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//Copyright (c) 2012 BizHawk team
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//Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
//this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
//the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
//use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
//of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
//so, subject to the following conditions:
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//The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
//copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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//ECM File Format reading support
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//TODO - make a background thread to validate the EDC. be sure to terminate thread when the Blob disposes
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//remember: may need another stream for that. the IBlob architecture doesnt demand multithreading support
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using System ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
namespace BizHawk.DiscSystem
partial class Disc
class Blob_ECM : IBlob
FileStream stream ;
public void Dispose ( )
if ( stream ! = null )
stream . Dispose ( ) ;
stream = null ;
class IndexEntry
public int Type ;
public uint Number ;
public long ECMOffset ;
public long LogicalOffset ;
/// <summary>
/// an index of blocks within the ECM file, for random-access.
/// itll be sorted by logical ordering, so you can binary search for the address you want
/// </summary>
List < IndexEntry > Index = new List < IndexEntry > ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// the ECMfile-provided EDC integrity checksum. not being used right now
/// </summary>
int EDC ;
public long Length ;
public void Parse ( string path )
stream = new FileStream ( path , FileMode . Open , FileAccess . Read , FileShare . Read ) ;
//skip header
stream . Seek ( 4 , SeekOrigin . Current ) ;
long logOffset = 0 ;
for ( ; ; )
//read block count. this format is really stupid. maybe its good for detecting non-ecm files or something.
int b = stream . ReadByte ( ) ;
if ( b = = - 1 ) MisformedException ( ) ;
int bytes = 1 ;
int T = b & 3 ;
long N = ( b > > 2 ) & 0x1F ;
int nbits = 5 ;
while ( b . Bit ( 7 ) )
if ( bytes = = 5 ) MisformedException ( ) ; //if we're gonna need a 6th byte, this file is broken
b = stream . ReadByte ( ) ;
bytes + + ;
if ( b = = - 1 ) MisformedException ( ) ;
N | = ( long ) ( b & 0x7F ) < < nbits ;
nbits + = 7 ;
//end of blocks section
if ( N = = 0xFFFFFFFF )
break ;
//the 0x80000000 business is confusing, but this is almost positively an error
if ( N > = 0x100000000 )
MisformedException ( ) ;
uint todo = ( uint ) N + 1 ;
IndexEntry ie = new IndexEntry ( ) ;
ie . Number = todo ;
ie . ECMOffset = stream . Position ;
ie . LogicalOffset = logOffset ;
ie . Type = T ;
Index . Add ( ie ) ;
if ( T = = 0 )
stream . Seek ( todo , SeekOrigin . Current ) ;
logOffset + = todo ;
else if ( T = = 1 )
stream . Seek ( todo * ( 2048 + 3 ) , SeekOrigin . Current ) ;
logOffset + = todo * 2352 ;
else if ( T = = 2 )
stream . Seek ( todo * 2052 , SeekOrigin . Current ) ;
logOffset + = todo * 2336 ;
else if ( T = = 3 )
stream . Seek ( todo * 2328 , SeekOrigin . Current ) ;
logOffset + = todo * 2336 ;
else MisformedException ( ) ;
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//TODO - endian bug. need endian-independent binary reader with good license
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var br = new BinaryReader ( stream ) ;
EDC = br . ReadInt32 ( ) ;
Length = logOffset ;
void MisformedException ( )
throw new InvalidOperationException ( "Mis-formed ECM file" ) ;
public static bool IsECM ( string path )
using ( var fs = new FileStream ( path , FileMode . Open , FileAccess . Read , FileShare . Read ) )
int e = fs . ReadByte ( ) ;
int c = fs . ReadByte ( ) ;
int m = fs . ReadByte ( ) ;
int o = fs . ReadByte ( ) ;
if ( e ! = 'E' | | c ! = 'C' | | m ! = 'M' | | o ! = 0 )
return false ;
return true ;
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/// <summary>
/// finds the IndexEntry for the specified logical offset
/// </summary>
int FindInIndex ( long offset , int LastReadIndex )
//try to avoid searching the index. check the last index we we used.
