2016-02-04 02:51:33 +00:00
-- Super Mario World (U) Utility Script for BizHawk
-- http://tasvideos.org/Bizhawk.html
-- Author: Rodrigo A. do Amaral (Amaraticando)
-- Git repository: https://github.com/rodamaral/smw-tas
local INI_CONFIG_FILENAME = " config.ini " -- relative to the folder of the script
-- Display
display_movie_info = false , -- BizHawk: has good built-in movie info with custom positioning
display_misc_info = true ,
display_player_info = true ,
display_player_hitbox = true , -- can be changed by right-clicking on player
display_interaction_points = true , -- can be changed by right-clicking on player
display_sprite_info = true ,
display_sprite_hitbox = true , -- you still have to select the sprite with the mouse
display_extended_sprite_info = false ,
display_cluster_sprite_info = true ,
display_minor_extended_sprite_info = true ,
display_bounce_sprite_info = true ,
display_level_info = false ,
display_yoshi_info = true ,
display_counters = true ,
display_static_camera_region = false , -- shows the region in which the camera won't scroll horizontally
draw_tiles_with_click = false ,
-- Some extra/debug info
display_debug_info = false , -- shows useful info while investigating the game, but not very useful while TASing
display_debug_player_extra = true ,
display_debug_sprite_extra = true ,
display_debug_sprite_tweakers = true ,
display_debug_extended_sprite = true ,
display_debug_cluster_sprite = true ,
display_debug_minor_extended_sprite = true ,
display_debug_bounce_sprite = true ,
display_debug_controller_data = true ,
display_miscellaneous_sprite_table = false ,
miscellaneous_sprite_table_number = { [ 1 ] = true , [ 2 ] = true , [ 3 ] = true , [ 4 ] = true , [ 5 ] = true , [ 6 ] = true , [ 7 ] = true , [ 8 ] = true , [ 9 ] = true ,
[ 10 ] = true , [ 11 ] = true , [ 12 ] = true , [ 13 ] = true , [ 14 ] = true , [ 15 ] = true , [ 16 ] = true , [ 17 ] = true , [ 18 ] = true , [ 19 ] = true
} ,
-- Script settings
max_tiles_drawn = 20 , -- the max number of tiles to be drawn/registered by the script
-- Lateral gaps (initial values) / bizhawk specific
left_gap = 100 ,
right_gap = 100 ,
top_gap = 20 ,
bottom_gap = 8 ,
-- Colour settings
-- Text
default_text_opacity = 1.0 ,
default_bg_opacity = 0.4 ,
text = " #ffffffff " ,
background = " #000000ff " ,
outline = " #000040ff " ,
warning = " #ff0000ff " ,
warning_bg = " #0000ffff " ,
warning2 = " #ff00ffff " ,
weak = " #a9a9a9ff " ,
very_weak = " #ffffff60 " ,
joystick_input = " #ffff00ff " ,
joystick_input_bg = " #ffffff30 " ,
button_text = " #300030ff " ,
mainmenu_outline = " #ffffffc0 " ,
mainmenu_bg = " #000000c0 " ,
-- Counters
counter_pipe = " #00ff00ff " ,
counter_multicoin = " #ffff00ff " ,
counter_gray_pow = " #a5a5a5ff " ,
counter_blue_pow = " #4242deff " ,
counter_dircoin = " #8c5a19ff " ,
counter_pballoon = " #f8d870ff " ,
counter_star = " #ffd773ff " ,
counter_fireflower = " #ff8c00ff " ,
-- hitbox and related text
mario = " #ff0000ff " ,
mario_bg = " #00000000 " ,
mario_mounted_bg = " #00000000 " ,
interaction = " #ffffffff " ,
interaction_bg = " #00000020 " ,
interaction_nohitbox = " #000000a0 " ,
interaction_nohitbox_bg = " #00000070 " ,
sprites = { " #00ff00ff " , " #0000ffff " , " #ffff00ff " , " #ff00ffff " , " #b00040ff " } ,
sprites_interaction_pts = " #ffffffff " ,
sprites_bg = " #0000b050 " ,
sprites_clipping_bg = " #000000a0 " ,
extended_sprites = " #ff8000ff " ,
extended_sprites_bg = " #00ff0050 " ,
special_extended_sprite_bg = " #00ff0060 " ,
goal_tape_bg = " #ffff0050 " ,
fireball = " #b0d0ffff " ,
baseball = " #0040a0ff " ,
cluster_sprites = " #ff80a0ff " ,
sumo_brother_flame = " #0040a0ff " ,
minor_extended_sprites = " #ff90b0ff " ,
awkward_hitbox = " #204060ff " ,
awkward_hitbox_bg = " #ff800060 " ,
yoshi = " #00ffffff " ,
yoshi_bg = " #00ffff40 " ,
yoshi_mounted_bg = " #00000000 " ,
tongue_line = " #ffa000ff " ,
tongue_bg = " #00000060 " ,
cape = " #ffd700ff " ,
cape_bg = " #ffd70060 " ,
block = " #00008bff " ,
blank_tile = " #ffffff70 " ,
block_bg = " #22cc88a0 " ,
layer2_line = " #ff2060ff " ,
layer2_bg = " #ff206040 " ,
static_camera_region = " #40002040 " ,
-- Font settings
-- Symbols
local LEFT_ARROW = " <- "
local RIGHT_ARROW = " -> "
-- Others
local Y_CAMERA_OFF = 1 -- small adjustment to display the tiles according to their actual graphics
-- Input key names
local INPUT_KEYNAMES = { -- BizHawk
A = false , Add = false , Alt = false , Apps = false , Attn = false , B = false , Back = false , BrowserBack = false , BrowserFavorites = false ,
BrowserForward = false , BrowserHome = false , BrowserRefresh = false , BrowserSearch = false , BrowserStop = false , C = false ,
Cancel = false , Capital = false , CapsLock = false , Clear = false , Control = false , ControlKey = false , Crsel = false , D = false , D0 = false ,
D1 = false , D2 = false , D3 = false , D4 = false , D5 = false , D6 = false , D7 = false , D8 = false , D9 = false , Decimal = false , Delete = false ,
Divide = false , Down = false , E = false , End = false , Enter = false , EraseEof = false , Escape = false , Execute = false , Exsel = false ,
F = false , F1 = false , F10 = false , F11 = false , F12 = false , F13 = false , F14 = false , F15 = false , F16 = false , F17 = false , F18 = false ,
F19 = false , F2 = false , F20 = false , F21 = false , F22 = false , F23 = false , F24 = false , F3 = false , F4 = false , F5 = false , F6 = false ,
F7 = false , F8 = false , F9 = false , FinalMode = false , G = false , H = false , HanguelMode = false , HangulMode = false , HanjaMode = false ,
Help = false , Home = false , I = false , IMEAccept = false , IMEAceept = false , IMEConvert = false , IMEModeChange = false ,
IMENonconvert = false , Insert = false , J = false , JunjaMode = false , K = false , KanaMode = false , KanjiMode = false , KeyCode = false ,
L = false , LaunchApplication1 = false , LaunchApplication2 = false , LaunchMail = false , LButton = false , LControlKey = false ,
Left = false , LineFeed = false , LMenu = false , LShiftKey = false , LWin = false , M = false , MButton = false , MediaNextTrack = false ,
MediaPlayPause = false , MediaPreviousTrack = false , MediaStop = false , Menu = false , Modifiers = false , Multiply = false , N = false ,
Next = false , NoName = false , None = false , NumLock = false , NumPad0 = false , NumPad1 = false , NumPad2 = false , NumPad3 = false ,
NumPad4 = false , NumPad5 = false , NumPad6 = false , NumPad7 = false , NumPad8 = false , NumPad9 = false , O = false , Oem1 = false ,
Oem102 = false , Oem2 = false , Oem3 = false , Oem4 = false , Oem5 = false , Oem6 = false , Oem7 = false , Oem8 = false , OemBackslash = false ,
OemClear = false , OemCloseBrackets = false , Oemcomma = false , OemMinus = false , OemOpenBrackets = false , OemPeriod = false ,
OemPipe = false , Oemplus = false , OemQuestion = false , OemQuotes = false , OemSemicolon = false , Oemtilde = false , P = false , Pa1 = false ,
Packet = false , PageDown = false , PageUp = false , Pause = false , Play = false , Print = false , PrintScreen = false , Prior = false ,
ProcessKey = false , Q = false , R = false , RButton = false , RControlKey = false , Return = false , Right = false , RMenu = false , RShiftKey = false ,
RWin = false , S = false , Scroll = false , Select = false , SelectMedia = false , Separator = false , Shift = false , ShiftKey = false ,
Sleep = false , Snapshot = false , Space = false , Subtract = false , T = false , Tab = false , U = false , Up = false , V = false , VolumeDown = false ,
VolumeMute = false , VolumeUp = false , W = false , X = false , XButton1 = false , XButton2 = false , Y = false , Z = false , Zoom = false
-- END OF CONFIG < < < < < < <
-- Load environment
local gui , input , joypad , emu , movie , memory , mainmemory , bit = gui , input , joypad , emu , movie , memory , mainmemory , bit
local unpack = unpack or table.unpack
local string , math , table , next , ipairs , pairs , io , os , type = string , math , table , next , ipairs , pairs , io , os , type
-- Script tries to verify whether the emulator is indeed BizHawk
if tastudio == nil then
gui.text ( 0 , 0 , " This script works with BizHawk emulator. " )
error ( " This script works with BizHawk emulator. " )
elseif gui.drawAxis == nil then
gui.text ( 0 , 0 , " This script works with BizHawk 1.11.0 or superior. " )
gui.text ( 0 , 16 , " Your version seems to be older. " )
gui.text ( 0 , 32 , " Visit http://tasvideos.org/Bizhawk.html to download the latest version. " )
error ( " This script works with BizHawk 1.11.0 or superior. " )
OLD_EMU_VERSION = client.SetGameExtraPadding == nil
print ( " \n Starting smw-bizhawk script. " )
-- TEST: INI library for handling an ini configuration file
function file_exists ( name )
local f = io.open ( name , " r " )
if f ~= nil then io.close ( f ) return true else return false end
function copytable ( orig )
local orig_type = type ( orig )
local copy
if orig_type == ' table ' then
copy = { }
for orig_key , orig_value in next , orig , nil do
copy [ copytable ( orig_key ) ] = copytable ( orig_value ) -- possible stack overflow
setmetatable ( copy , copytable ( getmetatable ( orig ) ) )
else -- number, string, boolean, etc
copy = orig
return copy
function mergetable ( source , t2 )
for key , value in pairs ( t2 ) do
if type ( value ) == " table " then
if type ( source [ key ] or false ) == " table " then
mergetable ( source [ key ] or { } , t2 [ key ] or { } ) -- possible stack overflow
source [ key ] = value
source [ key ] = value
return source
-- Creates a set from a list
local function make_set ( list )
local set = { }
for _ , l in ipairs ( list ) do set [ l ] = true end
return set
local INI = { }
function INI . arg_to_string ( value )
local str
if type ( value ) == " string " then
str = " \" " .. value .. " \" "
elseif type ( value ) == " number " or type ( value ) == " boolean " or value == nil then
str = tostring ( value )
elseif type ( value ) == " table " then
local tmp = { " { " } -- only arrays
for a , b in ipairs ( value ) do
table.insert ( tmp , ( " %s%s " ) : format ( INI.arg_to_string ( b ) , a ~= # value and " , " or " " ) ) -- possible stack overflow
table.insert ( tmp , " } " )
str = table.concat ( tmp )
str = " #BAD_VALUE "
return str
-- creates the string for ini
function INI . data_to_string ( data )
local sections = { }
for section , prop in pairs ( data ) do
local properties = { }
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2016-02-04 02:51:33 +00:00
for key , value in pairs ( prop ) do
table.insert ( properties , ( " %s = %s \n " ) : format ( key , INI.arg_to_string ( value ) ) ) -- properties
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2016-02-04 02:51:33 +00:00
table.sort ( properties )
table.insert ( sections , ( " [%s] \n " ) : format ( section ) .. table.concat ( properties ) .. " \n " )
2012-09-04 21:55:41 +00:00
2016-02-04 02:51:33 +00:00
table.sort ( sections )
return table.concat ( sections )
function INI . string_to_data ( value )
local data
if tonumber ( value ) then
data = tonumber ( value )
elseif value == " true " then
data = true
elseif value == " false " then
data = false
elseif value == " nil " then
data = nil
local quote1 , text , quote2 = value : match ( " ([' \" {])(.+)([' \" }]) " ) -- value is surrounded by "", '' or {}?
