blip_t* );
/* Deprecated */
typedef blip_t blip_buffer_t;
#ifdef __cplusplus
@ -222,10 +222,6 @@ void cycles_step()
/* channel four */
if (sound.channel_four.cycles_next == cycles.cnt)
/* time to generate a sample? */
if (sound.sample_cycles_next_rounded == cycles.cnt)
/* update timer state */
if (cycles.cnt ==
@ -39,9 +39,6 @@ char gameboy_inited = 0;
void gameboy_init()
/* init global values */
// global_init();
/* init z80 */
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
#include "mmu.h"
#include "sound.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "sound_output.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
@ -31,26 +32,87 @@
/* super variable for audio controller */
sound_t sound;
/* global for output frequency */
int sound_output_rate = 48000;
int sound_output_rate_fifth = 48; // 48000 / 5;
// functions to connect to blip buf
static int16_t last_sample[8];
#define BLIP_LEFT(v,i) if(1){int32_t d = (v)-last_sample[(i)*2];blip_left(d);last_sample[(i)*2] = (v);}
#define BLIP_RIGHT(v,i) if(1){int32_t d = (v)-last_sample[(i)*2+1];blip_right(d);last_sample[(i)*2+1] = (v);}
static void blip_ch1()
if (
if (sound.nr51->ch1_to_so1)
BLIP_RIGHT(sound.channel_one.sample, 0);
if (sound.nr51->ch1_to_so2)
BLIP_LEFT(sound.channel_one.sample, 0);
static void blip_ch2()
if (
if (sound.nr51->ch2_to_so1)
BLIP_RIGHT(sound.channel_two.sample, 1);
if (sound.nr51->ch2_to_so2)
BLIP_LEFT(sound.channel_two.sample, 1);
static void blip_ch3()
if (
uint16_t sample;
uint8_t shift = (sound.nr32->volume_code == 0 ?
4 : sound.nr32->volume_code - 1);
/* volume is zero in any case */
if (shift == 4)
sample = 0;
/* apply volume change */
uint8_t idx = sound.channel_three.index;
uint16_t s;
/* extract current sample */
if ((idx & 0x01) == 0)
s = (sound.wave_table[idx >> 1] & 0xf0) >> 4;
s = sound.wave_table[idx >> 1] & 0x0f;
/* transform it into signed 16 bit sample */
sample = ((s * 0x222) >> shift);
/* not silence? */
if (sample != 0)
if (sound.nr51->ch3_to_so1)
BLIP_RIGHT(sample, 2);
if (sound.nr51->ch3_to_so2)
BLIP_LEFT(sample, 2);
static void blip_ch4()
if (
if (sound.nr51->ch4_to_so1)
BLIP_RIGHT(sound.channel_four.sample, 3);
if (sound.nr51->ch4_to_so2)
BLIP_LEFT(sound.channel_four.sample, 3);
/* internal prototypes */
size_t sound_available_samples();
void sound_envelope_step();
void sound_length_ctrl_step();
void sound_push_samples(int16_t l, int16_t r);
void sound_push_sample(int16_t s);
void sound_read_samples(int len, int16_t *buf);
void sound_rebuild_wave();
void sound_sweep_step();
void sound_write_wave(uint16_t a, uint8_t v);
int sound_get_samples()
return SOUND_SAMPLES; // sound_output_rate / 10;
void sound_init_pointers()
/* point sound structures to their memory areas */
@ -92,46 +154,15 @@ void sound_init()
/* point sound structures to their memory areas */
/* steps length */
sound.step_int = 4;
sound.step_int1000 = 4000;
/* buffer stuff */
sound.buf_wr = 0;
sound.buf_rd = 0;
sound.buf_available = 0;
/* how many cpu cycles we need to emit a 512hz clock (frame sequencer) */
sound.fs_cycles = 4194304 / 512;
/* how many cpu cycles to generate a single frame seq clock? */
sound.fs_cycles_next = sound.fs_cycles;
/* how many cpu cycles to generate a sample */