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i + + ) //try 2 times
IndexEntry last = Index [ LastReadIndex ] ;
if ( LastReadIndex = = Index . Count - 1 )
//byte_pos would have to be after the last entry
if ( offset > = last . LogicalOffset )
return LastReadIndex ;
IndexEntry next = Index [ LastReadIndex + 1 ] ;
if ( offset > = last . LogicalOffset & & offset < next . LogicalOffset )
return LastReadIndex ;
//well, maybe we just advanced one sector. just try again one sector ahead
LastReadIndex + + ;
//Console.WriteLine("binary searched"); //use this to check for mistaken LastReadIndex logic resulting in binary searches during sequential access
int listIndex = Index . LowerBoundBinarySearch ( idx = > idx . LogicalOffset , offset ) ;
System . Diagnostics . Debug . Assert ( listIndex < Index . Count ) ;
//Console.WriteLine("byte_pos {0:X8} using index #{1} at offset {2:X8}", offset, listIndex, Index[listIndex].LogicalOffset);
return listIndex ;
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void Reconstruct ( byte [ ] secbuf , int type )
secbuf [ 0 ] = 0 ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < = 10 ; i + + )
secbuf [ i ] = 0xFF ;
secbuf [ 11 ] = 0x00 ;
//misc stuff
switch ( type )
case 1 :
//mode 1
secbuf [ 15 ] = 0x01 ;
for ( int i = 0x814 ; i < = 0x81B ; i + + )
secbuf [ i ] = 0x00 ;
break ;
case 2 :
case 3 :
//mode 2
secbuf [ 15 ] = 0x02 ;
//flags - apparently CD XA specifies two copies of these 4bytes of flags. ECM didnt store the first copy; so we clone the second copy which was stored down to the spot for the first copy.
secbuf [ 0x10 ] = secbuf [ 0x14 ] ;
secbuf [ 0x11 ] = secbuf [ 0x15 ] ;
secbuf [ 0x12 ] = secbuf [ 0x16 ] ;
secbuf [ 0x13 ] = secbuf [ 0x17 ] ;
break ;
switch ( type )
case 1 : ECM . PokeUint ( secbuf , 0x810 , ECM . EDC_Calc ( secbuf , 0 , 0x810 ) ) ; break ;
case 2 : ECM . PokeUint ( secbuf , 0x818 , ECM . EDC_Calc ( secbuf , 16 , 0x808 ) ) ; break ;
case 3 : ECM . PokeUint ( secbuf , 0x92C , ECM . EDC_Calc ( secbuf , 16 , 0x91C ) ) ; break ;
switch ( type )
case 1 : ECM . ECC_Populate ( secbuf , 0 , secbuf , 0 , false ) ; break ;
case 2 : ECM . ECC_Populate ( secbuf , 0 , secbuf , 0 , true ) ; break ;
//we dont want to keep churning through this many big byte arrays while reading stuff, so we save a sector cache.
byte [ ] Read_SectorBuf = new byte [ 2352 ] ;
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int Read_LastIndex = 0 ;
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public int Read ( long byte_pos , byte [ ] buffer , int offset , int _count )
long remain = _count ;
int completed = 0 ;
//we take advantage of the fact that we pretty much always read one sector at a time.
//this would be really inefficient if we only read one byte at a time.
//on the other hand, just in case, we could keep a cache of the most recently decoded sector. that would be easy and would solve that problem (if we had it)
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while ( remain > 0 )
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int listIndex = FindInIndex ( byte_pos , Read_LastIndex ) ;
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IndexEntry ie = Index [ listIndex ] ;
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Read_LastIndex = listIndex ;
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if ( ie . Type = = 0 )
//type 0 is special: its just a raw blob. so all we need to do is read straight out of the stream
long blockOffset = byte_pos - ie . LogicalOffset ;
long bytesRemainInBlock = ie . Number - blockOffset ;
long todo = remain ;
if ( bytesRemainInBlock < todo )
todo = bytesRemainInBlock ;
stream . Position = ie . ECMOffset + blockOffset ;
while ( todo > 0 )
int toRead ;
if ( todo > int . MaxValue )
toRead = int . MaxValue ;
else toRead = ( int ) todo ;
int done = stream . Read ( buffer , offset , toRead ) ;
if ( done ! = toRead )
return completed ;
completed + = done ;
remain - = done ;
todo - = done ;
offset + = done ;
byte_pos + = done ;
//done reading the raw block; go back to check for another block
continue ;
} //if(type 0)
//these are sector-based types. they have similar handling.
