
615 lines
20 KiB
Raw Normal View History

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Collections.Generic;
//check out ccd2iso linux program?
// advice here
//also referencing mednafen sources
//TODO - copy mednafen sanity checking
//TODO - check subcode vs TOC (warnings if different)
//TODO - check TOC vs tracks (warnings if different)
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.DiscSystem
2011-05-08 09:07:46 +00:00
public class CCD_Format
2011-05-08 09:07:46 +00:00
/// <summary>
/// Represents a CCD file, faithfully. Minimal interpretation of the data happens.
/// Currently the [TRACK] sections aren't parsed, though.
/// </summary>
public class CCDFile
/// <summary>
/// which version CCD file this came from. We hope it shouldn't affect the semantics of anything else in here, but just in case..
/// </summary>
public int Version;
/// <summary>
/// this is probably a 0 or 1 bool
/// </summary>
public int DataTracksScrambled;
/// <summary>
/// ???
/// </summary>
public int CDTextLength;
/// <summary>
/// The [Session] sections
/// </summary>
public List<CCDSession> Sessions = new List<CCDSession>();
/// <summary>
/// The [Entry] sctions
/// </summary>
public List<CCDTocEntry> TOCEntries = new List<CCDTocEntry>();
/// <summary>
/// The [TRACK] sections
/// </summary>
public List<CCDTrack> Tracks = new List<CCDTrack>();
/// <summary>
/// The [TRACK] sections, indexed by number
/// </summary>
public Dictionary<int, CCDTrack> TracksByNumber = new Dictionary<int, CCDTrack>();
/// <summary>
/// Represents an [Entry] section from a CCD file
/// </summary>
public class CCDTocEntry
public CCDTocEntry(int entryNum)
EntryNum = entryNum;
/// <summary>
/// these should be 0-indexed
/// </summary>
public int EntryNum;
/// <summary>
/// the CCD specifies this, but it isnt in the actual disc data as such, it is encoded some other (likely difficult to extract) way and thats why CCD puts it here
/// </summary>
public int Session;
/// <summary>
2015-06-23 18:57:11 +00:00
/// this seems just to be the LBA corresponding to AMIN:ASEC:AFRAME (give or take 150). It's not stored on the disc, and it's redundant.
/// </summary>
public int ALBA;
/// <summary>
2015-06-23 18:57:11 +00:00
/// this seems just to be the LBA corresponding to PMIN:PSEC:PFRAME (give or take 150). It's not stored on the disc, and it's redundant.
/// </summary>
public int PLBA;
//these correspond pretty directly to values in the Q subchannel fields
2015-06-23 18:57:11 +00:00
//NOTE: they're specified as absolute MSF. That means, they're 2 seconds off from what they should be when viewed as final TOC values
public int Control;
public int ADR;
public int TrackNo;
public int Point;
public int AMin;
public int ASec;
public int AFrame;
public int Zero;
public int PMin;
public int PSec;
public int PFrame;
/// <summary>
/// Represents a [Track] section from a CCD file
/// </summary>
public class CCDTrack
public CCDTrack(int number)
this.Number = number;
/// <summary>
/// note: this is 1-indexed
/// </summary>
public int Number;
/// <summary>
2015-06-23 18:57:11 +00:00
/// The specified data mode.
/// </summary>
public int Mode;
/// <summary>
/// The indexes specified for the track (these are 0-indexed)
/// </summary>
public Dictionary<int, int> Indexes = new Dictionary<int, int>();
/// <summary>
/// Represents a [Session] section from a CCD file
/// </summary>
public class CCDSession
public CCDSession(int number)
this.Number = number;
/// <summary>
/// note: this is 1-indexed.
/// </summary>
public int Number;
//Not sure what the default should be.. ive only seen mode=2
public int PregapMode;
/// <summary>
/// this is probably a 0 or 1 bool
/// </summary>
public int PregapSubcode;
public class CCDParseException : Exception
public CCDParseException(string message) : base(message) { }
class CCDSection : Dictionary<string,int>
public string Name;
public int FetchOrDefault(int def, string key)
TryGetValue(key, out def);
return def;
public int FetchOrFail(string key)
int ret;
if(!TryGetValue(key, out ret))
throw new CCDParseException("Malformed or unexpected CCD format: missing required [Entry] key: " + key);
return ret;
List<CCDSection> ParseSections(Stream stream)
List<CCDSection> sections = new List<CCDSection>();
//TODO - do we need to attempt to parse out the version tag in a first pass?
