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/* PDCLib internal integer logic <_PDCLIB_int.h>
This file is part of the Public Domain C Library (PDCLib).
Permission is granted to use, modify, and / or redistribute at will.
#ifndef __PDCLIB_INT_H
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* You should not have to edit anything in this file; if you DO have to, it */
/* would be considered a bug / missing feature: notify the author(s). */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "_PDCLIB_config.h"
#include "_PDCLIB_aux.h"
/* null pointer constant */
#define _PDCLIB_NULL 0
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Limits of native datatypes */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* The definition of minimum limits for unsigned datatypes is done because */
/* later on we will "construct" limits for other abstract types: */
/* INT -> _PDCLIB_ + INT + _MIN -> _PDCLIB_INT_MIN -> ... you get the idea. */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Setting 'char' limits */
#define _PDCLIB_CHAR_BIT 8
#define _PDCLIB_UCHAR_MAX 0xff
#define _PDCLIB_SCHAR_MIN (-0x7f - 1)
#define _PDCLIB_SCHAR_MAX 0x7f
#define _PDCLIB_CHAR_MIN 0
/* Setting 'short' limits */
#define _PDCLIB_SHRT_MAX 0x7fff
#define _PDCLIB_SHRT_MIN (-0x7fff - 1)
#define _PDCLIB_USHRT_MAX 0xffff
#error Unsupported width of 'short' (not 16 bit).
#error Bogus setting: short > int? Check _PDCLIB_config.h.
/* Setting 'int' limits */
#define _PDCLIB_INT_MAX 0x7fff
#define _PDCLIB_INT_MIN (-0x7fff - 1)
#define _PDCLIB_UINT_MAX 0xffffU
#elif _PDCLIB_INT_BYTES == 4
#define _PDCLIB_INT_MAX 0x7fffffff
#define _PDCLIB_INT_MIN (-0x7fffffff - 1)
#define _PDCLIB_UINT_MAX 0xffffffffU
#elif _PDCLIB_INT_BYTES == 8
#define _PDCLIB_INT_MAX 0x7fffffffffffffff
#define _PDCLIB_INT_MIN (-0x7fffffffffffffff - 1)
#define _PDCLIB_UINT_MAX 0xffffffffffffffff
#error Unsupported width of 'int' (neither 16, 32, nor 64 bit).
#define _PDCLIB_UINT_MIN 0
/* Setting 'long' limits */
#define _PDCLIB_LONG_MAX 0x7fffffffL
#define _PDCLIB_LONG_MIN (-0x7fffffffL - 1L)
#define _PDCLIB_ULONG_MAX 0xffffffffUL
#define _PDCLIB_LONG_MAX 0x7fffffffffffffffL
#define _PDCLIB_LONG_MIN (-0x7fffffffffffffffL - 1L)
#define _PDCLIB_ULONG_MAX 0xffffffffffffffffUL
#error Unsupported width of 'long' (neither 32 nor 64 bit).
/* Setting 'long long' limits */
#define _PDCLIB_LLONG_MAX 0x7fffffffffffffffLL
#define _PDCLIB_LLONG_MIN (-0x7fffffffffffffffLL - 1LL)
#define _PDCLIB_ULLONG_MAX 0xffffffffffffffffULL
#define _PDCLIB_LLONG_MAX 0x7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffLL
#define _PDCLIB_LLONG_MIN (-0x7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffLL - 1LL)
#define _PDCLIB_ULLONG_MAX 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffULL
#error Unsupported width of 'long long' (neither 64 nor 128 bit).
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* <stdint.h> exact-width types and their limits */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Note that, for the "standard" widths of 8, 16, 32 and 64 bit, the "LEAST" */
/* types are identical to the "exact-width" types, by definition. */
/* Setting 'int8_t', its limits, its literal, and conversion macros. */
typedef signed char _PDCLIB_int8_t;
typedef unsigned char _PDCLIB_uint8_t;
typedef signed char _PDCLIB_int_least8_t;
typedef unsigned char _PDCLIB_uint_least8_t;
#define _PDCLIB_8_CONV hh
#error Unsupported width of char (not 8 bits).
/* Setting 'int16_t', its limits, its literal, and conversion macros. */
typedef signed int _PDCLIB_int16_t;
typedef unsigned int _PDCLIB_uint16_t;
typedef signed int _PDCLIB_int_least16_t;
typedef unsigned int _PDCLIB_uint_least16_t;
#define _PDCLIB_16_CONV
typedef signed short _PDCLIB_int16_t;
typedef unsigned short _PDCLIB_uint16_t;
typedef signed short _PDCLIB_int_least16_t;
typedef unsigned short _PDCLIB_uint_least16_t;
#define _PDCLIB_16_CONV h
#error Neither 'short' nor 'int' are 16-bit.
/* Setting 'int32_t', its limits, its literal, and conversion macros. */
typedef signed int _PDCLIB_int32_t;
typedef unsigned int _PDCLIB_uint32_t;
typedef signed int _PDCLIB_int_least32_t;
typedef unsigned int _PDCLIB_uint_least32_t;
#define _PDCLIB_32_CONV
typedef signed long _PDCLIB_int32_t;
typedef unsigned long _PDCLIB_uint32_t;
typedef signed long _PDCLIB_int_least32_t;
typedef unsigned long _PDCLIB_uint_least32_t;
#define _PDCLIB_32_CONV l
#error Neither 'int' nor 'long' are 32-bit.
/* Setting 'int64_t', its limits, its literal, and conversion macros. */
#if _PDCLIB_LONG_BYTES == 8 && !defined(_PDCLIB_INT64_IS_LLONG)
typedef signed long _PDCLIB_int64_t;
typedef unsigned long _PDCLIB_uint64_t;
typedef signed long _PDCLIB_int_least64_t;
typedef unsigned long _PDCLIB_uint_least64_t;
#define _PDCLIB_64_CONV l
typedef signed long long _PDCLIB_int64_t;
typedef unsigned long long _PDCLIB_uint64_t;
typedef signed long long _PDCLIB_int_least64_t;
typedef unsigned long long _PDCLIB_uint_least64_t;
#define _PDCLIB_INT64_LITERAL ll
#define _PDCLIB_UINT64_LITERAL ull
#define _PDCLIB_64_CONV ll
#error Neither 'long' nor 'long long' are 64-bit.
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* <stdint.h> "fastest" types and their limits */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* This is, admittedly, butt-ugly. But at least it's ugly where the average */
/* user of PDCLib will never see it, and makes <_PDCLIB_config.h> much */
/* cleaner. */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef _PDCLIB_fast8 _PDCLIB_int_fast8_t;
typedef unsigned _PDCLIB_fast8 _PDCLIB_uint_fast8_t;
#define _PDCLIB_INT_FAST8_MIN _PDCLIB_concat( _PDCLIB_concat( _PDCLIB_, _PDCLIB_FAST8 ), _MIN )
#define _PDCLIB_INT_FAST8_MAX _PDCLIB_concat( _PDCLIB_concat( _PDCLIB_, _PDCLIB_FAST8 ), _MAX )
typedef _PDCLIB_fast16 _PDCLIB_int_fast16_t;
typedef unsigned _PDCLIB_fast16 _PDCLIB_uint_fast16_t;
#define _PDCLIB_INT_FAST16_MIN _PDCLIB_concat( _PDCLIB_concat( _PDCLIB_, _PDCLIB_FAST16 ), _MIN )
#define _PDCLIB_INT_FAST16_MAX _PDCLIB_concat( _PDCLIB_concat( _PDCLIB_, _PDCLIB_FAST16 ), _MAX )
#define _PDCLIB_UINT_FAST16_MAX _PDCLIB_concat( _PDCLIB_concat( _PDCLIB_U, _PDCLIB_FAST16 ), _MAX )
typedef _PDCLIB_fast32 _PDCLIB_int_fast32_t;
typedef unsigned _PDCLIB_fast32 _PDCLIB_uint_fast32_t;
#define _PDCLIB_INT_FAST32_MIN _PDCLIB_concat( _PDCLIB_concat( _PDCLIB_, _PDCLIB_FAST32 ), _MIN )
#define _PDCLIB_INT_FAST32_MAX _PDCLIB_concat( _PDCLIB_concat( _PDCLIB_, _PDCLIB_FAST32 ), _MAX )
#define _PDCLIB_UINT_FAST32_MAX _PDCLIB_concat( _PDCLIB_concat( _PDCLIB_U, _PDCLIB_FAST32 ), _MAX )
typedef _PDCLIB_fast64 _PDCLIB_int_fast64_t;
typedef unsigned _PDCLIB_fast64 _PDCLIB_uint_fast64_t;
