2018-07-03 13:53:09 +00:00
using BizHawk.Common;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Components.Z80A;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Properties;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Computers.AmstradCPC
/// <summary>
/// CPCHawk: Core Class
/// * Main Initialization *
/// </summary>
isPorted: false,
isReleased: false)]
public partial class AmstradCPC : IRegionable, IDriveLight
public AmstradCPC(CoreComm comm, IEnumerable<byte[]> files, List<GameInfo> game, object settings, object syncSettings)
var ser = new BasicServiceProvider(this);
ServiceProvider = ser;
InputCallbacks = new InputCallbackSystem();
MemoryCallbacks = new MemoryCallbackSystem(new[] { "System Bus" });
CoreComm = comm;
_gameInfo = game;
_cpu = new Z80A();
_tracer = new TraceBuffer { Header = _cpu.TraceHeader };
_files = files?.ToList() ?? new List<byte[]>();
if (settings == null)
settings = new AmstradCPCSettings();
if (syncSettings == null)
syncSettings = new AmstradCPCSyncSettings();
PutSyncSettings((AmstradCPCSyncSettings)syncSettings ?? new AmstradCPCSyncSettings());
PutSettings((AmstradCPCSettings)settings ?? new AmstradCPCSettings());
deterministicEmulation = ((AmstradCPCSyncSettings)syncSettings as AmstradCPCSyncSettings).DeterministicEmulation;
switch (SyncSettings.MachineType)
case MachineType.CPC464:
ControllerDefinition = AmstradCPCControllerDefinition;
Init(MachineType.CPC464, _files);
throw new InvalidOperationException("Machine not yet emulated");
_cpu.MemoryCallbacks = MemoryCallbacks;
HardReset = _machine.HardReset;
SoftReset = _machine.SoftReset;
_cpu.FetchMemory = _machine.ReadMemory;
_cpu.ReadMemory = _machine.ReadMemory;
_cpu.WriteMemory = _machine.WriteMemory;
_cpu.ReadHardware = _machine.ReadPort;
_cpu.WriteHardware = _machine.WritePort;
_cpu.FetchDB = _machine.PushBus;
2018-07-13 15:34:36 +00:00
_cpu.IRQACKCallback = _machine.GateArray.IORQA;
2018-07-03 13:53:09 +00:00
//_cpu.OnExecFetch = _machine.CPUMon.OnExecFetch;
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2018-07-03 13:53:09 +00:00
// initialize sound mixer and attach the various ISoundProvider devices
SoundMixer = new SoundProviderMixer((int)(32767 / 10), "Tape Audio", (ISoundProvider)_machine.TapeBuzzer);
if (_machine.AYDevice != null)
SoundMixer.AddSource(_machine.AYDevice, "AY-3-3912");
// set audio device settings
if (_machine.AYDevice != null && _machine.AYDevice.GetType() == typeof(AY38912))
((AY38912)_machine.AYDevice as AY38912).PanningConfiguration = ((AmstradCPCSettings)settings as AmstradCPCSettings).AYPanConfig;
_machine.AYDevice.Volume = ((AmstradCPCSettings)settings as AmstradCPCSettings).AYVolume;
if (_machine.TapeBuzzer != null)
((Beeper)_machine.TapeBuzzer as Beeper).Volume = ((AmstradCPCSettings)settings as AmstradCPCSettings).TapeVolume;
public Action HardReset;
public Action SoftReset;
private readonly Z80A _cpu;
private readonly TraceBuffer _tracer;
public IController _controller;
public CPCBase _machine;
public List<GameInfo> _gameInfo;
public List<GameInfo> _tapeInfo = new List<GameInfo>();
public List<GameInfo> _diskInfo = new List<GameInfo>();
private SoundProviderMixer SoundMixer;
private readonly List<byte[]> _files;
private byte[] GetFirmware(int length, params string[] names)
// Amstrad licensed ROMs are free to distribute and shipped with BizHawk
byte[] embeddedRom = new byte[length];
bool embeddedFound = true;
switch (names.FirstOrDefault())
case "464ROM":
embeddedRom = Util.DecompressGzipFile(new MemoryStream(Resources.cpc464_rom));
embeddedFound = false;
if (embeddedFound)
return embeddedRom;
// Embedded ROM not found, maybe this is a peripheral ROM?
var result = names.Select(n => CoreComm.CoreFileProvider.GetFirmware("AmstradCPC", n, false)).FirstOrDefault(b => b != null && b.Length == length);
if (result == null)
throw new MissingFirmwareException($"At least one of these firmwares is required: {string.Join(", ", names)}");
return result;
private MachineType _machineType;
private void Init(MachineType machineType, List<byte[]> files)
_machineType = machineType;
// setup the emulated model based on the MachineType
switch (machineType)
case MachineType.CPC464:
_machine = new CPC464(this, _cpu, files);
var _systemRom16 = GetFirmware(0x4000, "464ROM");
var romData16 = RomData.InitROM(machineType, _systemRom16);
#region IRegionable
public DisplayType Region => DisplayType.PAL;
#region IDriveLight
public bool DriveLightEnabled
return true;
public bool DriveLightOn
if (_machine != null &&
(_machine.TapeDevice != null && _machine.TapeDevice.TapeIsPlaying) ||
(_machine.UPDDiskDevice != null && _machine.UPDDiskDevice.DriveLight))
return true;
return false;