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bool ArmDSP::condition() {
uint4 condition = instruction >> 28;
switch(condition) {
case 0: return cpsr.z == 1; //EQ (equal)
case 1: return cpsr.z == 0; //NE (not equal)
case 2: return cpsr.c == 1; //CS (carry set)
case 3: return cpsr.c == 0; //CC (carry clear)
case 4: return cpsr.n == 1; //MI (negative)
case 5: return cpsr.n == 0; //PL (positive)
case 6: return cpsr.v == 1; //VS (overflow)
case 7: return cpsr.v == 0; //VC (no overflow)
case 8: return cpsr.c == 1 && cpsr.z == 0; //HI (unsigned higher)
case 9: return cpsr.c == 0 || cpsr.z == 1; //LS (unsigned lower or same)
case 10: return cpsr.n == cpsr.v; //GE (signed greater than or equal)
case 11: return cpsr.n != cpsr.v; //LT (signed less than)
case 12: return cpsr.z == 0 && cpsr.n == cpsr.v; //GT (signed greater than)
case 13: return cpsr.z == 1 || cpsr.n != cpsr.v; //LE (signed less than or equal)
case 14: return true; //AL (always)
case 15: return false; //NV (never)
//rd = target
//rn = source
//rm = modifier
//ri = original target
//ro = modified target
void ArmDSP::opcode(uint32 rm) {
uint4 opcode = instruction >> 21;
uint1 save = instruction >> 20;
uint4 n = instruction >> 16;
uint4 d = instruction >> 12;
uint32 rn = r[n];
//comparison opcodes always update flags (debug test)
//this can be removed later: s=0 opcode=8-11 is invalid
if(opcode >= 8 && opcode <= 11) assert(save == 1);
auto test = [&](uint32 result) {
if(save) {
cpsr.n = result >> 31;
cpsr.z = result == 0;
cpsr.c = shiftercarry;
return result;
auto math = [&](uint32 source, uint32 modify, bool carry) {
uint32 result = source + modify + carry;
if(save) {
uint32 overflow = ~(source ^ modify) & (source ^ result);
cpsr.n = result >> 31;
cpsr.z = result == 0;
cpsr.c = (1u << 31) & (overflow ^ source ^ modify ^ result);
cpsr.v = (1u << 31) & (overflow);
return result;
switch(opcode) {
case 0: r[d] = test(rn & rm); break; //AND
case 1: r[d] = test(rn ^ rm); break; //EOR
case 2: r[d] = math(rn, ~rm, 1); break; //SUB
case 3: r[d] = math(rm, ~rn, 1); break; //RSB
case 4: r[d] = math(rn, rm, 0); break; //ADD
case 5: r[d] = math(rn, rm, cpsr.c); break; //ADC
case 6: r[d] = math(rn, ~rm, cpsr.c); break; //SBC
case 7: r[d] = math(rm, ~rn, cpsr.c); break; //RSC
case 8: test(rn & rm); break; //TST
case 9: test(rn ^ rm); break; //TEQ
case 10: math(rn, ~rm, 1); break; //CMP
case 11: math(rn, rm, 0); break; //CMN
case 12: r[d] = test(rn | rm); break; //ORR
case 13: r[d] = test(rm); break; //MOV
case 14: r[d] = test(rn &~rm); break; //BIC
case 15: r[d] = test(~rm); break; //MVN
//logical shift left
void ArmDSP::lsl(bool &c, uint32 &rm, uint32 rs) {
while(rs--) {
c = rm >> 31;
rm <<= 1;
//logical shift right
void ArmDSP::lsr(bool &c, uint32 &rm, uint32 rs) {
while(rs--) {
c = rm & 1;
rm >>= 1;
//arithmetic shift right
void ArmDSP::asr(bool &c, uint32 &rm, uint32 rs) {
while(rs--) {
c = rm & 1;
rm = (int32)rm >> 1;
//rotate right
void ArmDSP::ror(bool &c, uint32 &rm, uint32 rs) {
while(rs--) {
c = rm & 1;
rm = (rm << 31) | (rm >> 1);
//rotate right with extend
void ArmDSP::rrx(bool &c, uint32 &rm) {
bool carry = c;
c = rm & 1;
rm = (carry << 31) | (rm >> 1);
//(mul,mla){condition}{s} rd,rm,rs,rn