if quote1 and quote2 and text then
if ( quote1 == ' " ' or quote1 == " ' " ) and quote1 == quote2 then
data = text
elseif quote1 == " { " and quote2 == " } " then
local tmp = { } -- test
for words in text : gmatch ( " [^,%s]+ " ) do
tmp [ # tmp + 1 ] = INI.string_to_data ( words ) -- possible stack overflow
data = tmp
data = value
data = value
return data
function INI . load ( filename )
local file = io.open ( filename , " r " )
if not file then return false end
local data , section = { } , nil
for line in file : lines ( ) do
local new_section = line : match ( " ^%[([^%[%]]+)%]$ " )
2012-09-04 21:55:41 +00:00
2016-02-04 02:51:33 +00:00
if new_section then
section = INI.string_to_data ( new_section ) and INI.string_to_data ( new_section ) or new_section
if data [ section ] then print ( " Duplicated section " ) end
data [ section ] = data [ section ] or { }
local prop , value = line : match ( " ^([%w_%-%.]+)%s*=%s*(.+)%s*$ " ) -- prop = value
if prop and value then
value = INI.string_to_data ( value )
prop = INI.string_to_data ( prop ) and INI.string_to_data ( prop ) or prop
if data [ section ] == nil then print ( prop , value ) ; error ( " Property outside section " ) end
data [ section ] [ prop ] = value
local ignore = line : match ( " ^; " ) or line == " "
if not ignore then
print ( " BAD LINE: " , line , prop , value )
2012-09-04 21:55:41 +00:00
2016-02-04 02:51:33 +00:00
file : close ( )
return data
function INI . retrieve ( filename , data )
if type ( data ) ~= " table " then error " data must be a table " end
local data , previous_data = copytable ( data ) , nil
-- Verifies if file already exists
if file_exists ( filename ) then
ini_data = INI.load ( filename )
else return data
-- Adds previous values to the new ini
local union_data = mergetable ( data , ini_data )
return union_data
function INI . overwrite ( filename , data )
local file , err = assert ( io.open ( filename , " w " ) , " Error loading file : " .. filename )
if not file then print ( err ) ; return end
file : write ( INI.data_to_string ( data ) )
file : close ( )
function INI . save ( filename , data )
if type ( data ) ~= " table " then error " data must be a table " end
local tmp , previous_data
if file_exists ( filename ) then
previous_data = INI.load ( filename )
tmp = mergetable ( previous_data , data )
tmp = data
INI.overwrite ( filename , tmp )
local function color_number ( str )
local r , g , b , a = str : match ( " ^#(%x+%x+)(%x+%x+)(%x+%x+)(%x+%x+)$ " )
if not a then print ( str ) return gui.color ( str ) end -- lsnes specific
r , g , b , a = tonumber ( r , 16 ) , tonumber ( g , 16 ) , tonumber ( b , 16 ) , tonumber ( a , 16 )
return 0x1000000 * a + 0x10000 * r + 0x100 * g + b -- BizHawk specific
local OPTIONS = file_exists ( INI_CONFIG_FILENAME ) and
local COLOUR = file_exists ( INI_CONFIG_FILENAME ) and
function interpret_color ( data )
for k , v in pairs ( data ) do
if type ( v ) == " string " then
data [ k ] = type ( v ) == " string " and color_number ( v ) or v
elseif type ( v ) == " table " then
interpret_color ( data [ k ] ) -- possible stack overflow
interpret_color ( COLOUR )
function INI . save_options ( )
--######################## -- end of test
-- Text/Background_max_opacity is only changed by the player using the hotkeys
-- Text/Bg_opacity must be used locally inside the functions
local Text_max_opacity = COLOUR.default_text_opacity
local Background_max_opacity = COLOUR.default_bg_opacity
local Text_opacity = 1
local Bg_opacity = 1
local fmt = string.format
local floor = math.floor
-- unsigned to signed (based in <bits> bits)
local function signed ( num , bits )
local maxval = 2 ^ ( bits - 1 )
if num < maxval then return num else return num - 2 * maxval end
-- Compatibility of the memory read/write functions
local u8 = mainmemory.read_u8
local s8 = mainmemory.read_s8
local w8 = mainmemory.write_u8
local u16 = mainmemory.read_u16_le
local s16 = mainmemory.read_s16_le
local w16 = mainmemory.write_u16_le
local u24 = mainmemory.read_u24_le
local s24 = mainmemory.read_s24_le
local w24 = mainmemory.write_u32_le
local NTSC_FRAMERATE = 60.0988138974405
local PAL_FRAMERATE = 50.0069789081886
local SMW = {
-- Game Modes
game_mode_overworld = 0x0e ,
game_mode_level = 0x14 ,
-- Sprites
sprite_max = 12 ,
extended_sprite_max = 10 ,
cluster_sprite_max = 20 ,
minor_extended_sprite_max = 12 ,
bounce_sprite_max = 4 ,
null_sprite_id = 0xff ,
-- Blocks
blank_tile_map16 = 0x25 ,
WRAM = {
-- I/O
ctrl_1_1 = 0x0015 ,
ctrl_1_2 = 0x0017 ,
firstctrl_1_1 = 0x0016 ,
firstctrl_1_2 = 0x0018 ,
-- General
game_mode = 0x0100 ,
real_frame = 0x0013 ,
effective_frame = 0x0014 ,
lag_indicator = 0x01fe ,
timer_frame_counter = 0x0f30 ,
RNG = 0x148d ,
current_level = 0x00fe , -- plus 1
sprite_memory_header = 0x1692 ,
lock_animation_flag = 0x009d , -- Most codes will still run if this is set, but almost nothing will move or animate.
level_mode_settings = 0x1925 ,
star_road_speed = 0x1df7 ,
star_road_timer = 0x1df8 ,
-- Cheats
frozen = 0x13fb ,
level_paused = 0x13d4 ,
level_index = 0x13bf ,
room_index = 0x00ce ,
level_flag_table = 0x1ea2 ,
level_exit_type = 0x0dd5 ,
midway_point = 0x13ce ,
-- Camera
camera_x = 0x1462 ,
camera_y = 0x1464 ,
screens_number = 0x005d ,
hscreen_number = 0x005e ,
vscreen_number = 0x005f ,
vertical_scroll_flag_header = 0x1412 , -- #$00 = Disable; #$01 = Enable; #$02 = Enable if flying/climbing/etc.
vertical_scroll_enabled = 0x13f1 ,
camera_scroll_timer = 0x1401 ,
-- Sprites
sprite_status = 0x14c8 ,
sprite_number = 0x009e ,
sprite_x_high = 0x14e0 ,
sprite_x_low = 0x00e4 ,
sprite_y_high = 0x14d4 ,
sprite_y_low = 0x00d8 ,
sprite_x_sub = 0x14f8 ,
sprite_y_sub = 0x14ec ,
sprite_x_speed = 0x00b6 ,
sprite_y_speed = 0x00aa ,
sprite_x_offscreen = 0x15a0 ,
sprite_y_offscreen = 0x186c ,
sprite_miscellaneous1 = 0x00c2 ,
sprite_miscellaneous2 = 0x1504 ,
sprite_miscellaneous3 = 0x1510 ,
sprite_miscellaneous4 = 0x151c ,
sprite_miscellaneous5 = 0x1528 ,
sprite_miscellaneous6 = 0x1534 ,
sprite_miscellaneous7 = 0x1540 ,
sprite_miscellaneous8 = 0x154c ,
sprite_miscellaneous9 = 0x1558 ,
sprite_miscellaneous10 = 0x1564 ,
sprite_miscellaneous11 = 0x1570 ,
sprite_miscellaneous12 = 0x157c ,
sprite_miscellaneous13 = 0x1594 ,
sprite_miscellaneous14 = 0x15ac ,
sprite_miscellaneous15 = 0x1602 ,
sprite_miscellaneous16 = 0x160e ,
sprite_miscellaneous17 = 0x1626 ,
sprite_miscellaneous18 = 0x163e ,
sprite_miscellaneous19 = 0x187b ,
sprite_underwater = 0x164a ,
sprite_disable_cape = 0x1fe2 ,
sprite_1_tweaker = 0x1656 ,
sprite_2_tweaker = 0x1662 ,
sprite_3_tweaker = 0x166e ,
sprite_4_tweaker = 0x167a ,
sprite_5_tweaker = 0x1686 ,
sprite_6_tweaker = 0x190f ,
sprite_tongue_wait = 0x14a3 ,
sprite_yoshi_squatting = 0x18af ,
sprite_buoyancy = 0x190e ,
-- Extended sprites
extspr_number = 0x170b ,
extspr_x_high = 0x1733 ,
extspr_x_low = 0x171f ,
extspr_y_high = 0x1729 ,
extspr_y_low = 0x1715 ,
extspr_x_speed = 0x1747 ,
extspr_y_speed = 0x173d ,
extspr_suby = 0x1751 ,
extspr_subx = 0x175b ,
extspr_table = 0x1765 ,
extspr_table2 = 0x176f ,
-- Cluster sprites
cluspr_flag = 0x18b8 ,
cluspr_number = 0x1892 ,
cluspr_x_high = 0x1e3e ,
cluspr_x_low = 0x1e16 ,
cluspr_y_high = 0x1e2a ,
cluspr_y_low = 0x1e02 ,
cluspr_timer = 0x0f9a ,
cluspr_table_1 = 0x0f4a ,
cluspr_table_2 = 0x0f72 ,
cluspr_table_3 = 0x0f86 ,
reappearing_boo_counter = 0x190a ,
-- Minor extended sprites
minorspr_number = 0x17f0 ,
minorspr_x_high = 0x18ea ,
minorspr_x_low = 0x1808 ,
minorspr_y_high = 0x1814 ,
minorspr_y_low = 0x17fc ,
minorspr_xspeed = 0x182c ,
minorspr_yspeed = 0x1820 ,
minorspr_x_sub = 0x1844 ,
minorspr_y_sub = 0x1838 ,
minorspr_timer = 0x1850 ,
-- Bounce sprites
bouncespr_number = 0x1699 ,
bouncespr_x_high = 0x16ad ,
bouncespr_x_low = 0x16a5 ,
bouncespr_y_high = 0x16a9 ,
bouncespr_y_low = 0x16a1 ,
bouncespr_timer = 0x16c5 ,
bouncespr_last_id = 0x18cd ,
turn_block_timer = 0x18ce ,
-- Player
x = 0x0094 ,
y = 0x0096 ,
previous_x = 0x00d1 ,
previous_y = 0x00d3 ,
x_sub = 0x13da ,
y_sub = 0x13dc ,
x_speed = 0x007b ,
x_subspeed = 0x007a ,
y_speed = 0x007d ,
direction = 0x0076 ,
is_ducking = 0x0073 ,
p_meter = 0x13e4 ,
take_off = 0x149f ,
powerup = 0x0019 ,
cape_spin = 0x14a6 ,
cape_fall = 0x14a5 ,
cape_interaction = 0x13e8 ,
flight_animation = 0x1407 ,
diving_status = 0x1409 ,
player_animation_trigger = 0x0071 ,
climbing_status = 0x0074 ,
spinjump_flag = 0x140d ,
player_blocked_status = 0x0077 ,
player_item = 0x0dc2 , --hex
cape_x = 0x13e9 ,
cape_y = 0x13eb ,
on_ground = 0x13ef ,
on_ground_delay = 0x008d ,
on_air = 0x0072 ,
can_jump_from_water = 0x13fa ,
carrying_item = 0x148f ,
mario_score = 0x0f34 ,
player_coin = 0x0dbf ,
player_looking_up = 0x13de ,
-- Yoshi
yoshi_riding_flag = 0x187a , -- #$00 = No, #$01 = Yes, #$02 = Yes, and turning around.
yoshi_tile_pos = 0x0d8c ,
-- Timer
--keep_mode_active = 0x0db1,
pipe_entrance_timer = 0x0088 ,
score_incrementing = 0x13d6 ,
end_level_timer = 0x1493 ,
multicoin_block_timer = 0x186b ,
gray_pow_timer = 0x14ae ,
blue_pow_timer = 0x14ad ,
dircoin_timer = 0x190c ,
pballoon_timer = 0x1891 ,
star_timer = 0x1490 ,
animation_timer = 0x1496 , --
invisibility_timer = 0x1497 ,
fireflower_timer = 0x149b ,
yoshi_timer = 0x18e8 ,
swallow_timer = 0x18ac ,
lakitu_timer = 0x18e0 ,
spinjump_fireball_timer = 0x13e2 ,
-- Layers
layer2_x_nextframe = 0x1466 ,
layer2_y_nextframe = 0x1468 ,
local WRAM = WRAM
local X_INTERACTION_POINTS = { center = 0x8 , left_side = 0x2 + 1 , left_foot = 0x5 , right_side = 0xe - 1 , right_foot = 0xb }
{ head = 0x10 , center = 0x18 , shoulder = 0x16 , side = 0x1a , foot = 0x20 , sprite = 0x15 } ,
{ head = 0x08 , center = 0x12 , shoulder = 0x0f , side = 0x1a , foot = 0x20 , sprite = 0x07 } ,
{ head = 0x13 , center = 0x1d , shoulder = 0x19 , side = 0x28 , foot = 0x30 , sprite = 0x19 } ,
{ head = 0x10 , center = 0x1a , shoulder = 0x16 , side = 0x28 , foot = 0x30 , sprite = 0x11 }
local HITBOX_SPRITE = { -- sprites' hitbox against player and other sprites
[ 0x00 ] = { xoff = 2 , yoff = 3 , width = 12 , height = 10 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x01 ] = { xoff = 2 , yoff = 3 , width = 12 , height = 21 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x02 ] = { xoff = 16 , yoff = - 2 , width = 16 , height = 18 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x03 ] = { xoff = 20 , yoff = 8 , width = 8 , height = 8 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x04 ] = { xoff = 0 , yoff = - 2 , width = 48 , height = 14 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x05 ] = { xoff = 0 , yoff = - 2 , width = 80 , height = 14 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x06 ] = { xoff = 1 , yoff = 2 , width = 14 , height = 24 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x07 ] = { xoff = 8 , yoff = 8 , width = 40 , height = 48 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x08 ] = { xoff = - 8 , yoff = - 2 , width = 32 , height = 16 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x09 ] = { xoff = - 2 , yoff = 8 , width = 20 , height = 30 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x0a ] = { xoff = 3 , yoff = 7 , width = 1 , height = 2 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x0b ] = { xoff = 6 , yoff = 6 , width = 3 , height = 3 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x0c ] = { xoff = 1 , yoff = - 2 , width = 13 , height = 22 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x0d ] = { xoff = 0 , yoff = - 4 , width = 15 , height = 16 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x0e ] = { xoff = 6 , yoff = 6 , width = 20 , height = 20 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x0f ] = { xoff = 2 , yoff = - 2 , width = 36 , height = 18 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x10 ] = { xoff = 0 , yoff = - 2 , width = 15 , height = 32 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x11 ] = { xoff = - 24 , yoff = - 24 , width = 64 , height = 64 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x12 ] = { xoff = - 4 , yoff = 16 , width = 8 , height = 52 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x13 ] = { xoff = - 4 , yoff = 16 , width = 8 , height = 116 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x14 ] = { xoff = 4 , yoff = 2 , width = 24 , height = 12 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x15 ] = { xoff = 0 , yoff = - 2 , width = 15 , height = 14 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x16 ] = { xoff = - 4 , yoff = - 12 , width = 24 , height = 24 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x17 ] = { xoff = 2 , yoff = 8 , width = 12 , height = 69 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x18 ] = { xoff = 2 , yoff = 19 , width = 12 , height = 58 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x19 ] = { xoff = 2 , yoff = 35 , width = 12 , height = 42 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x1a ] = { xoff = 2 , yoff = 51 , width = 12 , height = 26 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x1b ] = { xoff = 2 , yoff = 67 , width = 12 , height = 10 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x1c ] = { xoff = 0 , yoff = 10 , width = 10 , height = 48 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x1d ] = { xoff = 2 , yoff = - 3 , width = 28 , height = 27 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x1e ] = { xoff = 6 , yoff = - 8 , width = 3 , height = 32 , oscillation = true } , -- default: { xoff = -32, yoff = -8, width = 48, height = 32, oscillation = true },
[ 0x1f ] = { xoff = - 16 , yoff = - 4 , width = 48 , height = 18 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x20 ] = { xoff = - 4 , yoff = - 24 , width = 8 , height = 24 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x21 ] = { xoff = - 4 , yoff = 16 , width = 8 , height = 24 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x22 ] = { xoff = 0 , yoff = 0 , width = 16 , height = 16 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x23 ] = { xoff = - 8 , yoff = - 24 , width = 32 , height = 32 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x24 ] = { xoff = - 12 , yoff = 32 , width = 56 , height = 56 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x25 ] = { xoff = - 14 , yoff = 4 , width = 60 , height = 20 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x26 ] = { xoff = 0 , yoff = 88 , width = 32 , height = 8 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x27 ] = { xoff = - 4 , yoff = - 4 , width = 24 , height = 24 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x28 ] = { xoff = - 14 , yoff = - 24 , width = 28 , height = 40 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x29 ] = { xoff = - 16 , yoff = - 4 , width = 32 , height = 27 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x2a ] = { xoff = 2 , yoff = - 8 , width = 12 , height = 19 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x2b ] = { xoff = 0 , yoff = 2 , width = 16 , height = 76 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x2c ] = { xoff = - 8 , yoff = - 8 , width = 16 , height = 16 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x2d ] = { xoff = 4 , yoff = 4 , width = 8 , height = 4 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x2e ] = { xoff = 2 , yoff = - 2 , width = 28 , height = 34 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x2f ] = { xoff = 2 , yoff = - 2 , width = 28 , height = 32 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x30 ] = { xoff = 8 , yoff = - 14 , width = 16 , height = 28 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x31 ] = { xoff = 0 , yoff = - 2 , width = 48 , height = 18 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x32 ] = { xoff = 0 , yoff = - 2 , width = 48 , height = 18 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x33 ] = { xoff = 0 , yoff = - 2 , width = 64 , height = 18 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x34 ] = { xoff = - 4 , yoff = - 4 , width = 8 , height = 8 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x35 ] = { xoff = 3 , yoff = 0 , width = 18 , height = 32 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x36 ] = { xoff = 8 , yoff = 8 , width = 52 , height = 46 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x37 ] = { xoff = 0 , yoff = - 8 , width = 15 , height = 20 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x38 ] = { xoff = 8 , yoff = 16 , width = 32 , height = 40 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x39 ] = { xoff = 4 , yoff = 3 , width = 8 , height = 10 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x3a ] = { xoff = - 8 , yoff = 16 , width = 32 , height = 16 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x3b ] = { xoff = 0 , yoff = 0 , width = 16 , height = 13 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x3c ] = { xoff = 12 , yoff = 10 , width = 3 , height = 6 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x3d ] = { xoff = 12 , yoff = 21 , width = 3 , height = 20 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x3e ] = { xoff = 16 , yoff = 18 , width = 254 , height = 16 , oscillation = true } ,
[ 0x3f ] = { xoff = 8 , yoff = 8 , width = 8 , height = 24 , oscillation = true }
local OBJ_CLIPPING_SPRITE = { -- sprites' interaction points against objects
[ 0x0 ] = { xright = 14 , xleft = 2 , xdown = 8 , xup = 8 , yright = 8 , yleft = 8 , ydown = 16 , yup = 2 } ,
[ 0x1 ] = { xright = 14 , xleft = 2 , xdown = 7 , xup = 7 , yright = 18 , yleft = 18 , ydown = 32 , yup = 2 } ,
[ 0x2 ] = { xright = 7 , xleft = 7 , xdown = 7 , xup = 7 , yright = 7 , yleft = 7 , ydown = 7 , yup = 7 } ,
[ 0x3 ] = { xright = 14 , xleft = 2 , xdown = 8 , xup = 8 , yright = 16 , yleft = 16 , ydown = 32 , yup = 11 } ,
[ 0x4 ] = { xright = 16 , xleft = 0 , xdown = 8 , xup = 8 , yright = 18 , yleft = 18 , ydown = 32 , yup = 2 } ,
[ 0x5 ] = { xright = 13 , xleft = 2 , xdown = 8 , xup = 8 , yright = 24 , yleft = 24 , ydown = 32 , yup = 16 } ,
[ 0x6 ] = { xright = 7 , xleft = 0 , xdown = 4 , xup = 4 , yright = 4 , yleft = 4 , ydown = 8 , yup = 0 } ,
[ 0x7 ] = { xright = 31 , xleft = 1 , xdown = 16 , xup = 16 , yright = 16 , yleft = 16 , ydown = 31 , yup = 1 } ,
[ 0x8 ] = { xright = 15 , xleft = 0 , xdown = 8 , xup = 8 , yright = 8 , yleft = 8 , ydown = 15 , yup = 0 } ,
[ 0x9 ] = { xright = 16 , xleft = 0 , xdown = 8 , xup = 8 , yright = 8 , yleft = 8 , ydown = 16 , yup = 0 } ,
[ 0xa ] = { xright = 13 , xleft = 2 , xdown = 8 , xup = 8 , yright = 72 , yleft = 72 , ydown = 80 , yup = 66 } ,
[ 0xb ] = { xright = 14 , xleft = 2 , xdown = 8 , xup = 8 , yright = 4 , yleft = 4 , ydown = 8 , yup = 0 } ,
[ 0xc ] = { xright = 13 , xleft = 2 , xdown = 8 , xup = 8 , yright = 0 , yleft = 0 , ydown = 0 , yup = 0 } ,
[ 0xd ] = { xright = 16 , xleft = 0 , xdown = 8 , xup = 8 , yright = 8 , yleft = 8 , ydown = 16 , yup = 0 } ,
[ 0xe ] = { xright = 31 , xleft = 0 , xdown = 16 , xup = 16 , yright = 8 , yleft = 8 , ydown = 16 , yup = 0 } ,
[ 0xf ] = { xright = 8 , xleft = 8 , xdown = 8 , xup = 16 , yright = 4 , yleft = 1 , ydown = 2 , yup = 4 }
local HITBOX_EXTENDED_SPRITE = { -- extended sprites' hitbox
-- To fill the slots...
--[0] ={ xoff = 3, yoff = 3, width = 64, height = 64}, -- Free slot
[ 0x01 ] = { xoff = 3 , yoff = 3 , width = 0 , height = 0 } , -- Puff of smoke with various objects
[ 0x0e ] = { xoff = 3 , yoff = 3 , width = 0 , height = 0 } , -- Wiggler's flower
[ 0x0f ] = { xoff = 3 , yoff = 3 , width = 0 , height = 0 } , -- Trail of smoke -- TODO: add experimental hitbox
[ 0x10 ] = { xoff = 3 , yoff = 3 , width = 0 , height = 0 } , -- Spinjump stars
[ 0x12 ] = { xoff = 3 , yoff = 3 , width = 0 , height = 0 } , -- Water bubble
-- extracted from ROM:
[ 0x02 ] = { xoff = 3 , yoff = 3 , width = 1 , height = 1 , color_line = COLOUR.fireball } , -- Reznor fireball
[ 0x03 ] = { xoff = 3 , yoff = 3 , width = 1 , height = 1 , color_line = COLOUR.fireball } , -- Flame left by hopping flame
[ 0x04 ] = { xoff = 4 , yoff = 4 , width = 8 , height = 8 } , -- Hammer
[ 0x05 ] = { xoff = 3 , yoff = 3 , width = 1 , height = 1 , color_line = COLOUR.fireball } , -- Player fireball
[ 0x06 ] = { xoff = 4 , yoff = 4 , width = 8 , height = 8 } , -- Bone from Dry Bones
[ 0x07 ] = { xoff = 0 , yoff = 0 , width = 0 , height = 0 } , -- Lava splash
[ 0x08 ] = { xoff = 0 , yoff = 0 , width = 0 , height = 0 } , -- Torpedo Ted shooter's arm
[ 0x09 ] = { xoff = 0 , yoff = 0 , width = 15 , height = 15 } , -- Unknown flickering object
[ 0x0a ] = { xoff = 4 , yoff = 2 , width = 8 , height = 12 } , -- Coin from coin cloud game
[ 0x0b ] = { xoff = 3 , yoff = 3 , width = 1 , height = 1 , color_line = COLOUR.fireball } , -- Piranha Plant fireball
[ 0x0c ] = { xoff = 3 , yoff = 3 , width = 1 , height = 1 , color_line = COLOUR.fireball } , -- Lava Lotus's fiery objects
[ 0x0d ] = { xoff = 3 , yoff = 3 , width = 1 , height = 1 , color_line = COLOUR.baseball } , -- Baseball
-- got experimentally:
[ 0x11 ] = { xoff = - 0x1 , yoff = - 0x4 , width = 11 , height = 19 } , -- Yoshi fireballs
local HITBOX_CLUSTER_SPRITE = { -- got experimentally
--[0] -- Free slot
[ 0x01 ] = { xoff = 2 , yoff = 0 , width = 17 , height = 21 , oscillation = 2 , phase = 1 , color = COLOUR.awkward_hitbox , bg = COLOUR.awkward_hitbox_bg } , -- 1-Up from bonus game (glitched hitbox area)
[ 0x02 ] = { xoff = 4 , yoff = 7 , width = 7 , height = 7 , oscillation = 4 } , -- Unused
[ 0x03 ] = { xoff = 4 , yoff = 7 , width = 7 , height = 7 , oscillation = 4 } , -- Boo from Boo Ceiling
[ 0x04 ] = { xoff = 4 , yoff = 7 , width = 7 , height = 7 , oscillation = 4 } , -- Boo from Boo Ring
[ 0x05 ] = { xoff = 4 , yoff = 7 , width = 7 , height = 7 , oscillation = 4 } , -- Castle candle flame (meaningless hitbox)
[ 0x06 ] = { xoff = 2 , yoff = 2 , width = 12 , height = 20 , oscillation = 4 , color = COLOUR.sumo_brother_flame } , -- Sumo Brother lightning flames
[ 0x07 ] = { xoff = 4 , yoff = 7 , width = 7 , height = 7 , oscillation = 4 } , -- Reappearing Boo
[ 0x08 ] = { xoff = 4 , yoff = 7 , width = 7 , height = 7 , oscillation = 4 } , -- Swooper bat from Swooper Death Bat Ceiling (untested)
; -- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 10 11 12
local SPRITE_MEMORY_MAX = { [ 0 ] = 10 , 6 , 7 , 6 , 7 , 5 , 8 , 5 , 7 , 9 , 9 , 4 , 8 , 6 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 6 , 6 } -- the max of sprites in a room
-- Creates a set from a list
local function make_set ( list )
local set = { }
for _ , l in ipairs ( list ) do set [ l ] = true end
return set
-- from sprite number, returns oscillation flag
-- A sprite must be here iff it processes interaction with player every frame AND this bit is not working in the sprite_4_tweaker WRAM(0x167a)
local OSCILLATION_SPRITES = make_set { 0x0e , 0x21 , 0x29 , 0x35 , 0x54 , 0x74 , 0x75 , 0x76 , 0x77 , 0x78 , 0x81 , 0x83 , 0x87 }
-- Sprites that have a custom hitbox drawing
local ABNORMAL_HITBOX_SPRITES = make_set { 0x62 , 0x63 , 0x6b , 0x6c }
-- Sprites whose clipping interaction points usually matter
local GOOD_SPRITES_CLIPPING = make_set {
0x0 , 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x3 , 0x4 , 0x5 , 0x6 , 0x7 , 0x8 , 0x9 , 0xa , 0xb , 0xc , 0xd , 0xf , 0x10 , 0x11 , 0x13 , 0x14 , 0x18 ,
0x1b , 0x1d , 0x1f , 0x20 , 0x26 , 0x27 , 0x29 , 0x2b , 0x2c , 0x2d , 0x2e , 0x2f , 0x30 , 0x31 ,
0x32 , 0x34 , 0x35 , 0x3d , 0x3e , 0x3f , 0x40 , 0x46 , 0x47 , 0x48 , 0x4d , 0x4e ,
0x51 , 0x53 , 0x6e , 0x6f , 0x70 , 0x80 , 0x81 , 0x86 ,
0x91 , 0x92 , 0x93 , 0x94 , 0x95 , 0x96 , 0x97 , 0x98 , 0x99 , 0x9a , 0xa1 , 0xa2 , 0xa5 , 0xa6 , 0xa7 , 0xab , 0xb2 ,
0xb4 , 0xbb , 0xbc , 0xbd , 0xbf , 0xc3 , 0xda , 0xdb , 0xdc , 0xdd , 0xdf
-- Extended sprites that don't interact with the player
local UNINTERESTING_EXTENDED_SPRITES = make_set { 1 , 7 , 8 , 0x0e , 0x10 , 0x12 }
-- Variables used in various functions
local Cheat = { } -- family of cheat functions and variables
local Previous = { }
local User_input = INPUT_KEYNAMES -- BizHawk
local Joypad = { }
local Layer1_tiles = { }
local Layer2_tiles = { }
local Is_lagged = nil
local Mario_boost_indicator = nil
local Show_player_point_position = false
local Sprites_info = { } -- keeps track of useful sprite info that might be used outside the main sprite function
local Sprite_hitbox = { } -- keeps track of what sprite slots must display the hitbox
local Options_form = { } -- BizHawk
local Bizhawk_loop_counter = 1 -- BizHawk specific, a hack for saving the ini regularly
-- Initialization of some tables
for i = 0 , SMW.sprite_max - 1 do
Sprites_info [ i ] = { }
for key = 0 , SMW.sprite_max - 1 do
Sprite_hitbox [ key ] = { }
for number = 0 , 0xff do
Sprite_hitbox [ key ] [ number ] = { [ " sprite " ] = true , [ " block " ] = GOOD_SPRITES_CLIPPING [ number ] }
local function copytable ( orig )
local orig_type = type ( orig )
local copy
if orig_type == ' table ' then
copy = { }
for orig_key , orig_value in pairs ( orig ) do
copy [ orig_key ] = orig_value
else -- number, string, boolean, etc
copy = orig
return copy
-- Sum of the digits of a integer
local function sum_digits ( number )
local sum = 0
while number > 0 do
sum = sum + number % 10
number = floor ( number * 0.1 )
return sum
-- Transform the binary representation of base into a string
-- For instance, if each bit of a number represents a char of base, then this function verifies what chars are on
local function decode_bits ( data , base )
local i = 1
local size = base : len ( )
local direct_concatenation = size <= 45 -- Performance: I found out that the .. operator is faster for 45 operations or less
local result
if direct_concatenation then
result = " "
for ch in base : gmatch ( " . " ) do
if bit.test ( data , size - i ) then
result = result .. ch
result = result .. " "
i = i + 1
result = { }
for ch in base : gmatch ( " . " ) do
if bit.test ( data , size - i ) then
result [ i ] = ch
result [ i ] = " "
i = i + 1
result = table.concat ( result )
return result
bit.test = bit.check -- BizHawk
-- Register a function to be executed on key press or release
-- execution happens in the main loop
local Keys = { }
Keys.press = { }
Keys.release = { }
Keys.down , Keys.up , Keys.pressed , Keys.released = { } , { } , { } , { }
function Keys . registerkeypress ( key , fn )
Keys.press [ key ] = fn
function Keys . registerkeyrelease ( key , fn )
Keys.release [ key ] = fn
-- A cross sign with pos and size
gui.crosshair = gui.drawAxis
local Movie_active , Readonly , Framecount , Lagcount , Rerecords , Game_region
local Lastframe_emulated , Starting_subframe_last_frame , Size_last_frame , Final_subframe_last_frame
local Nextframe , Starting_subframe_next_frame , Starting_subframe_next_frame , Final_subframe_next_frame
local function bizhawk_status ( )
Movie_active = movie.isloaded ( ) -- BizHawk
Readonly = movie.getreadonly ( ) -- BizHawk
Framecount = movie.length ( ) -- BizHawk
Lagcount = emu.lagcount ( ) -- BizHawk
Rerecords = movie.getrerecordcount ( ) -- BizHawk
Is_lagged = emu.islagged ( ) -- BizHawk
Game_region = emu.getdisplaytype ( ) -- BizHawk
-- Last frame info
Lastframe_emulated = emu.framecount ( )
-- Next frame info (only relevant in readonly mode)
Nextframe = Lastframe_emulated + 1
-- Get screen values of the game and emulator areas
local Left_gap , Right_gap , Top_gap , Bottom_gap
local Border_left , Border_right , Border_top , Border_bottom
local Buffer_width , Buffer_height , Buffer_middle_x , Buffer_middle_y
local Screen_width , Screen_height , AR_x , AR_y
local function bizhawk_screen_info ( )
-- zero gaps in old versions
Left_gap = 0
Top_gap = 0
Right_gap = 0
Bottom_gap = 0
Left_gap = OPTIONS.left_gap
Top_gap = OPTIONS.top_gap
Right_gap = OPTIONS.right_gap
Bottom_gap = OPTIONS.bottom_gap
Screen_width = client.screenwidth ( ) -- Screen area
Screen_height = client.screenheight ( )
Buffer_width = client.bufferwidth ( ) -- Game area
Buffer_height = client.bufferheight ( )
Border_left = client.borderwidth ( ) -- Borders' dimensions
Border_top = client.borderheight ( )
-- BizHawk bug: buffer dimensions go crazy when emu is minimized
if Buffer_width == 0 then
Buffer_width , Screen_width = 256 , 256
Buffer_height , Screen_height = 224 , 224
Border_left , Border_top = 0 , 0
-- Derived dimensions
Buffer_middle_x = floor ( Buffer_width / 2 )
Buffer_middle_y = floor ( Buffer_height / 2 )
Border_right = Screen_width - Buffer_width - Border_left
Border_bottom = Screen_height - Buffer_height - Border_top
AR_x = Buffer_width / 256
AR_y = Buffer_height / 224
local function mouse_onregion ( x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 )
-- Reads external mouse coordinates
local mouse_x = User_input.xmouse * AR_x
local mouse_y = User_input.ymouse * AR_y
-- From top-left to bottom-right
if x2 < x1 then
x1 , x2 = x2 , x1
if y2 < y1 then
y1 , y2 = y2 , y1
if mouse_x >= x1 and mouse_x <= x2 and mouse_y >= y1 and mouse_y <= y2 then
return true
return false
-- draw a pixel given (x,y) with SNES' pixel sizes
local draw_pixel = function ( x , y , color ) gui.drawPixel ( x + Left_gap , y + Top_gap , color ) end
-- draws a line given (x,y) and (x',y') with given scale and SNES' pixel thickness (whose scale is 2)
local function draw_line ( x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 , scale , color )
-- Draw from top-left to bottom-right
if x2 < x1 then
x1 , x2 = x2 , x1
if y2 < y1 then
y1 , y2 = y2 , y1
x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 = scale * x1 , scale * y1 , scale * x2 , scale * y2
gui.drawLine ( x1 + Left_gap , y1 + Top_gap , x2 + Left_gap , y2 + Top_gap , color )
-- draws a box given (x,y) and (x',y') with SNES' pixel sizes
local draw_box = function ( x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 , line , bg ) gui.drawBox ( x1 + Left_gap , y1 + Top_gap , x2 + Left_gap , y2 + Top_gap , line , bg ) end
-- draws a rectangle given (x,y) and dimensions, with SNES' pixel sizes
local draw_rectangle = function ( x , y , w , h , line , bg ) gui.drawRectangle ( x + Left_gap , y + Top_gap , w , h , line , bg ) end
-- Changes transparency of a color: result is opaque original * transparency level (0.0 to 1.0).