sound.sample_cycles = (uint_fast32_t) (((double) 4194304 /
(double) sound_output_rate) * 1000);
sound.sample_cycles_next = sound.sample_cycles / 1000;
sound.sample_cycles_next_rounded = sound.sample_cycles_next & 0xFFFFFFFC;
/* no, i'm not empty */
sound.buf_empty = 0;
void sound_set_speed(char dbl)
if (dbl)
sound.step_int = 2;
sound.step_int1000 = 2000;
sound.step_int = 4;
sound.step_int1000 = 4000;
/* update sound internal state given CPU T-states */
@ -155,6 +186,10 @@ void sound_step_fs()
/* envelope works at 64hz */
if (sound.fs_cycles_idx == 7)
/* update all channels */
@ -172,6 +207,7 @@ void sound_step_ch1()
/* go back */
sound.channel_one.duty_cycles_next += sound.channel_one.duty_cycles;
void sound_step_ch2()
@ -188,6 +224,7 @@ void sound_step_ch2()
/* go back */
sound.channel_two.duty_cycles_next += sound.channel_two.duty_cycles;
void sound_step_ch3()
@ -206,6 +243,7 @@ void sound_step_ch3()
/* qty of cpu ticks needed for a wave sample change */
sound.channel_three.cycles = ((2048 - freq) * 2) << global_cpu_double_speed;
sound.channel_three.cycles_next += sound.channel_three.cycles;
void sound_step_ch4()
@ -236,109 +274,8 @@ void sound_step_ch4()
sound.channel_four.sample = sound.channel_four.volume;
/* qty of cpu ticks needed for a wave sample change */
sound.channel_four.cycles_next += sound.channel_four.period_lfsr;
void sound_step_sample()
uint_fast32_t zum = sound.sample_cycles + sound.sample_cycles_remainder;
sound.sample_cycles_next += ((zum / 1000) << global_cpu_double_speed);
sound.sample_cycles_next_rounded =
sound.sample_cycles_next & 0xFFFFFFFC;
sound.sample_cycles_remainder = zum % 1000;
/* update output frame counter */
/* DAC turned off? */
if (sound.nr30->dac == 0 &&
|||| == 0 &&
|||| == 0 &&
|||| == 0)
sound_push_samples(0, 0);
int16_t sample_left = 0;
int16_t sample_right = 0;
int16_t sample = 0;
/* time to generate a sample! sum all the fields */
if ( // && sound.channel_one.sample)
/* to the right? */
if (sound.nr51->ch1_to_so1)
sample_right += sound.channel_one.sample;
/* to the left? */
if (sound.nr51->ch1_to_so2)
sample_left += sound.channel_one.sample;
if ( // && sound.channel_two.sample)
/* to the right? */
if (sound.nr51->ch2_to_so1)
sample_right += sound.channel_two.sample;
/* to the left? */
if (sound.nr51->ch2_to_so2)
sample_left += sound.channel_two.sample;
if (
uint8_t shift = (sound.nr32->volume_code == 0 ?
4 : sound.nr32->volume_code - 1);
/* volume is zero in any case */
if (shift == 4)
sample = 0;
/* apply volume change */
uint8_t idx = sound.channel_three.index;
uint16_t s;
/* extract current sample */
if ((idx & 0x01) == 0)
s = (sound.wave_table[idx >> 1] & 0xf0) >> 4;
s = sound.wave_table[idx >> 1] & 0x0f;
/* transform it into signed 16 bit sample */
sample = ((s * 0x222) >> shift);
/* not silence? */
if (sample != 0)
/* to the right? */
if (sound.nr51->ch3_to_so1)
sample_right += sample;
/* to the left? */
if (sound.nr51->ch3_to_so2)
sample_left += sample;
if (
/* to the right? */
if (sound.nr51->ch4_to_so1)
sample_right += sound.channel_four.sample;
/* to the left? */
if (sound.nr51->ch4_to_so2)
sample_left += sound.channel_four.sample;
/* push the sum of all channels samples */
sound_push_samples(sample_left, sample_right);