//im doing this from a version 3 example
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(stream);
CCDSection currSection = null;
for (; ; )
var line = sr.ReadLine();
if (line == null) break;
if (line == "") continue;
if (line.StartsWith("["))
currSection = new CCDSection();
currSection.Name = line.Trim('[', ']').ToUpper();
var parts = line.Split('=');
if (parts.Length != 2)
throw new CCDParseException("Malformed or unexpected CCD format: parsing item into two parts");
int val;
if (parts[1].StartsWith("0x") || parts[1].StartsWith("0X"))
val = int.Parse(parts[1].Substring(2), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
else val = int.Parse(parts[1]);
currSection[parts[0].ToUpper()] = val;
} //loop until lines exhausted
return sections;
int PreParseIntegrityCheck(List<CCDSection> sections)
if (sections.Count == 0) throw new CCDParseException("Malformed CCD format: no sections");
//we need at least a CloneCD and Disc section
if (sections.Count < 2) throw new CCDParseException("Malformed CCD format: insufficient sections");
var ccdSection = sections[0];
if (ccdSection.Name != "CLONECD")
throw new CCDParseException("Malformed CCD format: confusing first section name");
if (!ccdSection.ContainsKey("VERSION"))
throw new CCDParseException("Malformed CCD format: missing version in CloneCD section");
if(sections[1].Name != "DISC")
throw new CCDParseException("Malformed CCD format: section[1] isn't [Disc]");
int version = ccdSection["VERSION"];
return version;
/// <summary>
/// Parses a CCD file contained in the provided stream
/// </summary>
public CCDFile ParseFrom(Stream stream)
CCDFile ccdf = new CCDFile();
var sections = ParseSections(stream);
ccdf.Version = PreParseIntegrityCheck(sections);
var discSection = sections[1];
int nTocEntries = discSection["TOCENTRIES"]; //its conceivable that this could be missing
int nSessions = discSection["SESSIONS"]; //its conceivable that this could be missing
ccdf.DataTracksScrambled = discSection.FetchOrDefault(0, "DATATRACKSSCRAMBLED");
ccdf.CDTextLength = discSection.FetchOrDefault(0, "CDTEXTLENGTH");
if (ccdf.DataTracksScrambled==1) throw new CCDParseException("Malformed CCD format: DataTracksScrambled=1 not supported. Please report this, so we can understand what it means.");
for (int i = 2; i < sections.Count; i++)
var section = sections[i];
if (section.Name.StartsWith("SESSION"))
int sesnum = int.Parse(section.Name.Split(' ')[1]);
CCDSession session = new CCDSession(sesnum);
if (sesnum != ccdf.Sessions.Count)
throw new CCDParseException("Malformed CCD format: wrong session number in sequence");
session.PregapMode = section.FetchOrDefault(0, "PREGAPMODE");
session.PregapSubcode = section.FetchOrDefault(0, "PREGAPSUBC");
else if (section.Name.StartsWith("ENTRY"))
int entryNum = int.Parse(section.Name.Split(' ')[1]);
CCDTocEntry entry = new CCDTocEntry(entryNum);
entry.Session = section.FetchOrFail("SESSION");
entry.Point = section.FetchOrFail("POINT");
entry.ADR = section.FetchOrFail("ADR");
entry.Control = section.FetchOrFail("CONTROL");
entry.TrackNo = section.FetchOrFail("TRACKNO");
entry.AMin = section.FetchOrFail("AMIN");
entry.ASec = section.FetchOrFail("ASEC");
entry.AFrame = section.FetchOrFail("AFRAME");
entry.ALBA = section.FetchOrFail("ALBA");
entry.Zero = section.FetchOrFail("ZERO");
entry.PMin = section.FetchOrFail("PMIN");
entry.PSec = section.FetchOrFail("PSEC");
entry.PFrame = section.FetchOrFail("PFRAME");
entry.PLBA = section.FetchOrFail("PLBA");
2015-06-23 18:57:11 +00:00
//note: LBA 0 is Ansolute MSF 00:02:00
if (new Timestamp(entry.AMin, entry.ASec, entry.AFrame).Sector != entry.ALBA + 150)