long blockOffset = byte_pos - ie . LogicalOffset ;
//figure out which sector within the block we're in
int outSecSize ;
int inSecSize ;
int outSecOffset ;
if ( ie . Type = = 1 ) { outSecSize = 2352 ; inSecSize = 2048 ; outSecOffset = 0 ; }
else if ( ie . Type = = 2 ) { outSecSize = 2336 ; inSecSize = 2052 ; outSecOffset = 16 ; }
else if ( ie . Type = = 3 ) { outSecSize = 2336 ; inSecSize = 2328 ; outSecOffset = 16 ; }
else throw new InvalidOperationException ( ) ;
long secNumberInBlock = blockOffset / outSecSize ;
long secOffsetInEcm = secNumberInBlock * outSecSize ;
long bytesAskedIntoSector = blockOffset % outSecSize ;
long bytesRemainInSector = outSecSize - bytesAskedIntoSector ;
long todo = remain ;
if ( bytesRemainInSector < todo )
todo = bytesRemainInSector ;
//move stream to beginning of this sector in ecm
stream . Position = ie . ECMOffset + inSecSize * secNumberInBlock ;
//read and decode the sector
switch ( ie . Type )
case 1 :
//TODO - read first 3 bytes
if ( stream . Read ( Read_SectorBuf , 16 , 2048 ) ! = 2048 )
return completed ;
Reconstruct ( Read_SectorBuf , 1 ) ;
break ;
case 2 :
if ( stream . Read ( Read_SectorBuf , 20 , 2052 ) ! = 2052 )
return completed ;
Reconstruct ( Read_SectorBuf , 2 ) ;
break ;
case 3 :
if ( stream . Read ( Read_SectorBuf , 20 , 2328 ) ! = 2328 )
return completed ;
Reconstruct ( Read_SectorBuf , 3 ) ;
break ;
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//sector is decoded to 2352 bytes. Handling doesnt depend much on type from here
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Array . Copy ( Read_SectorBuf , ( int ) bytesAskedIntoSector + outSecOffset , buffer , offset , todo ) ;
int done = ( int ) todo ;
offset + = done ;
completed + = done ;
remain - = done ;
byte_pos + = done ;
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} //not type 0
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} // while(Remain)
return completed ;
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//The ecm file begins with 4 bytes: ECM\0
//then, repeat forever processing these blocks:
// Read the block header bytes. The block header is terminated after processing a byte without 0x80 set.
// The block header contains these bits packed in the bottom 7 LSB of successive bytes:
// N: a Number
// T: the type of the sector
// If you encounter a Number of 0xFFFFFFFF then the blocks section is finished.
// If you need a 6th byte for the block header, then the block header is erroneous
// Increment Number, since storing 0 wouldve been useless.
// Now, process the block.
// Type 0:
// Read Number bytes from the ECM file and write to the output stream.
// This block isn't necessarily a multiple of any particular sector size.
// accumulate all those bytes through the EDC
// Type 1: For Number of sectors:
// Read sector bytes 12,13,14
// Read 2048 sector bytes @16
// Reconstruct sector as type 1
// accumulate 2352 sector bytes @0 through the EDC
// write 2352 sector byte @0 to the output stream
// Type 2: For Number of sectors:
// Read 2052 sector bytes @20
// Reconstruct sector as type 2
// accumulate 2336 sector bytes @16 through the EDC
// write 2336 sector bytes @16 to the output stream
// Type 3: For Number of sectors:
// Read 2328 sector bytes @20
// Reconstruct sector as type 3
// accumulate 2336 sector bytes @16 through the EDC
// write 2336 sector bytes @16 to the output stream
//After encountering our end marker and exiting the block processing section:
//read a 32bit little endian value, which should be the output of the EDC (just a little check to make sure the file is valid)
//That's the end of the file