sound.channel_four.cycles_next += sound.channel_four.period_lfsr;
/* update length of channel1 */
@ -377,116 +314,6 @@ void sound_length_ctrl_step()
void sound_read_buffer(void *userdata, uint8_t *stream, int snd_len)
/* requester snd_len is expressed in byte, */
/* so divided by to to obtain wanted 16 bits samples */
sound_read_samples(snd_len / 2, (int16_t *) stream);
void sound_push_samples(int16_t l, int16_t r)
/* store them in tmp buffer */
sound.buf_tmp[sound.buf_tmp_wr++] = l;
sound.buf_tmp[sound.buf_tmp_wr++] = r;
if (sound.buf_tmp_wr == SOUND_BUF_TMP_SZ)
unsigned int i;
/* put them in circular shared buffer */
for (i=0; i<SOUND_BUF_TMP_SZ; i++)
/* reset counter */
sound.buf_tmp_wr = 0;
/* push a single sample data into circular buffer */
void sound_push_sample(int16_t s)
/* assign sample value */
sound.buf[sound.buf_wr] = s;
/* update write index */
if (sound.buf_wr == SOUND_BUF_SZ)
sound.buf_wr = 0;
/* update available samples */
/* if it's locked and we got enough samples, unlock */
if (sound.buf_empty && sound.buf_available == (SOUND_SAMPLES * 2))
sound.buf_empty = 0;
/* wait for the audio to be played */
if (sound.buf_available == SOUND_BUF_SZ)
/* if full, just discard an old sample */
/* step forward for rd pointer */
if (sound.buf_rd == SOUND_BUF_SZ)
sound.buf_rd = 0;
/* calculate the available samples in circula buffer */
size_t sound_available_samples()
if (sound.buf_rd > sound.buf_wr)
return sound.buf_wr + SOUND_BUF_SZ - sound.buf_rd;
return sound.buf_wr - sound.buf_rd;
/* read a block of data from circular buffer */
void sound_read_samples(int to_read, int16_t *buf)
/* not enough samples? read what we got */
if (sound.buf_available < to_read)
/* stop until we got enough samples */
sound.buf_empty = 1;
//while (sound.buf_empty && !global_quit)
//pthread_cond_wait(&sound_cond, &sound_mutex);
if (sound.buf_rd + to_read >= SOUND_BUF_SZ)
/* overlaps the end of the buffer? copy in 2 phases */
size_t first_block = SOUND_BUF_SZ - sound.buf_rd;
memcpy(buf, &sound.buf[sound.buf_rd], first_block * 2);
memcpy(&buf[first_block], sound.buf, (to_read - first_block) * 2);
/* set the new read index */
sound.buf_rd = to_read - first_block;
/* a single memcpy is enough */
memcpy(buf, &sound.buf[sound.buf_rd], to_read * 2);
/* update read index */
sound.buf_rd += to_read;
/* update avaiable samples */
sound.buf_available -= to_read;
/* calc the new frequency by sweep module */
uint_fast32_t sound_sweep_calc()
@ -745,21 +572,6 @@ uint8_t sound_read_reg(uint16_t a, uint8_t v)
void sound_set_output_rate(int freq)
sound_output_rate = freq;
sound_output_rate_fifth = freq / 5;
double cpu_base_freq = 4194304;
/* calc cycles needed to generate a sample */
sound.sample_cycles = (uint_fast32_t) (((double) cpu_base_freq /
(double) sound_output_rate) * 1000);
sound.sample_cycles_next = sound.sample_cycles / 1000;
sound.sample_cycles_next_rounded = sound.sample_cycles_next & 0xFFFFFFFC;
void sound_write_reg(uint16_t a, uint8_t v)
/* when turned off, only write to NR52 (0xFF26) is legit */
@ -1351,57 +1163,3 @@ void sound_write_wave(uint16_t a, uint8_t v)
sound.wave_table[a - 0xFF30] = v;
void sound_rebuild_wave()
int sample;
uint8_t shift = (sound.nr32->volume_code == 0 ?