throw new CCDParseException("Warning: inconsistency in CCD ALBA vs computed A MSF");
if (new Timestamp(entry.PMin, entry.PSec, entry.PFrame).Sector != entry.PLBA + 150)
throw new CCDParseException("Warning: inconsistency in CCD PLBA vs computed P MSF");
if(entry.Session != 1)
throw new CCDParseException("Malformed CCD format: not yet supporting multi-session files");
else if (section.Name.StartsWith("TRACK"))
int entryNum = int.Parse(section.Name.Split(' ')[1]);
CCDTrack track = new CCDTrack(entryNum);
ccdf.TracksByNumber[entryNum] = track;
foreach (var kvp in section)
if (kvp.Key == "MODE")
track.Mode = kvp.Value;
if (kvp.Key.StartsWith("INDEX"))
int inum = int.Parse(kvp.Key.Split(' ')[1]);
track.Indexes[inum] = kvp.Value;
} //sections loop
return ccdf;
public class LoadResults
public List<RawTOCEntry> RawTOCEntries;
public CCDFile ParsedCCDFile;
public bool Valid;
public Exception FailureException;
public string ImgPath;
public string SubPath;
public string CcdPath;
public int NumImgSectors;
public static LoadResults LoadCCDPath(string path)
LoadResults ret = new LoadResults();
ret.CcdPath = path;
ret.ImgPath = Path.ChangeExtension(path, ".img");
ret.SubPath = Path.ChangeExtension(path, ".sub");
if(!File.Exists(path)) throw new CCDParseException("Malformed CCD format: nonexistent CCD file!");
if (!File.Exists(ret.ImgPath)) throw new CCDParseException("Malformed CCD format: nonexistent IMG file!");
if (!File.Exists(ret.SubPath)) throw new CCDParseException("Malformed CCD format: nonexistent SUB file!");
//quick check of .img and .sub sizes
long imgLen = new FileInfo(ret.ImgPath).Length;
long subLen = new FileInfo(ret.SubPath).Length;
if(imgLen % 2352 != 0) throw new CCDParseException("Malformed CCD format: IMG file length not multiple of 2352");
ret.NumImgSectors = (int)(imgLen / 2352);
if (subLen != ret.NumImgSectors * 96) throw new CCDParseException("Malformed CCD format: SUB file length not matching IMG");
CCDFile ccdf;
using (var infCCD = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
ccdf = new CCD_Format().ParseFrom(infCCD);
ret.ParsedCCDFile = ccdf;
ret.Valid = true;
catch (CCDParseException ex)
ret.FailureException = ex;
return ret;
2015-06-23 18:57:11 +00:00
public static void Dump(Disc disc, string path)
using (var sw = new StreamWriter(path))
sw.WriteLine("TocEntries={0}", disc.RawTOCEntries.Count);
sw.WriteLine("CDTextLength=0"); //not supported anyway
sw.WriteLine("[Session 1]");
for (int i = 0; i < disc.RawTOCEntries.Count; i++)
var entry = disc.RawTOCEntries[i];
sw.WriteLine("[Entry {0}]", i);
sw.WriteLine("Point=0x{0:x2}", entry.QData.q_index);
sw.WriteLine("ADR=0x{0:x2}", entry.QData.ADR);
sw.WriteLine("Control=0x{0:x2}", (int)entry.QData.CONTROL);
sw.WriteLine("TrackNo={0}", entry.QData.q_tno);
sw.WriteLine("AMin={0}", entry.QData.min.DecimalValue);
sw.WriteLine("ASec={0}", entry.QData.sec.DecimalValue);
sw.WriteLine("AFrame={0}", entry.QData.frame.DecimalValue);
sw.WriteLine("ALBA={0}", entry.QData.Timestamp.Sector - 150); //remember to adapt the absolute MSF to an LBA (this field is redundant...)
sw.WriteLine("PMin={0}", entry.QData.ap_min.DecimalValue);
sw.WriteLine("PSec={0}", entry.QData.ap_sec.DecimalValue);
sw.WriteLine("PFrame={0}", entry.QData.ap_frame.DecimalValue);
sw.WriteLine("PLBA={0}", entry.QData.AP_Timestamp.Sector - 150); //remember to adapt the absolute MSF to an LBA (this field is redundant...)
for (int i = 0; i < disc.Structure.Sessions[0].Tracks.Count; i++)
var st = disc.Structure.Sessions[0].Tracks[i];
sw.WriteLine("[TRACK {0}]", st.Number);
sw.WriteLine("MODE={0}", st.ModeHeuristic); //MAYBE A BAD PLAN!