local function change_transparency ( color , transparency )
-- Sane transparency
if transparency >= 1 then return color end -- no transparency
if transparency <= 0 then return 0 end -- total transparency
-- Sane colour
if color == 0 then return 0 end
if type ( color ) ~= " number " then
print ( color )
error " Wrong color "
local a = floor ( color / 0x1000000 )
local rgb = color - a * 0x1000000
local new_a = floor ( a * transparency )
return new_a * 0x1000000 + rgb
-- returns the (x, y) position to start the text and its length:
-- number, number, number text_position(x, y, text, font_width, font_height[[[[, always_on_client], always_on_game], ref_x], ref_y])
-- x, y: the coordinates that the refereed point of the text must have
-- text: a string, don't make it bigger than the buffer area width and don't include escape characters
-- font_width, font_height: the sizes of the font
-- always_on_client, always_on_game: boolean
-- ref_x and ref_y: refer to the relative point of the text that must occupy the origin (x,y), from 0% to 100%
-- for instance, if you want to display the middle of the text in (x, y), then use 0.5, 0.5
local function text_position ( x , y , text , font_width , font_height , always_on_client , always_on_game , ref_x , ref_y )
-- Reads external variables
local border_left = Border_left
local border_right = Border_right
local border_top = Border_top
local border_bottom = Border_bottom
local buffer_width = Buffer_width
local buffer_height = Buffer_height
-- text processing
local text_length = text and string.len ( text ) * font_width or font_width -- considering another objects, like bitmaps
-- actual position, relative to game area origin
x = ( not ref_x and x ) or ( ref_x == 0 and x ) or x - floor ( text_length * ref_x )
y = ( not ref_y and y ) or ( ref_y == 0 and y ) or y - floor ( font_height * ref_y )
-- adjustment needed if text is supposed to be on screen area
local x_end = x + text_length
local y_end = y + font_height
if always_on_game then
if x < 0 then x = 0 end
if y < 0 then y = 0 end
if x_end > buffer_width then x = buffer_width - text_length end
if y_end > buffer_height then y = buffer_height - font_height end
elseif always_on_client then
if x < - border_left then x = - border_left end
if y < - border_top then y = - border_top end
if x_end > buffer_width + border_right then x = buffer_width + border_right - text_length end
if y_end > buffer_height + border_bottom then y = buffer_height + border_bottom - font_height end
return x , y , text_length
-- Complex function for drawing, that uses text_position
local function draw_text ( x , y , text , ... )
-- Reads external variables
local font_name = Font or false
local font_width = BIZHAWK_FONT_WIDTH
local font_height = BIZHAWK_FONT_HEIGHT
local bg_default_color = font_name and COLOUR.outline or COLOUR.background
local text_color , bg_color , always_on_client , always_on_game , ref_x , ref_y
local arg1 , arg2 , arg3 , arg4 , arg5 , arg6 = ...
if not arg1 or arg1 == true then
text_color = COLOUR.text
bg_color = bg_default_color
always_on_client , always_on_game , ref_x , ref_y = arg1 , arg2 , arg3 , arg4
elseif not arg2 or arg2 == true then
text_color = arg1
bg_color = bg_default_color
always_on_client , always_on_game , ref_x , ref_y = arg2 , arg3 , arg4 , arg5
text_color , bg_color = arg1 , arg2
always_on_client , always_on_game , ref_x , ref_y = arg3 , arg4 , arg5 , arg6
local x_pos , y_pos , length = text_position ( x , y , text , font_width , font_height ,
always_on_client , always_on_game , ref_x , ref_y )
text_color = change_transparency ( text_color , Text_max_opacity * Text_opacity )
bg_color = change_transparency ( bg_color , Text_max_opacity * Text_opacity )
gui.text ( x_pos + Border_left , y_pos + Border_top , text , OLD_EMU_VERSION and bg_color or text_color , OLD_EMU_VERSION and text_color or bg_color )
return x_pos + length , y_pos + font_height , length
local function alert_text ( x , y , text , text_color , bg_color , always_on_game , ref_x , ref_y )
-- Reads external variables
local font_width = BIZHAWK_FONT_WIDTH
local font_height = BIZHAWK_FONT_HEIGHT
local x_pos , y_pos , text_length = text_position ( x , y , text , font_width , font_height , false , always_on_game , ref_x , ref_y )
if not bg_color then bg_color = BACKGROUND_COLOR end
text_color = change_transparency ( text_color , Text_max_opacity * Text_opacity )
bg_color = change_transparency ( bg_color , Background_max_opacity * Bg_opacity )
draw_box ( x_pos / AR_x , y_pos / AR_y , ( x_pos + text_length ) / AR_x + 2 , ( y_pos + font_height ) / AR_y + 1 , 0 , bg_color )
gui.text ( x_pos + Border_left , y_pos + Border_top , text , OLD_EMU_VERSION and 0 or text_color , OLD_EMU_VERSION and text_color or 0 )
local function draw_over_text ( x , y , value , base , color_base , color_value , color_bg , always_on_client , always_on_game , ref_x , ref_y )
value = decode_bits ( value , base )
local x_end , y_end , length = draw_text ( x , y , base , color_base , color_bg , always_on_client , always_on_game , ref_x , ref_y )
change_transparency ( color_value or COLOUR.text , Text_max_opacity * Text_opacity )
gui.text ( x_end + Border_left - length , y_end + Border_top - BIZHAWK_FONT_HEIGHT , value ,
OLD_EMU_VERSION and 0 or color_value , OLD_EMU_VERSION and color_value or 0 ) -- BizHawk
return x_end , y_end , length
-- Returns frames-time conversion
local function frame_time ( frame )
local total_seconds = frame / ( Game_region == " NTSC " and NTSC_FRAMERATE or PAL_FRAMERATE )
local hours = floor ( total_seconds / 3600 )
local tmp = total_seconds - 3600 * hours
local minutes = floor ( tmp / 60 )
tmp = tmp - 60 * minutes
local seconds = floor ( tmp )
local miliseconds = 1000 * ( total_seconds % 1 )
if hours == 0 then hours = " " else hours = string.format ( " %d: " , hours ) end
local str = string.format ( " %s%.2d:%.2d.%03.0f " , hours , minutes , seconds , miliseconds )
return str
-- Background opacity functions
local function increase_opacity ( )
if Text_max_opacity <= 0.9 then Text_max_opacity = Text_max_opacity + 0.1
if Background_max_opacity <= 0.9 then Background_max_opacity = Background_max_opacity + 0.1 end
local function decrease_opacity ( )
if Background_max_opacity >= 0.1 then Background_max_opacity = Background_max_opacity - 0.1
if Text_max_opacity >= 0.1 then Text_max_opacity = Text_max_opacity - 0.1 end
-- Returns the id of Yoshi; if more than one, the lowest sprite slot
local function get_yoshi_id ( )
for i = 0 , SMW.sprite_max - 1 do
local id = u8 ( WRAM.sprite_number + i )
local status = u8 ( WRAM.sprite_status + i )
if id == 0x35 and status ~= 0 then return i end
return nil
2012-09-04 21:55:41 +00:00
2016-02-04 02:51:33 +00:00
local Real_frame , Previous_real_frame , Effective_frame , Game_mode
local Level_index , Room_index , Level_flag , Current_level
local Is_paused , Lock_animation_flag , Player_powerup , Player_animation_trigger
local Camera_x , Camera_y
local function scan_smw ( )
Previous_real_frame = Real_frame or u8 ( WRAM.real_frame )
Real_frame = u8 ( WRAM.real_frame )
Effective_frame = u8 ( WRAM.effective_frame )
Game_mode = u8 ( WRAM.game_mode )
Level_index = u8 ( WRAM.level_index )
Level_flag = u8 ( WRAM.level_flag_table + Level_index )
Is_paused = u8 ( WRAM.level_paused ) == 1
Lock_animation_flag = u8 ( WRAM.lock_animation_flag )
Room_index = u24 ( WRAM.room_index )
-- In level frequently used info
Player_animation_trigger = u8 ( WRAM.player_animation_trigger )
Player_powerup = u8 ( WRAM.powerup )
Camera_x = s16 ( WRAM.camera_x )
Camera_y = s16 ( WRAM.camera_y )
Yoshi_riding_flag = u8 ( WRAM.yoshi_riding_flag ) ~= 0
Yoshi_id = get_yoshi_id ( )
-- Converts the in-game (x, y) to SNES-screen coordinates
local function screen_coordinates ( x , y , camera_x , camera_y )
-- Sane values
camera_x = camera_x or Camera_x or u8 ( WRAM.camera_x )
camera_y = camera_y or Camera_y or u8 ( WRAM.camera_y )
local x_screen = ( x - camera_x )
local y_screen = ( y - camera_y ) - Y_CAMERA_OFF
return x_screen , y_screen
-- Converts BizHawk/emu-screen coordinates to in-game (x, y)
local function game_coordinates ( x_emu , y_emu , camera_x , camera_y )
-- Sane values
camera_x = camera_x or Camera_x or u8 ( WRAM.camera_x )
camera_y = camera_y or Camera_y or u8 ( WRAM.camera_y )
local x_game = x_emu + camera_x
local y_game = y_emu + Y_CAMERA_OFF + camera_y
return x_game , y_game
-- Returns the extreme values that Mario needs to have in order to NOT touch a rectangular object
local function display_boundaries ( x_game , y_game , width , height , camera_x , camera_y )
-- Font
Text_opacity = 0.6
Bg_opacity = 0.4
-- Coordinates around the rectangle
local left = width * floor ( x_game / width )
local top = height * floor ( y_game / height )
left , top = screen_coordinates ( left , top , camera_x , camera_y )
local right = left + width - 1
local bottom = top + height - 1
-- Reads WRAM values of the player
local is_ducking = u8 ( WRAM.is_ducking )
local powerup = Player_powerup
local is_small = is_ducking ~= 0 or powerup == 0
-- Left
local left_text = string.format ( " %4d.0 " , width * floor ( x_game / width ) - 13 )
draw_text ( AR_x * left , AR_y * ( top + bottom ) / 2 , left_text , false , false , 1.0 , 0.5 )
-- Right
local right_text = string.format ( " %d.f " , width * floor ( x_game / width ) + 12 )
draw_text ( AR_x * right , AR_y * ( top + bottom ) / 2 , right_text , false , false , 0.0 , 0.5 )
-- Top
local value = ( Yoshi_riding_flag and y_game - 16 ) or y_game
local top_text = fmt ( " %d.0 " , width * floor ( value / width ) - 32 )
draw_text ( AR_x * ( left + right ) / 2 , AR_y * top , top_text , false , false , 0.5 , 1.0 )
-- Bottom
value = height * floor ( y_game / height )
if not is_small and not Yoshi_riding_flag then
value = value + 0x07
elseif is_small and Yoshi_riding_flag then
value = value - 4
value = value - 1 -- the 2 remaining cases are equal
local bottom_text = fmt ( " %d.f " , value )
draw_text ( AR_x * ( left + right ) / 2 , AR_y * bottom , bottom_text , false , false , 0.5 , 0.0 )
return left , top
local function read_screens ( )
local screens_number = u8 ( WRAM.screens_number )
local vscreen_number = u8 ( WRAM.vscreen_number )
local hscreen_number = u8 ( WRAM.hscreen_number ) - 1
local vscreen_current = s8 ( WRAM.y + 1 )
local hscreen_current = s8 ( WRAM.x + 1 )
local level_mode_settings = u8 ( WRAM.level_mode_settings )
--local b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8 = bit.multidiv(level_mode_settings, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2)
--draw_text(Buffer_middle_x, Buffer_middle_y, {"%x: %x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x", level_mode_settings, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8}, COLOUR.text, COLOUR.background)
local level_type
if ( level_mode_settings ~= 0 ) and ( level_mode_settings == 0x3 or level_mode_settings == 0x4 or level_mode_settings == 0x7
or level_mode_settings == 0x8 or level_mode_settings == 0xa or level_mode_settings == 0xd ) then
level_type = " Vertical "
level_type = " Horizontal "
return level_type , screens_number , hscreen_current , hscreen_number , vscreen_current , vscreen_number
local function get_map16_value ( x_game , y_game )
local num_x = floor ( x_game / 16 )
local num_y = floor ( y_game / 16 )
if num_x < 0 or num_y < 0 then return end -- 1st breakpoint
local level_type , screens , _ , hscreen_number , _ , vscreen_number = read_screens ( )
local max_x , max_y
if level_type == " Horizontal " then
max_x = 16 * ( hscreen_number + 1 )
max_y = 27
max_x = 32
max_y = 16 * ( vscreen_number + 1 )
if num_x > max_x or num_y > max_y then return end -- 2nd breakpoint
local num_id , kind , address
if level_type == " Horizontal " then
num_id = 16 * 27 * floor ( num_x / 16 ) + 16 * num_y + num_x % 16
local nx = floor ( num_x / 16 )
local ny = floor ( num_y / 16 )
local n = 2 * ny + nx
num_id = 16 * 16 * n + 16 * ( num_y % 16 ) + num_x % 16
if ( num_id >= 0 and num_id <= 0x37ff ) then
address = fmt ( " $%4.x " , 0xc800 + num_id )
kind = 256 * u8 ( 0x1c800 + num_id ) + u8 ( 0xc800 + num_id )
if kind then return num_x , num_y , kind , address end
local function draw_layer1_tiles ( camera_x , camera_y )
local x_origin , y_origin = screen_coordinates ( 0 , 0 , camera_x , camera_y )
local x_mouse , y_mouse = game_coordinates ( User_input.xmouse , User_input.ymouse , camera_x , camera_y )
x_mouse = 16 * floor ( x_mouse / 16 )
y_mouse = 16 * floor ( y_mouse / 16 )
local push_direction = Real_frame % 2 == 0 and 0 or 7 -- block pushes sprites to left or right?
