2017-06-17 19:30:03 +00:00
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstddef>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <memory>
typedef uint8_t uint8;
typedef uint16_t uint16;
typedef uint32_t uint32;
typedef uint64_t uint64;
typedef int8_t int8;
typedef int16_t int16;
typedef int32_t int32;
typedef int64_t int64;
#define INLINE inline
#define MDFN_COLD
#define MDFN_HOT
#define NO_INLINE
#define NO_CLONE
#define MDFN_UNLIKELY(p) (p)
#define MDFN_LIKELY(p) (p)
//#define MDFN_ASSUME_ALIGNED(p, align) ((decltype(p))__builtin_assume_aligned((p), (align)))
#define MDFN_ASSUME_ALIGNED(p, align) (p)
#define trio_snprintf snprintf
#define trio_vprintf vprintf
#define trio_printf printf
#define trio_sprintf sprintf
#define TRUE true
#define FALSE false
#ifndef __alignas_is_defined
#define alignas(p)
#define override // remove for gcc 4.7
#define final
#define gettext_noop(s) (s)
#define MDFN_MASTERCLOCK_FIXED(n) ((int64)((double)(n) * (1LL << 32)))
typedef struct
// Pitch(32-bit) must be equal to width and >= the "fb_width" specified in the MDFNGI struct for the emulated system.
// Height must be >= to the "fb_height" specified in the MDFNGI struct for the emulated system.
// The framebuffer pointed to by surface->pixels is written to by the system emulation code.
uint32 *pixels;
int pitch32;
// Pointer to an array of int32, number of elements = fb_height, set by the driver code. Individual elements written
// to by system emulation code. If the emulated system doesn't support multiple screen widths per frame, or if you handle
// such a situation by outputting at a constant width-per-frame that is the least-common-multiple of the screen widths, then
// you can ignore this. If you do wish to use this, you must set all elements every frame.
int32 *LineWidths;
// Pointer to sound buffer, set by the driver code, that the emulation code should render sound to.
int16 *SoundBuf;
// Number of cycles that this frame consumed, using MDFNGI::MasterClock as a time base.
// Set by emulation code.
int64 MasterCycles;
// Maximum size of the sound buffer, in frames. Set by the driver code.
int32 SoundBufMaxSize;
// Number of frames currently in internal sound buffer. Set by the system emulation code, to be read by the driver code.
int32 SoundBufSize;
// Set by the system emulation code every frame, to denote the horizontal and vertical offsets of the image, and the size
// of the image. If the emulated system sets the elements of LineWidths, then the width(w) of this structure
// is ignored while drawing the image.
int32 x, y, h;
// Set(optionally) by emulation code. If InterlaceOn is true, then assume field height is 1/2 DisplayRect.h, and
// only every other line in surface (with the start line defined by InterlacedField) has valid data
// (it's up to internal Mednafen code to deinterlace it).
bool InterlaceOn;
bool InterlaceField;
} EmulateSpecStruct;
#define MDFN_printf(...)
#define MDFN_PrintError(...)
#define MDFN_FORMATSTR(...)
#define require assert
#include "endian.h"
#include "math_ops.h"
#include "../emulibc/emulibc.h"
#include "../emulibc/waterboxcore.h"
extern int32 (*FirmwareSizeCallback)(const char *filename);
extern void (*FirmwareDataCallback)(const char *filename, uint8 *dest);
extern int setting_ss_slstartp;
extern int setting_ss_slendp;
extern int setting_ss_slstart;
extern int setting_ss_slend;
extern int setting_ss_region_default;
extern int setting_ss_cart;
extern bool setting_ss_correct_aspect;
extern bool setting_ss_h_overscan;
extern bool setting_ss_h_blend;
extern bool setting_ss_region_autodetect;
extern bool InputLagged;
extern void (*InputCallback)();
void AddMemoryDomain(const char* name, const void* ptr, int size, int flags);