//cccc 0000 00as dddd nnnn ssss 1001 mmmm
//c = condition
//a = accumulate
//s = save flags
//d = rd
//n = rn
//s = rs
//n = rm
void ArmDSP::op_multiply() {
uint1 accumulate = instruction >> 21;
uint1 save = instruction >> 20;
uint4 d = instruction >> 16;
uint4 n = instruction >> 12;
uint4 s = instruction >> 8;
uint4 m = instruction >> 0;
//Booth's algorithm: two bit steps
uint32 temp = r[s];
while(temp) {
temp >>= 2;
r[d] = r[m] * r[s];
if(accumulate) {
r[d] += r[n];
if(save) {
cpsr.n = r[d] >> 31;
cpsr.z = r[d] == 0;
cpsr.c = 0; //undefined
//mrs{condition} rd,(c,s)psr
//cccc 0001 0r00 ++++ dddd ---- 0000 ----
//c = condition
//r = SPSR (0 = CPSR)
//d = rd
void ArmDSP::op_move_to_register_from_status_register() {
uint1 source = instruction >> 22;
uint4 d = instruction >> 12;
r[d] = source ? spsr : cpsr;
//msr{condition} (c,s)psr:{fields},rm
//cccc 0001 0r10 ffff ++++ ---- 0000 mmmm
//c = condition
//r = SPSR (0 = CPSR)
//f = field mask
//m = rm
void ArmDSP::op_move_to_status_register_from_register() {
uint1 source = instruction >> 22;
uint4 field = instruction >> 16;
uint4 m = instruction;
PSR &psr = source ? spsr : cpsr;
if(field & 1) psr.setc(r[m]);
if(field & 2) psr.setx(r[m]);
if(field & 4) psr.sets(r[m]);
if(field & 8) psr.setf(r[m]);
//{opcode}{condition}{s} rd,rm {shift} #immediate
//{opcode}{condition} rn,rm {shift} #immediate
//{opcode}{condition}{s} rd,rn,rm {shift} #immediate
//cccc 000o ooos nnnn dddd llll lss0 mmmm
//c = condition
//o = opcode
//s = save flags
//n = rn
//d = rd
//l = shift immmediate
//s = shift
//m = rm
void ArmDSP::op_data_immediate_shift() {
uint1 save = instruction >> 20;
uint5 shift = instruction >> 7;
uint2 mode = instruction >> 5;
uint4 m = instruction;
uint32 rs = shift;
uint32 rm = r[m];
bool c = cpsr.c;
if(mode == 0) lsl(c, rm, rs);
if(mode == 1) lsr(c, rm, rs ? rs : 32);
if(mode == 2) asr(c, rm, rs ? rs : 32);
if(mode == 3) rs ? ror(c, rm, rs) : rrx(c, rm);
shiftercarry = c;
//{opcode}{condition}{s} rd,rm {shift} rs
//{opcode}{condition} rn,rm {shift} rs
//{opcode}{condition}{s} rd,rn,rm {shift} rs
//cccc 000o ooos nnnn dddd ssss 0ss1 mmmm
//c = condition
//o = opcode
//s = save flags
//n = rn
//d = rd
//s = rs
//s = shift
//m = rm
void ArmDSP::op_data_register_shift() {
uint1 save = instruction >> 20;
uint4 s = instruction >> 8;
uint2 mode = instruction >> 5;
uint4 m = instruction >> 0;
uint8 rs = r[s];
uint32 rm = r[m];
bool c = cpsr.c;
if(mode == 0) lsl(c, rm, rs < 33 ? rs : 33);
if(mode == 1) lsr(c, rm, rs < 33 ? rs : 33);
if(mode == 2) asr(c, rm, rs < 32 ? rs : 32);
if(mode == 3 && rs) ror(c, rm, rs & 31 == 0 ? 32 : rs & 31);
shiftercarry = c;
//{opcode}{condition}{s} rd,#immediate
//{opcode}{condition} rn,#immediate
//{opcode}{condition}{s} rd,rn,#immediate
//cccc 001o ooos nnnn dddd llll iiii iiii
//c = condition
//o = opcode
//s = save flags
//n = rn
//d = rd
//l = shift immediate
//i = immediate
void ArmDSP::op_data_immediate() {
uint1 save = instruction >> 20;
uint4 shift = instruction >> 8;
uint8 immediate = instruction;
uint32 rs = shift << 1;
uint32 rm = (immediate >> rs) | (immediate << (32 - rs));
if(rs) shiftercarry = immediate >> 31;
//(ldr,str){condition}{b} rd,[rn{,+/-offset}]{!}