for number , positions in ipairs ( Layer1_tiles ) do
-- Calculate the Lsnes coordinates
local left = positions [ 1 ] + x_origin
local top = positions [ 2 ] + y_origin
local right = left + 15
local bottom = top + 15
local x_game , y_game = game_coordinates ( left , top , camera_x , camera_y )
-- Returns if block is way too outside the screen
if left > - Border_left - 32 and top > - Border_top - 32 and
right < Screen_width + Border_right + 32 and bottom < Screen_height + Border_bottom + 32 then
-- Drawings
Text_opacity = 1.0
local num_x , num_y , kind , address = get_map16_value ( x_game , y_game )
if kind then
if kind >= 0x111 and kind <= 0x16d or kind == 0x2b then
-- default solid blocks, don't know how to include custom blocks
draw_rectangle ( left + push_direction , top , 8 , 15 , 0 , COLOUR.block_bg )
draw_rectangle ( left , top , 15 , 15 , kind == SMW.blank_tile_map16 and COLOUR.blank_tile or COLOUR.block , 0 )
if Layer1_tiles [ number ] [ 3 ] then
display_boundaries ( x_game , y_game , 16 , 16 , camera_x , camera_y ) -- the text around it
-- Draw Map16 id
Text_opacity = 1.0
if kind and x_mouse == positions [ 1 ] and y_mouse == positions [ 2 ] then
draw_text ( AR_x * ( left + 4 ) , AR_y * top - BIZHAWK_FONT_HEIGHT , fmt ( " Map16 (%d, %d), %x%s " , num_x , num_y , kind , address ) ,
false , false , 0.5 , 1.0 )
local function draw_layer2_tiles ( )
local layer2x = s16 ( WRAM.layer2_x_nextframe )
local layer2y = s16 ( WRAM.layer2_y_nextframe )
for number , positions in ipairs ( Layer2_tiles ) do
draw_rectangle ( - layer2x + positions [ 1 ] , - layer2y + positions [ 2 ] , 15 , 15 , COLOUR.layer2_line , COLOUR.layer2_bg )
-- if the user clicks in a tile, it will be be drawn
-- if click is onto drawn region, it'll be erased
-- there's a max of possible tiles
-- layer_table[n] is an array {x, y, [draw info?]}
local function select_tile ( x , y , layer_table )
if not OPTIONS.draw_tiles_with_click then return end
if Game_mode ~= SMW.game_mode_level then return end
for number , positions in ipairs ( layer_table ) do -- if mouse points a drawn tile, erase it
if x == positions [ 1 ] and y == positions [ 2 ] then
-- Layer 1
if layer_table == Layer1_tiles then
if layer_table [ number ] [ 3 ] == false then
layer_table [ number ] [ 3 ] = true
table.remove ( layer_table , number )
-- Layer 2
elseif layer_table == Layer2_tiles then
table.remove ( layer_table , number )
-- otherwise, draw a new tile
if # layer_table == OPTIONS.max_tiles_drawn then
table.remove ( layer_table , 1 )
layer_table [ OPTIONS.max_tiles_drawn ] = { x , y , false }
table.insert ( layer_table , { x , y , false } )
-- uses the mouse to select an object
local function select_object ( mouse_x , mouse_y , camera_x , camera_y )
-- Font
Text_opacity = 1.0
Bg_opacity = 0.5
local x_game , y_game = game_coordinates ( mouse_x , mouse_y , camera_x , camera_y )
local obj_id
-- Checks if the mouse is over Mario
local x_player = s16 ( WRAM.x )
local y_player = s16 ( WRAM.y )
if x_player + 0xe >= x_game and x_player + 0x2 <= x_game and y_player + 0x30 >= y_game and y_player + 0x8 <= y_game then
obj_id = " Mario "
if not obj_id and OPTIONS.display_sprite_info then
for id = 0 , SMW.sprite_max - 1 do
local sprite_status = u8 ( WRAM.sprite_status + id )
if sprite_status ~= 0 and Sprites_info [ id ] . x then -- TODO: see why the script gets here without exporting Sprites_info
-- Import some values
local x_sprite , y_sprite = Sprites_info [ id ] . x , Sprites_info [ id ] . y
local x_screen , y_screen = Sprites_info [ id ] . x_screen , Sprites_info [ id ] . y_screen
local boxid = Sprites_info [ id ] . boxid
local xoff , yoff = Sprites_info [ id ] . xoff , Sprites_info [ id ] . yoff
local width , height = Sprites_info [ id ] . width , Sprites_info [ id ] . height
if x_sprite + xoff + width >= x_game and x_sprite + xoff <= x_game and
y_sprite + yoff + height >= y_game and y_sprite + yoff <= y_game then
obj_id = id
if not obj_id then return end
draw_text ( AR_x * User_input.xmouse , AR_y * ( User_input.ymouse - 8 ) , obj_id , true , false , 0.5 , 1.0 )
return obj_id , x_game , y_game
-- This function sees if the mouse if over some object, to change its hitbox mode
-- The order is: 1) player, 2) sprite.
local function right_click ( )
local id = select_object ( User_input.xmouse , User_input.ymouse , Camera_x , Camera_y )
if tostring ( id ) == " Mario " then
if OPTIONS.display_player_hitbox and OPTIONS.display_interaction_points then
OPTIONS.display_interaction_points = false
OPTIONS.display_player_hitbox = false
elseif OPTIONS.display_player_hitbox then
OPTIONS.display_interaction_points = true
OPTIONS.display_player_hitbox = false
elseif OPTIONS.display_interaction_points then
OPTIONS.display_player_hitbox = true
OPTIONS.display_player_hitbox = true
if id then return end
local spr_id = tonumber ( id )
if spr_id and spr_id >= 0 and spr_id <= SMW.sprite_max - 1 then
local number = Sprites_info [ spr_id ] . number
if Sprite_hitbox [ spr_id ] [ number ] . sprite and Sprite_hitbox [ spr_id ] [ number ] . block then
Sprite_hitbox [ spr_id ] [ number ] . sprite = false
Sprite_hitbox [ spr_id ] [ number ] . block = false
elseif Sprite_hitbox [ spr_id ] [ number ] . sprite then
Sprite_hitbox [ spr_id ] [ number ] . block = true
Sprite_hitbox [ spr_id ] [ number ] . sprite = false
elseif Sprite_hitbox [ spr_id ] [ number ] . block then
Sprite_hitbox [ spr_id ] [ number ] . sprite = true
Sprite_hitbox [ spr_id ] [ number ] . sprite = true
if id then return end
-- Select layer 2 tiles
local layer2x = s16 ( WRAM.layer2_x_nextframe )
local layer2y = s16 ( WRAM.layer2_y_nextframe )
local x_mouse , y_mouse = User_input.xmouse + layer2x , User_input.ymouse + layer2y
select_tile ( 16 * floor ( x_mouse / 16 ) , 16 * floor ( y_mouse / 16 ) - Y_CAMERA_OFF , Layer2_tiles )
local function show_movie_info ( )
if not OPTIONS.display_movie_info then
-- Font
Text_opacity = 1.0
Bg_opacity = 1.0
local y_text = - Border_top
local x_text = 0
local width = BIZHAWK_FONT_WIDTH
local rec_color = ( Readonly or not Movie_active ) and COLOUR.text or COLOUR.warning
local recording_bg = ( Readonly or not Movie_active ) and COLOUR.background or COLOUR.warning_bg
-- Read-only or read-write?
local movie_type = ( not Movie_active and " No movie " ) or ( Readonly and " Movie " or " REC " )
alert_text ( x_text , y_text , movie_type , rec_color , recording_bg )
if Movie_active then
-- Frame count
x_text = x_text + width * string.len ( movie_type )
local movie_info
if Readonly then
movie_info = string.format ( " %d/%d " , Lastframe_emulated , Framecount )
movie_info = string.format ( " %d " , Lastframe_emulated )
draw_text ( x_text , y_text , movie_info ) -- Shows the latest frame emulated, not the frame being run now
-- Rerecord count
x_text = x_text + width * string.len ( movie_info )
local rr_info = string.format ( " %d " , Rerecords )
draw_text ( x_text , y_text , rr_info , COLOUR.weak )
-- Lag count
x_text = x_text + width * string.len ( rr_info )
draw_text ( x_text , y_text , Lagcount , COLOUR.warning )
local str = frame_time ( Lastframe_emulated ) -- Shows the latest frame emulated, not the frame being run now
alert_text ( Buffer_width , Buffer_height , str , COLOUR.text , recording_bg , false , 1.0 , 1.0 )
local function show_misc_info ( )
if not OPTIONS.display_misc_info then
-- Font
Text_opacity = 1.0
Bg_opacity = 1.0
-- Display
local RNG = u16 ( WRAM.RNG )
local main_info = string.format ( " Frame(%02x, %02x) RNG(%04x) Mode(%02x) " ,
Real_frame , Effective_frame , RNG , Game_mode )
draw_text ( Buffer_width + Border_right , - Border_top , main_info , true , false )
if Game_mode == SMW.game_mode_level then
-- Time frame counter of the clock
Text_opacity = 1.0
local timer_frame_counter = u8 ( WRAM.timer_frame_counter )
draw_text ( AR_x * 161 , AR_y * 15 , fmt ( " %.2d " , timer_frame_counter ) )
-- Score: sum of digits, useful for avoiding lag
Text_opacity = 0.5
local score = u24 ( WRAM.mario_score )
draw_text ( AR_x * 240 , AR_y * 24 , fmt ( " =%d " , sum_digits ( score ) ) , COLOUR.weak )
-- Shows the controller input as the RAM and SNES registers store it
local function show_controller_data ( )
if not ( OPTIONS.display_debug_info and OPTIONS.display_debug_controller_data ) then return end
-- Font
Text_opacity = 0.9
local height = BIZHAWK_FONT_HEIGHT
local x_pos , y_pos , x , y , _ = 0 , 0 , 0 , BIZHAWK_FONT_HEIGHT
x = draw_over_text ( x_pos , y_pos , 256 * u8 ( WRAM.ctrl_1_1 ) + u8 ( WRAM.ctrl_1_2 ) , " BYsS^v<>AXLR0123 " , COLOUR.weak )
_ , y = draw_text ( x , y_pos , " (RAM data) " , COLOUR.weak , false , true )
x = x_pos
draw_over_text ( x , y , 256 * u8 ( WRAM.firstctrl_1_1 ) + u8 ( WRAM.firstctrl_1_2 ) , " BYsS^v<>AXLR0123 " , 0 , 0xff0000ff , 0 )
local function level_info ( )
if not OPTIONS.display_level_info then
-- Font
local x_pos = Buffer_width + Border_right
local y_pos = - Border_top + BIZHAWK_FONT_HEIGHT
local color = COLOUR.text
Text_opacity = 1.0
Bg_opacity = 1.0
local sprite_buoyancy = floor ( u8 ( WRAM.sprite_buoyancy ) / 64 )
if sprite_buoyancy == 0 then sprite_buoyancy = " " else
sprite_buoyancy = fmt ( " %.2x " , sprite_buoyancy )
color = COLOUR.warning
-- converts the level number to the Lunar Magic number; should not be used outside here
local lm_level_number = Level_index
if Level_index > 0x24 then lm_level_number = Level_index + 0xdc end
-- Number of screens within the level
local level_type , screens_number , hscreen_current , hscreen_number , vscreen_current , vscreen_number = read_screens ( )
draw_text ( x_pos , y_pos , fmt ( " %.1sLevel(%.2x)%s " , level_type , lm_level_number , sprite_buoyancy ) ,
color , true , false )
draw_text ( x_pos , y_pos + BIZHAWK_FONT_HEIGHT , fmt ( " Screens(%d): " , screens_number ) , true )
draw_text ( x_pos , y_pos + 2 * BIZHAWK_FONT_HEIGHT , fmt ( " (%d/%d, %d/%d) " , hscreen_current , hscreen_number ,
vscreen_current , vscreen_number ) , true )
function draw_blocked_status ( x_text , y_text , player_blocked_status , x_speed , y_speed )
local block_width = 9 -- BizHawk
local block_height = 9 -- BizHawk
local block_str = " Block: "
local str_len = string.len ( block_str )
local xoffset = ( x_text + str_len * BIZHAWK_FONT_WIDTH ) / AR_x
local yoffset = y_text / AR_y
local color_line = COLOUR.warning
gui.drawRectangle ( xoffset + Left_gap , yoffset + Top_gap , block_width - 1 , block_height - 1 , 0x40000000 , 0x40ff0000 )
local blocked_status = { }
local was_boosted = false
if bit.test ( player_blocked_status , 0 ) then -- Right
draw_line ( xoffset + block_width - 1 , yoffset , xoffset + block_width - 1 , yoffset + block_height - 1 , 1 , color_line )
if x_speed < 0 then was_boosted = true end
if bit.test ( player_blocked_status , 1 ) then -- Left
draw_line ( xoffset , yoffset , xoffset , yoffset + block_height - 1 , 1 , color_line )
if x_speed > 0 then was_boosted = true end
if bit.test ( player_blocked_status , 2 ) then -- Down
draw_line ( xoffset , yoffset + block_height - 1 , xoffset + block_width - 1 , yoffset + block_height - 1 , 1 , color_line )
if bit.test ( player_blocked_status , 3 ) then -- Up
draw_line ( xoffset , yoffset , xoffset + block_width - 1 , yoffset , 1 , color_line )
if y_speed > 6 then was_boosted = true end
if bit.test ( player_blocked_status , 4 ) then -- Middle
gui.crosshair ( xoffset + floor ( block_width / 2 ) + Left_gap , yoffset + floor ( block_height / 2 ) + Top_gap , -- BizHawk
math.min ( block_width / 3 , block_height / 3 ) , color_line )
draw_text ( x_text , y_text , block_str , COLOUR.text , was_boosted and COLOUR.warning_bg or nil )
-- displays player's hitbox
local function player_hitbox ( x , y , is_ducking , powerup , transparency_level )
local x_screen , y_screen = screen_coordinates ( x , y , Camera_x , Camera_y )
local is_small = is_ducking ~= 0 or powerup == 0
-- Colors BizHawk
local is_transparent = transparency_level == 1
local interaction_bg = is_transparent and COLOUR.interaction_bg or 0
local mario_bg = is_transparent and COLOUR.mario_bg or 0
local mario_mounted_bg = is_transparent and COLOUR.mario_mounted_bg or 0
local mario = is_transparent and COLOUR.mario or change_transparency ( COLOUR.mario , transparency_level )
local interaction_nohitbox = is_transparent and COLOUR.interaction_nohitbox or change_transparency ( COLOUR.interaction_nohitbox , transparency_level )
local interaction_nohitbox_bg = is_transparent and COLOUR.interaction_nohitbox_bg or 0
local interaction = is_transparent and COLOUR.interaction or change_transparency ( COLOUR.interaction , transparency_level )
local x_points = X_INTERACTION_POINTS
local y_points
if is_small and not Yoshi_riding_flag then