//dont write an index=0 identical to an index=1. It might work, or it might not.
int idx = 0;
if (st.Indexes[0].LBA == st.Indexes[1].LBA)
idx = 1;
for (; idx < st.Indexes.Count; idx++)
sw.WriteLine("INDEX {0}={1}", st.Indexes[idx].Number, st.Indexes[idx].LBA);
//dump the img and sub
//TODO - acquire disk size first
string imgPath = Path.ChangeExtension(path, ".img");
string subPath = Path.ChangeExtension(path, ".sub");
var buffer = new byte[2352];
using (var s = File.OpenWrite(imgPath))
DiscSectorReader dsr = new DiscSectorReader(disc);
//TODO - dont write leadout sectors, if they exist!
for (int aba = 150; aba < disc.Sectors.Count; aba++)
dsr.ReadLBA_2352(aba - 150, buffer, 0);
s.Write(buffer, 0, 2352);
using (var s = File.OpenWrite(subPath))
//TODO - dont write leadout sectors, if they exist!
for (int aba = 150; aba < disc.Sectors.Count; aba++)
disc.ReadLBA_SectorEntry(aba - 150).SubcodeSector.ReadSubcodeDeinterleaved(buffer, 0);
s.Write(buffer, 0, 96);
class SS_CCD : ISectorSynthJob2448
public void Synth(SectorSynthJob job)
//CCD is always containing everything we'd need (unless a .sub is missing?) so don't about flags
var imgBlob = job.Disc.DisposableResources[0] as Disc.Blob_RawFile;
var subBlob = job.Disc.DisposableResources[1] as Disc.Blob_RawFile;
//Read_2442(job.LBA, job.DestBuffer2448, job.DestOffset);
//read the IMG data
long ofs = job.LBA * 2352;
imgBlob.Read(ofs, job.DestBuffer2448, 0, 2352);
//if subcode is needed, read it
if ((job.Parts & (ESectorSynthPart.SubcodeAny)) != 0)
ofs = job.LBA * 96;
subBlob.Read(ofs, job.DestBuffer2448, 2352, 96);
2015-06-23 18:57:11 +00:00
//sub data comes to us deinterleved; we may still need to interleave it
if ((job.Parts & (ESectorSynthPart.SubcodeDeinterleave)) == 0)
2015-06-23 18:57:11 +00:00
SubcodeUtils.InterleaveInplace(job.DestBuffer2448, 2352);
2015-06-23 18:57:11 +00:00
/// <summary>
/// Loads a CCD at the specified path to a Disc object
/// </summary>
public Disc LoadCCDToDisc(string ccdPath)
var loadResults = LoadCCDPath(ccdPath);
if (!loadResults.Valid)
throw loadResults.FailureException;
Disc disc = new Disc();
2015-06-23 18:57:11 +00:00
//mount the IMG and SUB files
var ccdf = loadResults.ParsedCCDFile;
var imgBlob = new Disc.Blob_RawFile() { PhysicalPath = loadResults.ImgPath };
var subBlob = new Disc.Blob_RawFile() { PhysicalPath = loadResults.SubPath };
2015-06-23 18:57:11 +00:00
//the only instance of a sector synthesizer we'll need
SS_CCD synth = new SS_CCD();
//generate DiscTOCRaw items from the ones specified in the CCD file
//TODO - range validate these (too many truncations to byte)
disc.RawTOCEntries = new List<RawTOCEntry>();
2015-06-23 18:57:11 +00:00
BufferedSubcodeSector bss = new BufferedSubcodeSector(); //TODO - its hacky that we need this..
foreach (var entry in ccdf.TOCEntries)
2015-06-23 18:57:11 +00:00
BCD2 tno, ino;
//this should actually be zero. im not sure if this is stored as BCD2 or not
tno = BCD2.FromDecimal(entry.TrackNo);
//these are special values.. I think, taken from this:
//the CCD will contain Points as decimal values except for these specially converted decimal values which should stay as BCD.
