2014-12-07 02:26:52 +00:00
//this is full of bugs probably, related to state from old rendering sessions being all messed up. its only barely good enough to work at all
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using sd = System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using OpenTK;
using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL;
namespace BizHawk.Bizware.BizwareGL.Drivers.GdiPlus
public class GDIPlusGuiRenderer : IGuiRenderer
public GDIPlusGuiRenderer(IGL_GdiPlus gl)
Owner = gl;
Gdi = gl as IGL_GdiPlus;
OpenTK.Graphics.Color4[] CornerColors = new OpenTK.Graphics.Color4[4] {
new OpenTK.Graphics.Color4(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f),new OpenTK.Graphics.Color4(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f),new OpenTK.Graphics.Color4(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f),new OpenTK.Graphics.Color4(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f)
public void SetCornerColor(int which, OpenTK.Graphics.Color4 color)
CornerColors[which] = color;
public void SetCornerColors(OpenTK.Graphics.Color4[] colors)
Flush(); //dont really need to flush with current implementation. we might as well roll modulate color into it too.
2017-04-10 12:36:42 +00:00
if (colors.Length != 4) throw new ArgumentException("array must be size 4", nameof(colors));
2014-12-07 02:26:52 +00:00
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
CornerColors[i] = colors[i];
public void Dispose()
if (CurrentImageAttributes != null)
public void SetPipeline(Pipeline pipeline)
public void SetDefaultPipeline()
public void SetModulateColorWhite()
ImageAttributes CurrentImageAttributes;
public void SetModulateColor(sd.Color color)
//white is really no color at all
if (color.ToArgb() == sd.Color.White.ToArgb())
float r = color.R / 255.0f;
float g = color.G / 255.0f;
float b = color.B / 255.0f;
float a = color.A / 255.0f;
float[][] colorMatrixElements = {
new float[] {r, 0, 0, 0, 0},
new float[] {0, g, 0, 0, 0},
new float[] {0, 0, b, 0, 0},
new float[] {0, 0, 0, a, 0},
new float[] {0, 0, 0, 0, 1}};
ColorMatrix colorMatrix = new ColorMatrix(colorMatrixElements);
CurrentImageAttributes.SetColorMatrix(colorMatrix,ColorMatrixFlag.Default, ColorAdjustType.Bitmap);
sd.Color CurrentModulateColor = sd.Color.White;
2014-12-13 23:04:22 +00:00
IBlendState CurrentBlendState;
2014-12-07 02:26:52 +00:00
public void SetBlendState(IBlendState rsBlend)
2014-12-13 23:04:22 +00:00
CurrentBlendState = rsBlend;
2014-12-07 02:26:52 +00:00
MatrixStack _Projection, _Modelview;
public MatrixStack Projection
get { return _Projection; }
_Projection = value;
_Projection.IsDirty = true;
public MatrixStack Modelview
get { return _Modelview; }
_Modelview = value;
_Modelview.IsDirty = true;
public void Begin(sd.Size size) { Begin(size.Width, size.Height); }
2015-08-30 14:19:49 +00:00
public void Begin(int width, int height)
2014-12-07 02:26:52 +00:00
2014-12-13 23:04:22 +00:00
CurrentBlendState = Gdi.BlendNormal;
2014-12-07 02:26:52 +00:00
Projection = Owner.CreateGuiProjectionMatrix(width, height);
Modelview = Owner.CreateGuiViewMatrix(width, height);
public void Begin()
//uhhmmm I want to throw an exception if its already active, but its annoying.
IsActive = true;
CurrentImageAttributes = new ImageAttributes();
public void Flush()
//no batching, nothing to do here yet
public void End()
if (!IsActive)
2019-03-28 03:17:14 +00:00
throw new InvalidOperationException($"{nameof(GuiRenderer)} is not active!");
2014-12-07 02:26:52 +00:00
IsActive = false;
if (CurrentImageAttributes != null)
CurrentImageAttributes = null;
public void RectFill(float x, float y, float w, float h)
public void DrawSubrect(Texture2d tex, float x, float y, float w, float h, float u0, float v0, float u1, float v1)
2015-08-29 07:26:08 +00:00
var tw = tex.Opaque as IGL_GdiPlus.TextureWrapper;
2014-12-07 02:26:52 +00:00
var g = Gdi.GetCurrentGraphics();
2015-08-29 07:26:08 +00:00
PrepDraw(g, tex);
2015-07-26 02:06:43 +00:00
2014-12-07 02:26:52 +00:00
float x0 = u0 * tex.Width;
float y0 = v0 * tex.Height;
float x1 = u1 * tex.Width;
float y1 = v1 * tex.Height;
2015-07-25 22:25:10 +00:00
2014-12-07 02:26:52 +00:00
sd.PointF[] destPoints = new sd.PointF[] {
2015-07-26 02:06:43 +00:00
new sd.PointF(x,y),
new sd.PointF(x+w,y),
new sd.PointF(x,y+h),
2014-12-07 02:26:52 +00:00
2014-12-13 23:04:22 +00:00
2014-12-07 02:26:52 +00:00
g.DrawImage(tw.SDBitmap, destPoints, new sd.RectangleF(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0), sd.GraphicsUnit.Pixel, CurrentImageAttributes);
2015-07-26 02:06:43 +00:00
g.Transform = new sd.Drawing2D.Matrix(); //.Reset() doesnt work ? ?