#define _PDCLIB_INT_FAST64_MIN _PDCLIB_concat( _PDCLIB_concat( _PDCLIB_, _PDCLIB_FAST64 ), _MIN )
#define _PDCLIB_INT_FAST64_MAX _PDCLIB_concat( _PDCLIB_concat( _PDCLIB_, _PDCLIB_FAST64 ), _MAX )
#define _PDCLIB_UINT_FAST64_MAX _PDCLIB_concat( _PDCLIB_concat( _PDCLIB_U, _PDCLIB_FAST64 ), _MAX )
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Various <stddef.h> typedefs and limits */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef _PDCLIB_ptrdiff _PDCLIB_ptrdiff_t;
typedef _PDCLIB_size _PDCLIB_size_t;
#define _PDCLIB_SIZE_MAX _PDCLIB_concat( _PDCLIB_concat( _PDCLIB_, _PDCLIB_SIZE ), _MAX )
typedef _PDCLIB_wint _PDCLIB_wint_t;
#ifndef __cplusplus
typedef _PDCLIB_wchar _PDCLIB_wchar_t;
typedef wchar_t _PDCLIB_wchar_t;
typedef _PDCLIB_intptr _PDCLIB_intptr_t;
typedef unsigned _PDCLIB_intptr _PDCLIB_uintptr_t;
typedef _PDCLIB_intmax _PDCLIB_intmax_t;
typedef unsigned _PDCLIB_intmax _PDCLIB_uintmax_t;
#define _PDCLIB_INTMAX_C( value ) _PDCLIB_concat( value, _PDCLIB_INTMAX_LITERAL )
#define _PDCLIB_UINTMAX_C( value ) _PDCLIB_concat( value, _PDCLIB_concat( u, _PDCLIB_INTMAX_LITERAL ) )
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Various <time.h> internals */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef _PDCLIB_time _PDCLIB_time_t;
typedef _PDCLIB_clock _PDCLIB_clock_t;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Internal data types */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Structure required by both atexit() and exit() for handling atexit functions */
struct _PDCLIB_exitfunc_t
struct _PDCLIB_exitfunc_t * next;
void (*func)( void );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Declaration of helper functions (implemented in functions/_PDCLIB). */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* This is the main function called by atoi(), atol() and atoll(). */
_PDCLIB_intmax_t _PDCLIB_atomax( const char * s );
/* Two helper functions used by strtol(), strtoul() and long long variants. */
const char * _PDCLIB_strtox_prelim( const char * p, char * sign, int * base );
_PDCLIB_uintmax_t _PDCLIB_strtox_main( const char ** p, unsigned int base, _PDCLIB_uintmax_t error, _PDCLIB_uintmax_t limval, int limdigit, char * sign );
/* Digits arrays used by various integer conversion functions */
extern char _PDCLIB_digits[];
extern char _PDCLIB_Xdigits[];
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Sanity checks */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#if _PDCLIB_C_VERSION >= 2011
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define _Static_assert static_assert
_Static_assert( sizeof( short ) == _PDCLIB_SHRT_BYTES, "_PDCLIB_SHRT_BYTES incorrectly defined, check _PDCLIB_config.h" );
_Static_assert( sizeof( int ) == _PDCLIB_INT_BYTES, "_PDCLIB_INT_BYTES incorrectly defined, check _PDCLIB_config.h" );
_Static_assert( sizeof( long ) == _PDCLIB_LONG_BYTES, "_PDCLIB_LONG_BYTES incorrectly defined, check _PDCLIB_config.h" );
_Static_assert( sizeof( long long ) == _PDCLIB_LLONG_BYTES, "_PDCLIB_LLONG_BYTES incorrectly defined, check _PDCLIB_config.h" );
_Static_assert( ( (char)-1 < 0 ) == _PDCLIB_CHAR_SIGNED, "_PDCLIB_CHAR_SIGNED incorrectly defined, check _PDCLIB_config.h" );