//Why couldn't they all be BCD? I don't know. I guess because BCD is inconvenient, but only A0 and friends have special meaning. It's confusing.
ino = BCD2.FromDecimal(entry.Point);
if (entry.Point == 0xA0) ino.BCDValue = 0xA0;
else if (entry.Point == 0xA1) ino.BCDValue = 0xA1;
else if (entry.Point == 0xA2) ino.BCDValue = 0xA2;
var q = new SubchannelQ
q_status = SubchannelQ.ComputeStatus(entry.ADR, (EControlQ)(entry.Control & 0xF)),
2015-06-23 18:57:11 +00:00
q_tno = tno,
q_index = ino,
min = BCD2.FromDecimal(entry.AMin),
sec = BCD2.FromDecimal(entry.ASec),
frame = BCD2.FromDecimal(entry.AFrame),
zero = (byte)entry.Zero,
ap_min = BCD2.FromDecimal(entry.PMin),
ap_sec = BCD2.FromDecimal(entry.PSec),
ap_frame = BCD2.FromDecimal(entry.PFrame),
//CRC cant be calculated til we've got all the fields setup
q.q_crc = bss.Synthesize_SubchannelQ(ref q, true);
disc.RawTOCEntries.Add(new RawTOCEntry { QData = q });
//generate the toc from the entries
var tocSynth = new DiscTOCRaw.SynthesizeFromRawTOCEntriesJob() { Entries = disc.RawTOCEntries };
disc.TOCRaw = tocSynth.Result;
2015-06-23 18:57:11 +00:00
disc.Structure = new DiscStructure();
var ses = new DiscStructure.Session();
2015-06-23 18:57:11 +00:00
for(int i=1;i<=99;i++)
2015-06-23 18:57:11 +00:00
var ccdt = ccdf.TracksByNumber[i];
DiscStructure.Track track = new DiscStructure.Track() { Number = i };
//if index 0 is missing, add it
if (!ccdt.Indexes.ContainsKey(0))
track.Indexes.Add(new DiscStructure.Index { Number = 0, LBA = ccdt.Indexes[1] });
for(int j=1;j<=99;j++)
if (ccdt.Indexes.ContainsKey(j))
track.Indexes.Add(new DiscStructure.Index { Number = j, LBA = ccdt.Indexes[j] });
//TODO - this should only be used in case the .sub needs reconstructing
//determination should be done from heuristics.
//if we keep this, it should just be as a memo that later heuristics can use. For example: 'use guidance from original disc image'
track.ModeHeuristic = ccdt.Mode;
//TODO - this should be deleted anyway (
switch (ccdt.Mode)
case 0:
2015-06-23 18:57:11 +00:00
track.TrackType = DiscStructure.ETrackType.Audio; //for CCD, this means audio, apparently.
case 1:
case 2:
2015-06-23 18:57:11 +00:00
track.TrackType = DiscStructure.ETrackType.Data;
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsupported CCD mode");
2015-06-23 18:57:11 +00:00
//add sectors for the "mandatory track 1 pregap", which isn't stored in the CCD file
var leadin_sector_zero = new Sector_Zero();
var leadin_subcode_zero = new ZeroSubcodeSector();
for (int i = 0; i < 150; i++)
var se = new SectorEntry(leadin_sector_zero);
se.SubcodeSector = leadin_subcode_zero;
//build the sectors:
//set up as many sectors as we have img/sub for, even if the TOC doesnt reference them (TOC is unreliable, although the tracks should have covered it all)
for (int i = 0; i < loadResults.NumImgSectors; i++)
var isec = new Sector_RawBlob();
isec.Offset = ((long)i) * 2352;
isec.Blob = imgBlob;
var se = new SectorEntry(isec);
var scsec = new BlobSubcodeSectorPreDeinterleaved();
scsec.Offset = ((long)i) * 96;
scsec.Blob = subBlob;
se.SubcodeSector = scsec;
2015-06-23 18:57:11 +00:00
se.SectorSynth = synth;
return disc;
2015-06-23 18:57:11 +00:00
} //class CCD_Format