y_points = Y_INTERACTION_POINTS [ 1 ]
elseif not is_small and not Yoshi_riding_flag then
y_points = Y_INTERACTION_POINTS [ 2 ]
elseif is_small and Yoshi_riding_flag then
y_points = Y_INTERACTION_POINTS [ 3 ]
y_points = Y_INTERACTION_POINTS [ 4 ]
draw_box ( x_screen + x_points.left_side , y_screen + y_points.head , x_screen + x_points.right_side , y_screen + y_points.foot ,
interaction_bg , interaction_bg ) -- background for block interaction
if OPTIONS.display_player_hitbox then
-- Collision with sprites
local mario_bg = ( not Yoshi_riding_flag and mario_bg ) or mario_mounted_bg
draw_box ( x_screen + x_points.left_side - 1 , y_screen + y_points.sprite ,
x_screen + x_points.right_side + 1 , y_screen + y_points.foot + 1 , mario , mario_bg )
-- interaction points (collision with blocks)
if OPTIONS.display_interaction_points then
draw_box ( x_screen + x_points.left_side , y_screen + y_points.head ,
x_screen + x_points.right_side , y_screen + y_points.foot , interaction_nohitbox , interaction_nohitbox_bg )
draw_line ( x_screen + x_points.left_side , y_screen + y_points.side , x_screen + x_points.left_foot , y_screen + y_points.side , 1 , interaction ) -- left side
draw_line ( x_screen + x_points.right_side , y_screen + y_points.side , x_screen + x_points.right_foot , y_screen + y_points.side , 1 , interaction ) -- right side
draw_line ( x_screen + x_points.left_foot , y_screen + y_points.foot - 2 , x_screen + x_points.left_foot , y_screen + y_points.foot , 1 , interaction ) -- left foot bottom
draw_line ( x_screen + x_points.right_foot , y_screen + y_points.foot - 2 , x_screen + x_points.right_foot , y_screen + y_points.foot , 1 , interaction ) -- right foot bottom
draw_line ( x_screen + x_points.left_side , y_screen + y_points.shoulder , x_screen + x_points.left_side + 2 , y_screen + y_points.shoulder , 1 , interaction ) -- head left point
draw_line ( x_screen + x_points.right_side - 2 , y_screen + y_points.shoulder , x_screen + x_points.right_side , y_screen + y_points.shoulder , 1 , interaction ) -- head right point
draw_line ( x_screen + x_points.center , y_screen + y_points.head , x_screen + x_points.center , y_screen + y_points.head + 2 , 1 , interaction ) -- head point
draw_line ( x_screen + x_points.center - 1 , y_screen + y_points.center , x_screen + x_points.center + 1 , y_screen + y_points.center , 1 , interaction ) -- center point
draw_line ( x_screen + x_points.center , y_screen + y_points.center - 1 , x_screen + x_points.center , y_screen + y_points.center + 1 , 1 , interaction ) -- center point
-- That's the pixel that appears when Mario dies in the pit
Show_player_point_position = Show_player_point_position or y_screen >= 200 or
( OPTIONS.display_debug_info and OPTIONS.display_debug_player_extra )
if Show_player_point_position then
draw_rectangle ( x_screen - 1 , y_screen - 1 , 2 , 2 , interaction_bg , interaction )
Show_player_point_position = false
return x_points , y_points
-- displays the hitbox of the cape while spinning
local function cape_hitbox ( spin_direction )
local cape_interaction = u8 ( WRAM.cape_interaction )
if cape_interaction == 0 then return end
local cape_x = u16 ( WRAM.cape_x )
local cape_y = u16 ( WRAM.cape_y )
local cape_x_screen , cape_y_screen = screen_coordinates ( cape_x , cape_y , Camera_x , Camera_y )
local cape_left = - 2
local cape_right = 0x12
local cape_up = 0x01
local cape_down = 0x11
local cape_middle = 0x08
local block_interaction_cape = ( spin_direction < 0 and cape_left + 4 ) or cape_right - 4
local active_frame_sprites = Real_frame % 2 == 1 -- active iff the cape can hit a sprite
local active_frame_blocks = Real_frame % 2 == ( spin_direction < 0 and 0 or 1 ) -- active iff the cape can hit a block
if active_frame_sprites then bg_color = COLOUR.cape_bg else bg_color = 0 end
draw_box ( cape_x_screen + cape_left , cape_y_screen + cape_up , cape_x_screen + cape_right , cape_y_screen + cape_down , COLOUR.cape , bg_color )
if active_frame_blocks then
draw_pixel ( cape_x_screen + block_interaction_cape , cape_y_screen + cape_middle , COLOUR.warning )
draw_pixel ( cape_x_screen + block_interaction_cape , cape_y_screen + cape_middle , COLOUR.text )
local function player ( )
if not OPTIONS.display_player_info then
-- Font
Text_opacity = 1.0
-- Reads WRAM
local x = s16 ( WRAM.x )
local y = s16 ( WRAM.y )
local previous_x = s16 ( WRAM.previous_x )
local previous_y = s16 ( WRAM.previous_y )
local x_sub = u8 ( WRAM.x_sub )
local y_sub = u8 ( WRAM.y_sub )
local x_speed = s8 ( WRAM.x_speed )
local x_subspeed = u8 ( WRAM.x_subspeed )
local y_speed = s8 ( WRAM.y_speed )
local p_meter = u8 ( WRAM.p_meter )
local take_off = u8 ( WRAM.take_off )
local powerup = Player_powerup
local direction = u8 ( WRAM.direction )
local cape_spin = u8 ( WRAM.cape_spin )
local cape_fall = u8 ( WRAM.cape_fall )
local flight_animation = u8 ( WRAM.flight_animation )
local diving_status = s8 ( WRAM.diving_status )
local player_blocked_status = u8 ( WRAM.player_blocked_status )
local player_item = u8 ( WRAM.player_item )
local is_ducking = u8 ( WRAM.is_ducking )
local on_ground = u8 ( WRAM.on_ground )
local spinjump_flag = u8 ( WRAM.spinjump_flag )
local can_jump_from_water = u8 ( WRAM.can_jump_from_water )
local carrying_item = u8 ( WRAM.carrying_item )
local scroll_timer = u8 ( WRAM.camera_scroll_timer )
local vertical_scroll_flag_header = u8 ( WRAM.vertical_scroll_flag_header )
local vertical_scroll_enabled = u8 ( WRAM.vertical_scroll_enabled )
-- Transformations
if direction == 0 then direction = LEFT_ARROW else direction = RIGHT_ARROW end
local x_sub_simple , y_sub_simple -- = x_sub, y_sub
if x_sub % 0x10 == 0 then x_sub_simple = fmt ( " %x " , x_sub / 0x10 ) else x_sub_simple = fmt ( " %.2x " , x_sub ) end
if y_sub % 0x10 == 0 then y_sub_simple = fmt ( " %x " , y_sub / 0x10 ) else y_sub_simple = fmt ( " %.2x " , y_sub ) end
local x_speed_int , x_speed_frac = math.modf ( x_speed + x_subspeed / 0x100 )
x_speed_frac = math.abs ( x_speed_frac * 100 )
local spin_direction = ( Effective_frame ) % 8
if spin_direction < 4 then
spin_direction = spin_direction + 1
spin_direction = 3 - spin_direction
local is_caped = powerup == 0x2
local is_spinning = cape_spin ~= 0 or spinjump_flag ~= 0
-- Display info
local i = 0
local delta_x = BIZHAWK_FONT_WIDTH
local delta_y = BIZHAWK_FONT_HEIGHT
local table_x = - Border_left
local table_y = AR_y * 32
draw_text ( table_x , table_y + i * delta_y , fmt ( " Meter (%03d, %02d) %s " , p_meter , take_off , direction ) )
draw_text ( table_x + 18 * delta_x , table_y + i * delta_y , fmt ( " %+d " , spin_direction ) ,
( is_spinning and COLOUR.text ) or COLOUR.weak )
i = i + 1
draw_text ( table_x , table_y + i * delta_y , fmt ( " Pos (%+d.%s, %+d.%s) " , x , x_sub_simple , y , y_sub_simple ) )
i = i + 1
draw_text ( table_x , table_y + i * delta_y , fmt ( " Speed (%+d(%d.%02.0f), %+d) " , x_speed , x_speed_int , x_speed_frac , y_speed ) )
i = i + 1
if is_caped then
draw_text ( table_x , table_y + i * delta_y , fmt ( " Cape (%.2d, %.2d)/(%d, %d) " , cape_spin , cape_fall , flight_animation , diving_status ) , COLOUR.cape )
i = i + 1
local x_txt = draw_text ( table_x , table_y + i * delta_y , fmt ( " Camera (%d, %d) " , Camera_x , Camera_y ) )
if scroll_timer ~= 0 then x_txt = draw_text ( x_txt , table_y + i * delta_y , 16 - scroll_timer , COLOUR.warning ) end
if vertical_scroll_flag_header ~= 0 and vertical_scroll_enabled ~= 0 then
draw_text ( x_txt , table_y + i * delta_y , vertical_scroll_enabled , COLOUR.warning2 )
i = i + 1
if OPTIONS.display_static_camera_region then
Show_player_point_position = true
local left_cam , right_cam = u16 ( 0x142c ) , u16 ( 0x142e ) -- unlisted WRAM
draw_box ( left_cam , 0 , right_cam , 224 , COLOUR.static_camera_region , COLOUR.static_camera_region )
draw_blocked_status ( table_x , table_y + i * delta_y , player_blocked_status , x_speed , y_speed )
-- Mario boost indicator (experimental)
-- This looks for differences between the expected x position and the actual x position, after a frame advance
-- Fails during a loadstate and has false positives if the game is paused or lagged
Previous.player_x = 256 * x + x_sub -- the total amount of 256-based subpixels
Previous.x_speed = 16 * x_speed -- the speed in 256-based subpixels
if Mario_boost_indicator and not Cheat.under_free_move then
local x_screen , y_screen = screen_coordinates ( x , y , Camera_x , Camera_y )
draw_text ( AR_x * ( x_screen + 4 ) , AR_y * ( y_screen + 60 ) , Mario_boost_indicator , COLOUR.warning , 0x20000000 ) -- unlisted color
-- shows hitbox and interaction points for player
if not ( OPTIONS.display_player_hitbox or OPTIONS.display_interaction_points ) then return end
cape_hitbox ( spin_direction )
player_hitbox ( x , y , is_ducking , powerup , 1.0 )
-- Shows where Mario is expected to be in the next frame, if he's not boosted or stopped (DEBUG)
if OPTIONS.display_debug_info and OPTIONS.display_debug_player_extra then
player_hitbox ( floor ( ( 256 * x + x_sub + 16 * x_speed ) / 256 ) ,
floor ( ( 256 * y + y_sub + 16 * y_speed ) / 256 ) , is_ducking , powerup , 0.3 ) -- BizHawk
local function extended_sprites ( )
if not OPTIONS.display_extended_sprite_info then
-- Font
Text_opacity = 1.0
local height = BIZHAWK_FONT_HEIGHT
local y_pos = AR_y * 144
local counter = 0
for id = 0 , SMW.extended_sprite_max - 1 do
local extspr_number = u8 ( WRAM.extspr_number + id )
if extspr_number ~= 0 then
-- Reads WRAM addresses
local x = 256 * u8 ( WRAM.extspr_x_high + id ) + u8 ( WRAM.extspr_x_low + id )
local y = 256 * u8 ( WRAM.extspr_y_high + id ) + u8 ( WRAM.extspr_y_low + id )
local sub_x = bit.rshift ( u8 ( WRAM.extspr_subx + id ) , 4 )
local sub_y = bit.rshift ( u8 ( WRAM.extspr_suby + id ) , 4 )
local x_speed = s8 ( WRAM.extspr_x_speed + id )
local y_speed = s8 ( WRAM.extspr_y_speed + id )
local extspr_table = u8 ( WRAM.extspr_table + id )
local extspr_table2 = u8 ( WRAM.extspr_table2 + id )
-- Reduction of useless info
local special_info = " "
if OPTIONS.display_debug_info and OPTIONS.display_debug_extended_sprite and ( extspr_table ~= 0 or extspr_table2 ~= 0 ) then
special_info = fmt ( " (%x, %x) " , extspr_table , extspr_table2 )
-- x speed for Fireballs
if extspr_number == 5 then x_speed = 16 * x_speed end
if OPTIONS.display_extended_sprite_info then
draw_text ( Buffer_width + Border_right , y_pos + counter * height , fmt ( " #%.2d %.2x %s(%d.%x(%+.2d), %d.%x(%+.2d)) " ,
id , extspr_number , special_info , x , sub_x , x_speed , y , sub_y , y_speed ) ,
COLOUR.extended_sprites , true , false )
if ( OPTIONS.display_debug_info and OPTIONS.display_debug_extended_sprite ) or not UNINTERESTING_EXTENDED_SPRITES [ extspr_number ]
or ( extspr_number == 1 and extspr_table2 == 0xf )
local x_screen , y_screen = screen_coordinates ( x , y , Camera_x , Camera_y )
local t = HITBOX_EXTENDED_SPRITE [ extspr_number ] or
{ xoff = 0 , yoff = 0 , width = 16 , height = 16 , color_line = COLOUR.awkward_hitbox , color_bg = COLOUR.awkward_hitbox_bg }
local xoff = t.xoff
local yoff = t.yoff + Y_CAMERA_OFF
local xrad = t.width
local yrad = t.height
local color_line = t.color_line or COLOUR.extended_sprites
local color_bg = t.color_bg or COLOUR.extended_sprites_bg
if extspr_number == 0x5 or extspr_number == 0x11 then
color_bg = ( Real_frame - id ) % 4 == 0 and COLOUR.special_extended_sprite_bg or 0
draw_rectangle ( x_screen + xoff , y_screen + yoff , xrad , yrad , color_line , color_bg ) -- regular hitbox
-- Experimental: attempt to show Mario's fireball vs sprites
-- this is likely wrong in some situation, but I can't solve this yet
if extspr_number == 5 or extspr_number == 1 then
local xoff_spr = x_speed >= 0 and - 5 or 1
local yoff_spr = - floor ( y_speed / 16 ) - 4 + ( y_speed >= - 40 and 1 or 0 )
local yrad_spr = y_speed >= - 40 and 19 or 20
draw_rectangle ( x_screen + xoff_spr , y_screen + yoff_spr , 12 , yrad_spr , color_line , color_bg )
counter = counter + 1
Text_opacity = 0.5
local x_pos , y_pos , length = draw_text ( Buffer_width + Border_right , y_pos , fmt ( " Ext. spr:%2d " , counter ) , COLOUR.weak , true , false , 0.0 , 1.0 )
if u8 ( WRAM.spinjump_flag ) ~= 0 and u8 ( WRAM.powerup ) == 3 then
local fireball_timer = u8 ( WRAM.spinjump_fireball_timer )
draw_text ( x_pos - length - BIZHAWK_FONT_WIDTH , y_pos , fmt ( " %d %s " ,
fireball_timer % 16 , bit.test ( fireball_timer , 4 ) and RIGHT_ARROW or LEFT_ARROW ) , COLOUR.extended_sprites , true , false , 1.0 , 1.0 )
local function cluster_sprites ( )
if not OPTIONS.display_cluster_sprite_info or u8 ( WRAM.cluspr_flag ) == 0 then return end
-- Font
Text_opacity = 1.0
local height = BIZHAWK_FONT_HEIGHT