_Static_assert( sizeof( _PDCLIB_wchar ) == sizeof( L'x' ), "_PDCLIB_wchar incorrectly defined, check _PDCLIB_config.h" );
_Static_assert( sizeof( void * ) == sizeof( _PDCLIB_intptr ), "_PDCLIB_intptr incorrectly defined, check _PDCLIB_config.h" );
_Static_assert( sizeof( sizeof( 1 ) ) == sizeof( _PDCLIB_size ), "_PDCLIB_size incorrectly defined, check _PDCLIB_config.h" );
_Static_assert( sizeof( &_PDCLIB_digits[1] - &_PDCLIB_digits[0] ) == sizeof( _PDCLIB_ptrdiff ), "_PDCLIB_ptrdiff incorrectly defined, check _PDCLIB_config.h" );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* locale / wchar / uchar */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifndef __cplusplus
typedef _PDCLIB_uint16_t _PDCLIB_char16_t;
typedef _PDCLIB_uint32_t _PDCLIB_char32_t;
typedef char16_t _PDCLIB_char16_t;
typedef char32_t _PDCLIB_char32_t;
typedef struct _PDCLIB_mbstate {
union {
/* Is this the best way to represent this? Is this big enough? */
_PDCLIB_uint64_t _St64[15];
_PDCLIB_uint32_t _St32[31];
_PDCLIB_uint16_t _St16[62];
unsigned char _StUC[124];
signed char _StSC[124];
char _StC [124];
/* c16/related functions: Surrogate storage
* If zero, no surrogate pending. If nonzero, surrogate.
_PDCLIB_uint16_t _Surrogate;
/* In cases where the underlying codec is capable of regurgitating a
* character without consuming any extra input (e.g. a surrogate pair in a
* UCS-4 to UTF-16 conversion) then these fields are used to track that
* state. In particular, they are used to buffer/fake the input for mbrtowc
* and similar functions.
* See _PDCLIB_encoding.h for values of _PendState and the resultant value
* in _PendChar.
unsigned char _PendState;
char _PendChar;
} _PDCLIB_mbstate_t;
typedef struct _PDCLIB_locale *_PDCLIB_locale_t;
typedef struct lconv _PDCLIB_lconv_t;
_PDCLIB_size_t _PDCLIB_mb_cur_max( void );
/* wide-character EOF */
#define _PDCLIB_WEOF ((wint_t) -1)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* stdio */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Position / status structure for getpos() / fsetpos(). */
typedef struct _PDCLIB_fpos
_PDCLIB_int_fast64_t offset; /* File position offset */
_PDCLIB_mbstate_t mbs; /* Multibyte parsing state */
} _PDCLIB_fpos_t;
typedef struct _PDCLIB_fileops _PDCLIB_fileops_t;
typedef union _PDCLIB_fd _PDCLIB_fd_t;
typedef struct _PDCLIB_file _PDCLIB_file_t; // Rename to _PDCLIB_FILE?
/* Status structure required by _PDCLIB_print(). */
struct _PDCLIB_status_t
/* XXX This structure is horrible now. scanf needs its own */
int base; /* base to which the value shall be converted */
_PDCLIB_int_fast32_t flags; /* flags and length modifiers */
unsigned n; /* print: maximum characters to be written (snprintf) */
/* scan: number matched conversion specifiers */
unsigned i; /* number of characters read/written */
unsigned current;/* chars read/written in the CURRENT conversion */
unsigned width; /* specified field width */
int prec; /* specified field precision */
union {
void * ctx; /* context for callback */
const char * s; /* input string for scanf */
union {
_PDCLIB_size_t ( *write ) ( void *p, const char *buf, _PDCLIB_size_t size );
_PDCLIB_file_t *stream; /* for scanf */
_PDCLIB_va_list arg; /* argument stack */