//(ldr,str){condition}{b} rd,[rn]{,+/-offset}
//cccc 010p ubwl nnnn dddd iiii iiii iiii
//c = condition
//p = pre (0 = post-indexed addressing)
//u = up (add/sub offset to base)
//b = byte (1 = 32-bit)
//w = writeback
//l = load (0 = save)
//n = rn
//d = rd
//i = immediate
void ArmDSP::op_move_immediate_offset() {
uint1 p = instruction >> 24;
uint1 u = instruction >> 23;
uint1 b = instruction >> 22;
uint1 w = instruction >> 21;
uint1 l = instruction >> 20;
uint4 n = instruction >> 16;
uint4 d = instruction >> 12;
uint12 rm = instruction;
uint32 rn = r[n];
auto &rd = r[d];
if(p == 1) rn = u ? rn + rm : rn - rm;
if(l) rd = b ? bus_readbyte(rn) : bus_readword(rn);
else b ? bus_writebyte(rn, rd) : bus_writeword(rn, rd);
if(p == 0) rn = u ? rn + rm : rn - rm;
if(p == 0 || w == 1) r[n] = rn;
//(ldr)(str){condition}{b} rd,[rn,rm {mode} #immediate]{!}
//(ldr)(str){condition}{b} rd,[rn],rm {mode} #immediate
//cccc 011p ubwl nnnn dddd llll lss0 mmmm
//c = condition
//p = pre (0 = post-indexed addressing)
//u = up
//b = byte (1 = 32-bit)
//w = writeback
//l = load (0 = save)
//n = rn
//d = rd
//l = shift immediate
//s = shift mode
//m = rm
void ArmDSP::op_move_register_offset() {
uint1 p = instruction >> 24;
uint1 u = instruction >> 23;
uint1 b = instruction >> 22;
uint1 w = instruction >> 21;
uint1 l = instruction >> 20;
uint4 n = instruction >> 16;
uint4 d = instruction >> 12;
uint5 immediate = instruction >> 7;
uint2 mode = instruction >> 5;
uint4 m = instruction;
uint32 rn = r[n];
auto &rd = r[d];
uint32 rs = immediate;
uint32 rm = r[m];
bool c = cpsr.c;
if(mode == 0) lsl(c, rm, rs);
if(mode == 1) lsr(c, rm, rs ? rs : 32);
if(mode == 2) asr(c, rm, rs ? rs : 32);
if(mode == 3) rs ? ror(c, rm, rs) : rrx(c, rm);
if(p == 1) rn = u ? rn + rm : rn - rm;
if(l) rd = b ? bus_readbyte(rn) : bus_readword(rn);
else b ? bus_writebyte(rn, rd) : bus_writeword(rn, rd);
if(p == 0) rn = u ? rn + rm : rn - rm;
if(p == 0 || w == 1) r[n] = rn;
//(ldm,stm){condition}{mode} rn{!},{r...}
//cccc 100p uswl nnnn llll llll llll llll
//c = condition
//p = pre (0 = post-indexed addressing)
//u = up (add/sub offset to base)
//s = ???
//w = writeback
//l = load (0 = save)
//n = rn
//l = register list
void ArmDSP::op_move_multiple() {
uint1 p = instruction >> 24;
uint1 u = instruction >> 23;
uint1 s = instruction >> 22;
uint1 w = instruction >> 21;
uint1 l = instruction >> 20;
uint4 n = instruction >> 16;
uint16 list = instruction;
uint32 rn = r[n];
if(p == 0 && u == 1) rn = rn + 0; //IA
if(p == 1 && u == 1) rn = rn + 4; //IB
if(p == 1 && u == 0) rn = rn - bit::count(list) * 4 + 0; //DB
if(p == 0 && u == 0) rn = rn - bit::count(list) * 4 + 4; //DA
for(unsigned n = 0; n < 16; n++) {
if(list & (1 << n)) {
if(l) r[n] = bus_readword(rn);
else bus_writeword(rn, r[n]);
rn += 4;
if(w) {
if(u == 1) r[n] = r[n] + bit::count(list) * 4; //IA, IB
if(u == 0) r[n] = r[n] - bit::count(list) * 4; //DA, DB
//b{l}{condition} address
//cccc 101l dddd dddd dddd dddd dddd dddd
//c = condition
//l = link
//d = displacement (24-bit signed)
void ArmDSP::op_branch() {
uint1 l = instruction >> 24;
int24 displacement = instruction;
if(l) r[14] = r[15] - 4;
r[15] += displacement * 4;