2013-07-31 01:06:58 +00:00
Mupen64plus-video-rice README v2.0
The latest version of this document can be found online at:
Mupen64Plus's Rice Video plugin supports a very nice feature which allows the
user to replace all of the original textures used for 3D rendering in a game
with high-resolution replacement textures drawn by graphic artists.
Enable Hi-Res Texture Loading in Rice Video
In order to begin using the hi-resolution texture feature, you must enable it
by editing the Mupen64Plus config file. One option is to find the file and edit
it directly with a text editor. On Linux or OSX, this is located at: "~/.config/
mupen64plus/", and on Windows it is in the "Application Data" sub-folder of
your user folder. On Windows XP and prior, this is "C:\Documents and Settings\
<username>\Application Data\Mupen64Plus\", while on Windows Vista and newer
this is "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Mupen64Plus". You should find a section in
this file labeled [Video-Rice], and within this section is a parameter called
LoadHiResTextures. Set this to True to enable searching for and loading high-
resolution textures.
Another option to enable this feature is to use the --set option with the
Mupen64Plus command-line user interface. To do this, run a game with a command
similar to this:
./mupen64plus --set Video-Rice[LoadHiResTextures]=True --saveoptions m64p_test_rom.v64
Installing Hi-Res Texture Files
To install a high-resolution texture pack for a game, all that you need to do
is unzip the archive and put the extracted directory full of images into the
right place. On Linux and OSX, this is usually "/home/<username>/.local/share/
mupen64plus/hires_texture". On Windows it is in the "Application Data" sub-
folder of your user folder. On Windows XP and prior, this is "C:\Documents and
Settings\<username>\Application Data\Mupen64Plus\hires_texture", while on
Windows Vista and newer this is "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Mupen64Plus\
hires_texture". If this directory doesn't exist, create it and copy the
hi-res texture directory inside.
The folder containing hi-res textures must be named exactly the same as the
ROM's name in the header of the ROM file. Usually this name is short with all
capital letters, like "MARIOKART64" or "SMASH BROTHERS". The command-line UI
prints out this ROM name when running a game, right after the Goodname and
before the MD5.
After setup, just run the game as usual. If using the command-line UI, you should
see a line printed out which says:
Video: Texture loading option is enabled. Finding all hires textures
2013-04-29 01:11:33 +00:00