2014-12-07 02:26:52 +00:00
public void Draw(Art art) { DrawInternal(art, 0, 0, art.Width, art.Height, false, false); }
public void Draw(Art art, float x, float y) { DrawInternal(art, x, y, art.Width, art.Height, false, false); }
public void Draw(Art art, float x, float y, float width, float height) { DrawInternal(art, x, y, width, height, false, false); }
public void Draw(Art art, Vector2 pos) { DrawInternal(art, pos.X, pos.Y, art.Width, art.Height, false, false); }
public void Draw(Texture2d tex) { DrawInternal(tex, 0, 0, tex.Width, tex.Height); }
public void Draw(Texture2d tex, float x, float y) { DrawInternal(tex, x, y, tex.Width, tex.Height); }
public void DrawFlipped(Art art, bool xflip, bool yflip) { DrawInternal(art, 0, 0, art.Width, art.Height, xflip, yflip); }
public void Draw(Texture2d art, float x, float y, float width, float height)
DrawInternal(art, x, y, width, height);
2015-08-29 07:26:08 +00:00
void PrepDraw(sd.Graphics g, Texture2d tex)
2014-12-07 02:26:52 +00:00
2015-08-29 07:26:08 +00:00
var tw = tex.Opaque as IGL_GdiPlus.TextureWrapper;
2014-12-07 02:26:52 +00:00
//TODO - we can support bicubic for the final presentation..
if ((int)tw.MagFilter != (int)tw.MinFilter)
2019-03-28 03:17:14 +00:00
throw new InvalidOperationException($"{nameof(tw)}.{nameof(tw.MagFilter)} != {nameof(tw)}.{nameof(tw.MinFilter)}");
2014-12-07 02:26:52 +00:00
if (tw.MagFilter == TextureMagFilter.Linear)
g.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.Bilinear;
if (tw.MagFilter == TextureMagFilter.Nearest)
g.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor;
2014-12-13 23:04:22 +00:00
if (CurrentBlendState == Gdi.BlendNormal)
g.CompositingMode = sd.Drawing2D.CompositingMode.SourceOver;
g.CompositingQuality = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingQuality.Default; //?
//if(CurrentBlendState == Gdi.BlendNoneCopy)
//if(CurrentBlendState == Gdi.BlendNoneOpaque)
g.CompositingMode = sd.Drawing2D.CompositingMode.SourceCopy;
g.CompositingQuality = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingQuality.HighSpeed;
//instead, we added kind of hacky support for 24bpp images
2014-12-07 02:26:52 +00:00
2015-07-26 02:06:43 +00:00
private void SetupMatrix(sd.Graphics g)
2014-12-07 02:26:52 +00:00
2015-08-30 14:19:49 +00:00
//projection is always identity, so who cares i guess
//Matrix4 mat = Projection.Top * Modelview.Top;
Matrix4 mat = Modelview.Top;
2015-07-26 02:06:43 +00:00
g.Transform = new sd.Drawing2D.Matrix(mat.M11, mat.M12, mat.M21, mat.M22, mat.M41, mat.M42);
2019-01-18 05:59:23 +00:00
unsafe void DrawInternal(Art art, float x, float y, float w, float h)
DrawInternal(art.BaseTexture, x, y, w, h, art.u0, art.v0, art.u1, art.v1);
2015-07-26 02:06:43 +00:00
unsafe void DrawInternal(Texture2d tex, float x, float y, float w, float h)
2019-01-18 05:59:23 +00:00
DrawInternal(tex, x, y, w, h, 0, 0, 1, 1);
unsafe void DrawInternal(Texture2d tex, float x, float y, float w, float h, float u0, float v0, float u1, float v1)
2015-07-26 02:06:43 +00:00
var g = Gdi.GetCurrentGraphics();
2015-08-29 07:26:08 +00:00
PrepDraw(g, tex);
2015-07-26 02:06:43 +00:00
2015-07-25 22:25:10 +00:00
sd.PointF[] destPoints = new sd.PointF[] {
2015-07-26 02:06:43 +00:00
new sd.PointF(x,y),
new sd.PointF(x+w,y),
new sd.PointF(x,y+h),
2015-07-25 22:25:10 +00:00
2019-01-18 05:59:23 +00:00
float sx = tex.Width * u0;
float sy = tex.Height * v0;
float sx2 = tex.Width * u1;
float sy2 = tex.Height * v1;
float sw = sx2 - sx;
float sh = sy2 - sy;
2015-08-29 07:26:08 +00:00
var tw = tex.Opaque as IGL_GdiPlus.TextureWrapper;
2015-07-26 02:06:43 +00:00
g.PixelOffsetMode = sd.Drawing2D.PixelOffsetMode.Half;
2019-01-18 05:59:23 +00:00
g.DrawImage(tw.SDBitmap, destPoints, new sd.RectangleF(sx, sy, sw, sh), sd.GraphicsUnit.Pixel, CurrentImageAttributes);
2015-07-26 02:06:43 +00:00
g.Transform = new sd.Drawing2D.Matrix(); //.Reset() doesnt work ? ?
2014-12-07 02:26:52 +00:00
unsafe void DrawInternal(Art art, float x, float y, float w, float h, bool fx, bool fy)
public bool IsActive { get; private set; }
public IGL Owner { get; private set; }
public IGL_GdiPlus Gdi;