4 : sound.nr32->volume_code - 1);
int i;
int min = 0;
int max = 0;
/* fill wave buffer */
for (i=0; i<16; i++)
/* read higher nibble */
sample = (sound.wave_table[i] & 0xf0) >> 4;
/* apply volume change */
sample >>= shift;
/* convert to signed int 16 */
sample = (sample * 0x1111) - 0x8000;
if (sample < min)
min = sample;
if (sample > max)
max = sample;
/* save it into rendered wave table */
sound.channel_three.wave[i * 2] = (int16_t) sample;
/* do the same with lowest nibble */
sample = (sound.wave_table[i] & 0x0f);
/* apply volume change */
sample >>= shift;
/* convert to signed int 16 */
sample = (sample * 0x1111) - 0x8000;
/* save it into rendered wave table */
sound.channel_three.wave[(i * 2) + 1] = (int16_t) sample;
if (sample < min)
min = sample;
if (sample > max)
max = sample;
/* set the new current sample */
sound.channel_three.sample =
@ -20,10 +20,7 @@
#ifndef __SOUND_HDR__
#define __SOUND_HDR__
#define SOUND_FREQ_MAX 48000
#define SOUND_SAMPLES 4096
typedef struct nr10_s
@ -278,16 +275,6 @@ typedef struct sound_s
/* emulation speed stuff */
uint_fast16_t frame_counter;
/* circular audio buffer stuff */
uint_fast16_t buf_rd;
uint_fast16_t buf_wr;
uint_fast16_t buf_available;
uint_fast16_t buf_empty;
uint_fast16_t buf_full;
int16_t buf[SOUND_BUF_SZ];
int16_t buf_tmp[SOUND_BUF_TMP_SZ];
uint_fast16_t buf_tmp_wr;
/* output rate */
uint_fast32_t output_rate;
@ -295,36 +282,19 @@ typedef struct sound_s
uint_fast32_t fs_cycles;
uint_fast32_t fs_cycles_idx;
uint64_t fs_cycles_next;
uint_fast32_t sample_cycles;
uint_fast32_t sample_cycles_remainder;
uint_fast32_t sample_cycles_next;
uint64_t sample_cycles_next_rounded;
/* steps length */
uint_fast32_t step_int;
uint_fast32_t step_int1000;
uint_fast32_t spare;
uint_fast32_t spare2;
} sound_t;
extern sound_t sound;
/* prototypes */
void sound_change_emulation_speed();
int sound_get_samples();
void sound_init();
void sound_read_buffer(void *userdata, uint8_t *stream, int snd_len);
uint8_t sound_read_reg(uint16_t a, uint8_t v);
void sound_set_speed(char dbl);
void sound_set_output_rate(int freq);
void sound_step_fs();
void sound_step_ch1();
void sound_step_ch2();
void sound_step_ch3();
void sound_step_ch4();
void sound_step_sample();
void sound_write_reg(uint16_t a, uint8_t v);
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#include "../blip_buf/blip_buf.h"
#include "sound_output.h"
#include "cycles.h"
static blip_t* lb;
static blip_t* rb;
static uint64_t startclock;
#define RELATIVECLOCK (cycles.sampleclock - startclock)
void blip_left(int delta)
if (delta)
blip_add_delta(lb, RELATIVECLOCK, delta);
void blip_right(int delta)
if (delta)
blip_add_delta(rb, RELATIVECLOCK, delta);
void sound_output_init(double clock_rate, double sample_rate)
lb = blip_new(1024);
rb = blip_new(1024);
blip_set_rates(lb, clock_rate, sample_rate);
blip_set_rates(rb, clock_rate, sample_rate);
int sound_output_read(int16_t* output)
blip_end_frame(lb, RELATIVECLOCK);
blip_end_frame(rb, RELATIVECLOCK);
startclock = cycles.sampleclock;
int ret = blip_read_samples(lb, output, 2048, 1);
blip_read_samples(rb, output + 1, 2048, 1);
return ret;
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
void blip_left(int delta);
void blip_right(int delta);
void sound_output_init(double clock_rate, double sample_rate);
int sound_output_read(int16_t* output);
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
#include "serial.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "mmu.h"
#include "sound_output.h"
/* proto */
void cb();
@ -74,15 +75,14 @@ EXPORT int Init(const void *rom, int romlen)
/* init GPU */
/* set sound output rate */
/* set rumble cb */
/* get frame buffer reference */
fb = gpu_get_frame_buffer();
sound_output_init(2 * 1024 * 1024, 44100);
return 1;
@ -91,7 +91,9 @@ static uint32_t fb32[160 * 144];
typedef struct
uint32_t* vbuff;
int16_t* sbuff;
int32_t clocks; // desired(in) actual(out) time to run; 2MHZ
int32_t samples; // actual number of samples produced
uint16_t keys; // keypad input
} frameinfo_t;
@ -103,6 +105,7 @@ EXPORT void FrameAdvance(frameinfo_t* frame)
gameboy_run(current + frame->clocks);
frame->clocks = cycles.sampleclock - current;
memcpy(frame->vbuff, fb32, 160 * 144 * sizeof(uint32_t));
frame->samples = sound_output_read(frame->sbuff);
EXPORT int IsCGB(void)
Reference in New Issue