3. If you wish to clone bizhawk on your host system (slower but maybe more convenient), you can use a VMWare shared folder and: `sudo mount -t drvfs Z: /mnt/z -o rw,relatime,metadata,uid=1000,gid=1000` (WSL won't auto-mount the shared drive)
* Make sure git's core.autocrlf is set to false, as the alternatives cause git to modify the line endings in .sh-looking files which WILL break the build process, from the very first step.
* This is NOT git's default. You will need to change it!! Go ahead and set it false globally permanently, since do you really want git modifying files?
* Make sure you have initialized and updated the needed submodules in the waterbox directory (for example, /waterbox/llvm-project and /waterbox/musl, etc.)
3. Consider whether it is time to update your build environment (i.e. sudo apt-get upgrade). We are not prescribing versions for build environment tools (gcc, etc.) so you may as well upgrade everything to the latest if you're making builds for other people.
5. If errors happen in the libcxx part, it can be due to musl mismatching your current build environment. This happens when your build environment is updated; musl does not track its build dependencies correctly. do `make clean` on musl (and delete the non-checkedin directories just to be safe) and try again from the musl step.
6. Some additional preparation is required before all the cores can be built:
7. You are now ready to start building cores. Each supports `make` and `make install`, as well as `make debug` and `make install-debug` for local development. From the root directory, the following should all be valid: