2022-07-15 10:51:27 +00:00
namespace BizHawk.Analyzers ;
using System.Collections.Immutable ;
using System.Linq ;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis ;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp ;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax ;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics ;
public sealed class FeatureNotImplementedAnalyzer : DiagnosticAnalyzer
private const string ERR_MSG_DOES_NOT_THROW = "Throw NotImplementedException in [FeatureNotImplemented] method/prop body (or remove attribute)" ;
private const string ERR_MSG_METHOD_THROWS_UNKNOWN = "Indeterminable exception type in [FeatureNotImplemented] method/prop body, should be NotImplementedException" ;
private const string ERR_MSG_THROWS_WRONG_TYPE = "Incorrect exception type in [FeatureNotImplemented] method/prop body, should be NotImplementedException" ;
private const string ERR_MSG_UNEXPECTED_INCANTATION = "It seems [FeatureNotImplemented] should not be applied to whatever this is" ;
private static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor DiagShouldThrowNIE = new (
id : "BHI3300" ,
title : "Throw NotImplementedException from methods/props marked [FeatureNotImplemented]" ,
messageFormat : "{0}" ,
category : "Usage" ,
defaultSeverity : DiagnosticSeverity . Error ,
isEnabledByDefault : true ) ;
public override ImmutableArray < DiagnosticDescriptor > SupportedDiagnostics { get ; } = ImmutableArray . Create ( DiagShouldThrowNIE ) ;
public override void Initialize ( AnalysisContext context )
context . ConfigureGeneratedCodeAnalysis ( GeneratedCodeAnalysisFlags . None ) ;
context . EnableConcurrentExecution ( ) ;
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context . RegisterCompilationStartAction ( initContext = >
var featureNotImplementedAttrSym = initContext . Compilation . GetTypeByMetadataName ( "BizHawk.Emulation.Common.FeatureNotImplementedAttribute" ) ;
if ( featureNotImplementedAttrSym is null ) return ; // project does not have BizHawk.Emulation.Common dependency
var notImplementedExceptionSym = initContext . Compilation . GetTypeByMetadataName ( "System.NotImplementedException" ) ! ;
initContext . RegisterSyntaxNodeAction (
snac = >
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2022-07-18 17:19:15 +00:00
void Wat ( Location location )
= > snac . ReportDiagnostic ( Diagnostic . Create ( DiagShouldThrowNIE , location , ERR_MSG_UNEXPECTED_INCANTATION ) ) ;
void MaybeReportFor ( ITypeSymbol ? thrownExceptionType , Location location )
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if ( thrownExceptionType is null ) snac . ReportDiagnostic ( Diagnostic . Create ( DiagShouldThrowNIE , location , ERR_MSG_METHOD_THROWS_UNKNOWN ) ) ;
else if ( ! notImplementedExceptionSym . Matches ( thrownExceptionType ) ) snac . ReportDiagnostic ( Diagnostic . Create ( DiagShouldThrowNIE , location , ERR_MSG_THROWS_WRONG_TYPE ) ) ;
// else correct usage, do not flag
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bool IncludesFNIAttribute ( SyntaxList < AttributeListSyntax > mds )
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= > mds . SelectMany ( static als = > als . Attributes )
. Any ( aSyn = > featureNotImplementedAttrSym . Matches ( snac . SemanticModel . GetTypeInfo ( aSyn , snac . CancellationToken ) . Type ) ) ;
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void CheckBlockBody ( BlockSyntax bs , Location location )
if ( bs . Statements . Count is not 1 ) snac . ReportDiagnostic ( Diagnostic . Create ( DiagShouldThrowNIE , location , ERR_MSG_DOES_NOT_THROW ) ) ;
else if ( bs . Statements [ 0 ] is not ThrowStatementSyntax tss ) snac . ReportDiagnostic ( Diagnostic . Create ( DiagShouldThrowNIE , location , ERR_MSG_DOES_NOT_THROW ) ) ;
else MaybeReportFor ( snac . SemanticModel . GetThrownExceptionType ( tss ) , tss . GetLocation ( ) ) ;
void CheckExprBody ( ArrowExpressionClauseSyntax aecs , Location location )
if ( aecs . Expression is not ThrowExpressionSyntax tes ) snac . ReportDiagnostic ( Diagnostic . Create ( DiagShouldThrowNIE , location , ERR_MSG_DOES_NOT_THROW ) ) ;
else MaybeReportFor ( snac . SemanticModel . GetThrownExceptionType ( tes ) , tes . GetLocation ( ) ) ;
void CheckAccessor ( AccessorDeclarationSyntax ads )
if ( ! IncludesFNIAttribute ( ads . AttributeLists ) ) return ;
if ( ads . ExpressionBody is not null ) CheckExprBody ( ads . ExpressionBody , ads . GetLocation ( ) ) ;
else if ( ads . Body is not null ) CheckBlockBody ( ads . Body , ads . GetLocation ( ) ) ;
else Wat ( ads . GetLocation ( ) ) ;
switch ( snac . Node )
case AccessorDeclarationSyntax ads :
CheckAccessor ( ads ) ;
break ;
case MethodDeclarationSyntax mds :
if ( ! IncludesFNIAttribute ( mds . AttributeLists ) ) return ;
if ( mds . ExpressionBody is not null ) CheckExprBody ( mds . ExpressionBody , mds . GetLocation ( ) ) ;
else if ( mds . Body is not null ) CheckBlockBody ( mds . Body , mds . GetLocation ( ) ) ;
else Wat ( mds . GetLocation ( ) ) ;
break ;
case PropertyDeclarationSyntax pds :
if ( pds . ExpressionBody is not null )
if ( IncludesFNIAttribute ( pds . AttributeLists ) ) CheckExprBody ( pds . ExpressionBody , pds . GetLocation ( ) ) ;
if ( IncludesFNIAttribute ( pds . AttributeLists ) ) Wat ( pds . GetLocation ( ) ) ;
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#if false // accessors will be checked separately
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else foreach ( var accessor in pds . AccessorList ! . Accessors ) CheckAccessor ( accessor ) ;
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break ;
} ,
SyntaxKind . GetAccessorDeclaration ,
SyntaxKind . MethodDeclaration ,
SyntaxKind . PropertyDeclaration ,
SyntaxKind . SetAccessorDeclaration ) ;
} ) ;
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