local x_pos , y_pos = AR_x * 90 , AR_y * 77 -- BizHawk
local counter = 0
if OPTIONS.display_debug_info and OPTIONS.display_debug_cluster_sprite then
draw_text ( x_pos , y_pos , " Cluster Spr. " , COLOUR.weak )
counter = counter + 1
local reappearing_boo_counter
for id = 0 , SMW.cluster_sprite_max - 1 do
local clusterspr_number = u8 ( WRAM.cluspr_number + id )
if clusterspr_number ~= 0 then
if not HITBOX_CLUSTER_SPRITE [ clusterspr_number ] then
print ( " Warning: wrong cluster sprite number: " , clusterspr_number ) -- should not happen without cheats
-- Reads WRAM addresses
local x = signed ( 256 * u8 ( WRAM.cluspr_x_high + id ) + u8 ( WRAM.cluspr_x_low + id ) , 16 )
local y = signed ( 256 * u8 ( WRAM.cluspr_y_high + id ) + u8 ( WRAM.cluspr_y_low + id ) , 16 )
local clusterspr_timer , special_info , table_1 , table_2 , table_3
-- Reads cluster's table
local x_screen , y_screen = screen_coordinates ( x , y , Camera_x , Camera_y )
local t = HITBOX_CLUSTER_SPRITE [ clusterspr_number ] or
{ xoff = 0 , yoff = 0 , width = 16 , height = 16 , color_line = COLOUR.awkward_hitbox , color_bg = COLOUR.awkward_hitbox_bg , oscillation = 1 }
local xoff = t.xoff
local yoff = t.yoff + Y_CAMERA_OFF
local xrad = t.width
local yrad = t.height
local phase = t.phase or 0
local oscillation = ( Real_frame - id ) % t.oscillation == phase
local color = t.color or COLOUR.cluster_sprites
local color_bg = t.bg or COLOUR.sprites_bg
local invencibility_hitbox = nil
if OPTIONS.display_debug_info and OPTIONS.display_debug_cluster_sprite then
table_1 = u8 ( WRAM.cluspr_table_1 + id )
table_2 = u8 ( WRAM.cluspr_table_2 + id )
table_3 = u8 ( WRAM.cluspr_table_3 + id )
draw_text ( x_pos , y_pos + counter * height , ( " #%d(%d): (%d, %d) %d, %d, %d " )
: format ( id , clusterspr_number , x , y , table_1 , table_2 , table_3 ) , color )
counter = counter + 1
-- Case analysis
if clusterspr_number == 3 or clusterspr_number == 8 then
clusterspr_timer = u8 ( WRAM.cluspr_timer + id )
if clusterspr_timer ~= 0 then special_info = " " .. clusterspr_timer end
elseif clusterspr_number == 6 then
table_1 = table_1 or u8 ( WRAM.cluspr_table_1 + id )
if table_1 >= 111 or ( table_1 < 31 and table_1 >= 16 ) then
yoff = yoff + 17
elseif table_1 >= 103 or table_1 < 16 then
invencibility_hitbox = true
elseif table_1 >= 95 or ( table_1 < 47 and table_1 >= 31 ) then
yoff = yoff + 16
elseif clusterspr_number == 7 then
reappearing_boo_counter = reappearing_boo_counter or u8 ( WRAM.reappearing_boo_counter )
invencibility_hitbox = ( reappearing_boo_counter > 0xde ) or ( reappearing_boo_counter < 0x3f )
special_info = " " .. reappearing_boo_counter
-- Hitbox and sprite id
color = invencibility_hitbox and COLOUR.weak or color
color_bg = ( invencibility_hitbox and 0 ) or ( oscillation and color_bg ) or 0
draw_rectangle ( x_screen + xoff , y_screen + yoff , xrad , yrad , color , color_bg )
draw_text ( AR_x * ( x_screen + xoff ) + xrad , AR_y * ( y_screen + yoff ) , special_info and id .. special_info or id ,
color , false , false , 0.5 , 1.0 )
local function minor_extended_sprites ( )
if not OPTIONS.display_minor_extended_sprite_info then return end
-- Font
Text_opacity = 1.0
local height = BIZHAWK_FONT_HEIGHT
local x_pos , y_pos = 0 , Buffer_height - height * SMW.minor_extended_sprite_max
local counter = 0
for id = 0 , SMW.minor_extended_sprite_max - 1 do
local minorspr_number = u8 ( WRAM.minorspr_number + id )
if minorspr_number ~= 0 then
-- Reads WRAM addresses
local x = signed ( 256 * u8 ( WRAM.minorspr_x_high + id ) + u8 ( WRAM.minorspr_x_low + id ) , 16 )
local y = signed ( 256 * u8 ( WRAM.minorspr_y_high + id ) + u8 ( WRAM.minorspr_y_low + id ) , 16 )
local xspeed , yspeed = s8 ( WRAM.minorspr_xspeed + id ) , s8 ( WRAM.minorspr_yspeed + id )
local x_sub , y_sub = u8 ( WRAM.minorspr_x_sub + id ) , u8 ( WRAM.minorspr_y_sub + id )
local timer = u8 ( WRAM.minorspr_timer + id )
-- Only sprites 1 and 10 use the higher byte
local x_screen , y_screen = screen_coordinates ( x , y , Camera_x , Camera_y )
if minorspr_number ~= 1 and minorspr_number ~= 10 then -- Boo stream and Piece of brick block
x_screen = x_screen % 0x100
y_screen = y_screen % 0x100
-- Draw next to the sprite
local text = " # " .. id .. ( timer ~= 0 and ( " " .. timer ) or " " )
draw_text ( AR_x * ( x_screen + 8 ) , AR_y * ( y_screen + 4 ) , text , COLOUR.minor_extended_sprites , false , false , 0.5 , 1.0 )
if minorspr_number == 10 then -- Boo stream
draw_rectangle ( x_screen + 4 , y_screen + 4 + Y_CAMERA_OFF , 8 , 8 , COLOUR.minor_extended_sprites , COLOUR.sprites_bg )
-- Draw in the table
if OPTIONS.display_debug_info and OPTIONS.display_debug_minor_extended_sprite then
draw_text ( x_pos , y_pos + counter * height , ( " #%d(%d): %d.%x(%d), %d.%x(%d) " )
: format ( id , minorspr_number , x , floor ( x_sub / 16 ) , xspeed , y , floor ( y_sub / 16 ) , yspeed ) , COLOUR.minor_extended_sprites )
counter = counter + 1
if OPTIONS.display_debug_info and OPTIONS.display_debug_minor_extended_sprite then
draw_text ( x_pos , y_pos - height , " Minor Ext Spr: " .. counter , COLOUR.weak )
local function bounce_sprite_info ( )
if not OPTIONS.display_bounce_sprite_info then return end
-- Debug info
local x_txt , y_txt = AR_x * 90 , AR_y * 37
if OPTIONS.display_debug_info and OPTIONS.display_debug_bounce_sprite then
Text_opacity = 0.5
draw_text ( x_txt , y_txt , " Bounce Spr. " , COLOUR.weak )
-- Font
Text_opacity = 1.0
local height = BIZHAWK_FONT_HEIGHT
local stop_id = ( u8 ( WRAM.bouncespr_last_id ) - 1 ) % SMW.bounce_sprite_max
for id = 0 , SMW.bounce_sprite_max - 1 do
local bounce_sprite_number = u8 ( WRAM.bouncespr_number + id )
if bounce_sprite_number ~= 0 then
local x = 256 * u8 ( WRAM.bouncespr_x_high + id ) + u8 ( WRAM.bouncespr_x_low + id )
local y = 256 * u8 ( WRAM.bouncespr_y_high + id ) + u8 ( WRAM.bouncespr_y_low + id )
local bounce_timer = u8 ( WRAM.bouncespr_timer + id )
if OPTIONS.display_debug_info and OPTIONS.display_debug_bounce_sprite then
draw_text ( x_txt , y_txt + height * ( id + 1 ) , fmt ( " #%d:%d (%d, %d) " , id , bounce_sprite_number , x , y ) )
local x_screen , y_screen = screen_coordinates ( x , y , Camera_x , Camera_y )
x_screen , y_screen = AR_x * ( x_screen + 8 ) , AR_y * y_screen
local color = id == stop_id and COLOUR.warning or COLOUR.text
draw_text ( x_screen , y_screen , fmt ( " #%d:%d " , id , bounce_timer ) , color , false , false , 0.5 ) -- timer
-- Turn blocks
if bounce_sprite_number == 7 then
turn_block_timer = u8 ( WRAM.turn_block_timer + id )
draw_text ( x_screen , y_screen + height , turn_block_timer , color , false , false , 0.5 )
local function sprite_info ( id , counter , table_position )
Text_opacity = 1.0
local sprite_status = u8 ( WRAM.sprite_status + id )
if sprite_status == 0 then return 0 end -- returns if the slot is empty
local x = 256 * u8 ( WRAM.sprite_x_high + id ) + u8 ( WRAM.sprite_x_low + id )
local y = 256 * u8 ( WRAM.sprite_y_high + id ) + u8 ( WRAM.sprite_y_low + id )
local x_sub = u8 ( WRAM.sprite_x_sub + id )
local y_sub = u8 ( WRAM.sprite_y_sub + id )
local number = u8 ( WRAM.sprite_number + id )
local stun = u8 ( WRAM.sprite_miscellaneous7 + id )
local x_speed = s8 ( WRAM.sprite_x_speed + id )
local y_speed = s8 ( WRAM.sprite_y_speed + id )
local contact_mario = u8 ( WRAM.sprite_miscellaneous8 + id )
local underwater = u8 ( WRAM.sprite_underwater + id )
local x_offscreen = s8 ( WRAM.sprite_x_offscreen + id )
local y_offscreen = s8 ( WRAM.sprite_y_offscreen + id )
local special = " "
if ( OPTIONS.display_debug_info and OPTIONS.display_debug_sprite_extra ) or
( ( sprite_status ~= 0x8 and sprite_status ~= 0x9 and sprite_status ~= 0xa and sprite_status ~= 0xb ) or stun ~= 0 ) then
special = string.format ( " (%d %d) " , sprite_status , stun )
-- Let x and y be 16-bit signed
x = signed ( x , 16 )
y = signed ( y , 16 )
-- Calculates the sprites dimensions and screen positions
local x_screen , y_screen = screen_coordinates ( x , y , Camera_x , Camera_y )
-- Sprite clipping vs mario and sprites
local boxid = bit.band ( u8 ( WRAM.sprite_2_tweaker + id ) , 0x3f ) -- This is the type of box of the sprite
local xoff = HITBOX_SPRITE [ boxid ] . xoff
local yoff = HITBOX_SPRITE [ boxid ] . yoff + Y_CAMERA_OFF
local sprite_width = HITBOX_SPRITE [ boxid ] . width
local sprite_height = HITBOX_SPRITE [ boxid ] . height
-- Sprite clipping vs objects
local clip_obj = bit.band ( u8 ( WRAM.sprite_1_tweaker + id ) , 0xf ) -- type of hitbox for blocks
local xpt_right = OBJ_CLIPPING_SPRITE [ clip_obj ] . xright
local ypt_right = OBJ_CLIPPING_SPRITE [ clip_obj ] . yright
local xpt_left = OBJ_CLIPPING_SPRITE [ clip_obj ] . xleft
local ypt_left = OBJ_CLIPPING_SPRITE [ clip_obj ] . yleft
local xpt_down = OBJ_CLIPPING_SPRITE [ clip_obj ] . xdown
local ypt_down = OBJ_CLIPPING_SPRITE [ clip_obj ] . ydown
local xpt_up = OBJ_CLIPPING_SPRITE [ clip_obj ] . xup
local ypt_up = OBJ_CLIPPING_SPRITE [ clip_obj ] . yup
-- Process interaction with player every frame?
-- Format: dpmksPiS. This 'm' bit seems odd, since it has false negatives
local oscillation_flag = bit.test ( u8 ( WRAM.sprite_4_tweaker + id ) , 5 ) or OSCILLATION_SPRITES [ number ]
-- calculates the correct color to use, according to id
local info_color
local color_background
if number == 0x35 then
info_color = COLOUR.yoshi
color_background = COLOUR.yoshi_bg
info_color = COLOUR.sprites [ id % ( # COLOUR.sprites ) + 1 ]
color_background = COLOUR.sprites_bg
if ( not oscillation_flag ) and ( Real_frame - id ) % 2 == 1 then color_background = 0 end -- due to sprite oscillation every other frame
-- notice that some sprites interact with Mario every frame
-- Displays sprites hitboxes
if OPTIONS.display_sprite_hitbox then
-- That's the pixel that appears when the sprite vanishes in the pit
if y_screen >= 224 or ( OPTIONS.display_debug_info and OPTIONS.display_debug_sprite_extra ) then
draw_pixel ( x_screen , y_screen , info_color )
if Sprite_hitbox [ id ] [ number ] . block then
draw_box ( x_screen + xpt_left , y_screen + ypt_down , x_screen + xpt_right , y_screen + ypt_up ,
COLOUR.sprites_clipping_bg , Sprite_hitbox [ id ] [ number ] . sprite and 0 or COLOUR.sprites_clipping_bg )
if Sprite_hitbox [ id ] [ number ] . sprite and not ABNORMAL_HITBOX_SPRITES [ number ] then -- show sprite/sprite clipping
draw_rectangle ( x_screen + xoff , y_screen + yoff , sprite_width , sprite_height , info_color , color_background )
if Sprite_hitbox [ id ] [ number ] . block then -- show sprite/object clipping
local size , color = 1 , COLOUR.sprites_interaction_pts
draw_line ( x_screen + xpt_right , y_screen + ypt_right , x_screen + xpt_right - size , y_screen + ypt_right , 1 , color ) -- right
draw_line ( x_screen + xpt_left , y_screen + ypt_left , x_screen + xpt_left + size , y_screen + ypt_left , 1 , color ) -- left
draw_line ( x_screen + xpt_down , y_screen + ypt_down , x_screen + xpt_down , y_screen + ypt_down - size , 1 , color ) -- down
draw_line ( x_screen + xpt_up , y_screen + ypt_up , x_screen + xpt_up , y_screen + ypt_up + size , 1 , color ) -- up
-- Special sprites analysis:
29 Koopa Kid
54 Revolving door for climbing net , wrong hitbox area , not urgent
5 a Turn block bridge , horizontal , hitbox only applies to central block and wrongly
86 Wiggler , the second part of the sprite , that hurts Mario even if he ' s on Yoshi, doesn ' t appear
89 Layer 3 Smash , hitbox of generator outside
9 e Ball ' n ' Chain , hitbox only applies to central block , rotating ball
a3 Rotating gray platform , wrong hitbox , rotating plataforms
] ]
if number == 0x5f then -- Swinging brown platform (fix it)
-- Powerup Incrementation helper
local yoshi_right = 256 * floor ( x / 256 ) - 58
local yoshi_left = yoshi_right + 32
local x_text , y_text , height = AR_x * ( x_screen + xoff ) , AR_y * ( y_screen + yoff ) , BIZHAWK_FONT_HEIGHT
if mouse_onregion ( x_text , y_text , x_text + AR_x * sprite_width , y_text + AR_y * sprite_height ) then
local x_text , y_text = 0 , height
draw_text ( x_text , y_text , " Powerup Incrementation help " , info_color , COLOUR.background )
draw_text ( x_text , y_text + height , " Yoshi must have: id = #4; " , info_color , COLOUR.background )
draw_text ( x_text , y_text + 2 * height , ( " Yoshi x pos: (%s %d) or (%s %d) " )
: format ( LEFT_ARROW , yoshi_left , RIGHT_ARROW , yoshi_right ) , info_color , COLOUR.background )
--The status change happens when yoshi's id number is #4 and when (yoshi's x position) + Z mod 256 = 214,
--where Z is 16 if yoshi is facing right, and -16 if facing left. More precisely, when (yoshi's x position + Z) mod 256 = 214,
--the address 0x7E0015 + (yoshi's id number) will be added by 1.
-- therefore: X_yoshi = 256*floor(x/256) + 32*yoshi_direction - 58
if number == 0x35 then -- Yoshi
if not Yoshi_riding_flag and OPTIONS.display_sprite_hitbox and Sprite_hitbox [ id ] [ number ] . sprite then
draw_rectangle ( x_screen + 4 , y_screen + 20 , 8 , 8 , COLOUR.yoshi )
if number == 0x62 or number == 0x63 then -- Brown line-guided platform & Brown/checkered line-guided platform
xoff = xoff - 24
yoff = yoff - 8
-- for some reason, the actual base is 1 pixel below when Mario is small
if OPTIONS.display_sprite_hitbox then
draw_rectangle ( x_screen + xoff , y_screen + yoff , sprite_width , sprite_height , info_color , color_background )
if number == 0x6b then -- Wall springboard (left wall)
xoff = xoff - 8
sprite_height = sprite_height + 1 -- for some reason, small Mario gets a bigger hitbox
if OPTIONS.display_sprite_hitbox then
draw_rectangle ( x_screen + xoff , y_screen + yoff , sprite_width , sprite_height , info_color , color_background )
draw_line ( x_screen + xoff , y_screen + yoff + 3 , x_screen + xoff + sprite_width , y_screen + yoff + 3 , 1 , info_color )
if number == 0x6c then -- Wall springboard (right wall)
xoff = xoff - 31
sprite_height = sprite_height + 1
if OPTIONS.display_sprite_hitbox then
draw_rectangle ( x_screen + xoff , y_screen + yoff , sprite_width , sprite_height , info_color , color_background )
draw_line ( x_screen + xoff , y_screen + yoff + 3 , x_screen + xoff + sprite_width , y_screen + yoff + 3 , 1 , info_color )
if number == 0x7b then -- Goal Tape
Text_opacity = 0.8
-- This draws the effective area of a goal tape
local x_effective = 256 * u8 ( WRAM.sprite_miscellaneous4 + id ) + u8 ( 0xc2 + id ) -- unlisted WRAM
local y_low = 256 * u8 ( 0x1534 + id ) + u8 ( WRAM.sprite_miscellaneous5 + id ) -- unlisted WRAM
local _ , y_high = screen_coordinates ( 0 , 0 , Camera_x , Camera_y )
local x_s , y_s = screen_coordinates ( x_effective , y_low , Camera_x , Camera_y )
if OPTIONS.display_sprite_hitbox then
draw_box ( x_s , y_high , x_s + 15 , y_s , info_color , COLOUR.goal_tape_bg )
draw_text ( AR_x * x_s , AR_y * y_screen , fmt ( " Touch=%4d.0->%4d.f " , x_effective , x_effective + 15 ) , info_color , false , false )
Text_opacity = 1.0
Bg_opacity = 1.0
elseif number == 0xa9 then -- Reznor
local reznor
local color
for index = 0 , SMW.sprite_max - 1 do
reznor = u8 ( WRAM.sprite_miscellaneous4 + index )
if index >= 4 and index <= 7 then
color = COLOUR.warning
color = color_weak
draw_text ( 3 * BIZHAWK_FONT_WIDTH * index , Buffer_height , fmt ( " %.2x " , reznor ) , color , true , false , 0.0 , 1.0 )
elseif number == 0xa0 then -- Bowser
local height = BIZHAWK_FONT_HEIGHT
local y_text = Screen_height - 10 * height
local address = 0x14b0 -- unlisted WRAM
for index = 0 , 9 do
local value = u8 ( address + index )
draw_text ( Buffer_width + Border_right , y_text + index * height , fmt ( " %2x = %3d " , value , value ) , info_color , true )
-- Prints those informations next to the sprite
Text_opacity = 1.0
Bg_opacity = 1.0
if x_offscreen ~= 0 or y_offscreen ~= 0 then
Text_opacity = 0.6
local contact_str = contact_mario == 0 and " " or " " .. contact_mario
local sprite_middle = x_screen + xoff + floor ( sprite_width / 2 )
local sprite_top = y_screen + math.min ( yoff , ypt_up )
draw_text ( AR_x * sprite_middle , AR_y * sprite_top , fmt ( " #%.2d%s " , id , contact_str ) , info_color , true , false , 0.5 , 1.0 )
if Player_powerup == 2 then
local contact_cape = u8 ( WRAM.sprite_disable_cape + id )
if contact_cape ~= 0 then
draw_text ( AR_x * sprite_middle , AR_y * sprite_top - 2 * BIZHAWK_FONT_HEIGHT , contact_cape , COLOUR.cape , true )
-- Sprite tweakers info
if OPTIONS.display_debug_info and OPTIONS.display_debug_sprite_tweakers then
Text_opacity = 0.8 -- BizHawk
local height = BIZHAWK_FONT_HEIGHT
local x_txt , y_txt = AR_x * sprite_middle - 4 * BIZHAWK_FONT_WIDTH , AR_y * ( y_screen + yoff ) - 7 * height
local tweaker_1 = u8 ( WRAM.sprite_1_tweaker + id )
draw_over_text ( x_txt , y_txt , tweaker_1 , " sSjJcccc " , COLOUR.weak , info_color )
y_txt = y_txt + height
local tweaker_2 = u8 ( WRAM.sprite_2_tweaker + id )
draw_over_text ( x_txt , y_txt , tweaker_2 , " dscccccc " , COLOUR.weak , info_color )
y_txt = y_txt + height
local tweaker_3 = u8 ( WRAM.sprite_3_tweaker + id )
draw_over_text ( x_txt , y_txt , tweaker_3 , " lwcfpppg " , COLOUR.weak , info_color )
y_txt = y_txt + height
local tweaker_4 = u8 ( WRAM.sprite_4_tweaker + id )
draw_over_text ( x_txt , y_txt , tweaker_4 , " dpmksPiS " , COLOUR.weak , info_color )
y_txt = y_txt + height
local tweaker_5 = u8 ( WRAM.sprite_5_tweaker + id )
draw_over_text ( x_txt , y_txt , tweaker_5 , " dnctswye " , COLOUR.weak , info_color )
y_txt = y_txt + height
local tweaker_6 = u8 ( WRAM.sprite_6_tweaker + id )
draw_over_text ( x_txt , y_txt , tweaker_6 , " wcdj5sDp " , COLOUR.weak , info_color )
Text_opacity = 1.0
-- The sprite table:
local x_speed_water = " "
if underwater ~= 0 then -- if sprite is underwater
local correction = floor ( 3 * floor ( x_speed / 2 ) / 2 )
x_speed_water = string.format ( " %+.2d=%+.2d " , correction - x_speed , correction )
local sprite_str = fmt ( " #%02d %02x %s%d.%1x(%+.2d%s) %d.%1x(%+.2d) " ,
id , number , special , x , floor ( x_sub / 16 ) , x_speed , x_speed_water , y , floor ( y_sub / 16 ) , y_speed )
Text_opacity = 1.0
Bg_opacity = 1.0
if x_offscreen ~= 0 or y_offscreen ~= 0 then
Text_opacity = 0.6
draw_text ( Buffer_width + Border_right , table_position + counter * BIZHAWK_FONT_HEIGHT , sprite_str , info_color , true )
-- Miscellaneous sprite table
if OPTIONS.display_miscellaneous_sprite_table then
local x_mis , y_mis = - Border_left , AR_y * 144 + counter * BIZHAWK_FONT_HEIGHT
local t = OPTIONS.miscellaneous_sprite_table_number
local misc , text = nil , fmt ( " #%.2d " , id )
for num = 1 , 19 do
misc = t [ num ] and u8 ( WRAM [ " sprite_miscellaneous " .. num ] + id ) or false
text = misc and fmt ( " %s %3d " , text , misc ) or text
draw_text ( x_mis , y_mis , text , info_color )
-- Exporting some values
Sprites_info [ id ] . number = number
Sprites_info [ id ] . x , Sprites_info [ id ] . y = x , y
Sprites_info [ id ] . x_screen , Sprites_info [ id ] . y_screen = x_screen , y_screen
Sprites_info [ id ] . boxid = boxid
Sprites_info [ id ] . xoff , Sprites_info [ id ] . yoff = xoff , yoff
Sprites_info [ id ] . width , Sprites_info [ id ] . height = sprite_width , sprite_height
return 1
local function sprites ( )
if not OPTIONS.display_sprite_info then return end
local counter = 0
local table_position = AR_y * 48
for id = 0 , SMW.sprite_max - 1 do
counter = counter + sprite_info ( id , counter , table_position )
-- Font
Text_opacity = 0.6
local swap_slot = u8 ( 0x1861 ) -- unlisted WRAM
local smh = u8 ( WRAM.sprite_memory_header )
draw_text ( Buffer_width + Border_right , table_position - 2 * BIZHAWK_FONT_HEIGHT , fmt ( " spr:%.2d " , counter ) , COLOUR.weak , true )
draw_text ( Buffer_width + Border_right , table_position - BIZHAWK_FONT_HEIGHT , fmt ( " 1st div: %d. Swap: %d " ,
SPRITE_MEMORY_MAX [ smh ] or 0 , swap_slot ) , COLOUR.weak , true )
-- Miscellaneous sprite table: index
if OPTIONS.display_miscellaneous_sprite_table then
local t = OPTIONS.miscellaneous_sprite_table_number
local text = " Tab "
for num = 1 , 19 do
text = t [ num ] and fmt ( " %s %3d " , text , num ) or text
draw_text ( - Border_left , AR_y * 144 - BIZHAWK_FONT_HEIGHT , text , info_color )
local function yoshi ( )
if not OPTIONS.display_yoshi_info then
-- Font
Text_opacity = 1.0
Bg_opacity = 1.0
local x_text = - Border_left
local y_text = AR_y * 88
local yoshi_id = Yoshi_id
if yoshi_id ~= nil then
local eat_id = u8 ( WRAM.sprite_miscellaneous16 + yoshi_id )
local eat_type = u8 ( WRAM.sprite_number + eat_id )
local tongue_len = u8 ( WRAM.sprite_miscellaneous4 + yoshi_id )
local tongue_timer = u8 ( WRAM.sprite_miscellaneous9 + yoshi_id )
local tongue_wait = u8 ( WRAM.sprite_tongue_wait )
local tongue_height = u8 ( WRAM.yoshi_tile_pos )
local tongue_out = u8 ( WRAM.sprite_miscellaneous13 + yoshi_id )
local eat_type_str = eat_id == SMW.null_sprite_id and " - " or string.format ( " %02x " , eat_type )
local eat_id_str = eat_id == SMW.null_sprite_id and " - " or string.format ( " #%02d " , eat_id )
-- Yoshi's direction and turn around
local turn_around = u8 ( WRAM.sprite_miscellaneous14 + yoshi_id )
local yoshi_direction = u8 ( WRAM.sprite_miscellaneous12 + yoshi_id )
local direction_symbol
if yoshi_direction == 0 then direction_symbol = RIGHT_ARROW else direction_symbol = LEFT_ARROW end
draw_text ( x_text , y_text , fmt ( " Yoshi %s %d " , direction_symbol , turn_around ) , COLOUR.yoshi )
if eat_id == SMW.null_sprite_id and tongue_len == 0 and tongue_timer == 0 and tongue_wait == 0 then
Text_opacity = 0.2
draw_text ( x_text , y_text + h , fmt ( " (%0s, %0s) %02d, %d, %d " ,
eat_id_str , eat_type_str , tongue_len , tongue_wait , tongue_timer ) , COLOUR.yoshi )
-- more WRAM values
local yoshi_x = 256 * u8 ( WRAM.sprite_x_high + yoshi_id ) + u8 ( WRAM.sprite_x_low + yoshi_id )
local yoshi_y = 256 * u8 ( WRAM.sprite_y_high + yoshi_id ) + u8 ( WRAM.sprite_y_low + yoshi_id )
local x_screen , y_screen = screen_coordinates ( yoshi_x , yoshi_y , Camera_x , Camera_y )
-- invisibility timer
local mount_invisibility = u8 ( WRAM.sprite_miscellaneous18 + yoshi_id )
if mount_invisibility ~= 0 then
Text_opacity = 0.5
draw_text ( AR_x * ( x_screen + 4 ) , AR_y * ( y_screen - 12 ) , mount_invisibility , COLOUR.yoshi )
-- Tongue hitbox and timer
if tongue_wait ~= 0 or tongue_out ~= 0 or tongue_height == 0x89 then -- if tongue is out or appearing
-- the position of the hitbox pixel
local tongue_direction = yoshi_direction == 0 and 1 or - 1
local tongue_high = tongue_height ~= 0x89
local x_tongue = x_screen + 24 - 40 * yoshi_direction + tongue_len * tongue_direction
x_tongue = not tongue_high and x_tongue or x_tongue - 5 * tongue_direction
local y_tongue = y_screen + 10 + 11 * ( tongue_high and 0 or 1 )
-- the drawing
local tongue_line
if tongue_wait <= 9 then -- hitbox point vs berry tile
draw_rectangle ( x_tongue - 1 , y_tongue - 1 , 2 , 2 , COLOUR.tongue_bg , COLOUR.text )
tongue_line = COLOUR.tongue_line
else tongue_line = COLOUR.tongue_bg
-- tongue out: time predictor
local tinfo , tcolor
if tongue_wait > 9 then tinfo = tongue_wait - 9 ; tcolor = COLOUR.tongue_line -- not ready yet
elseif tongue_out == 1 then tinfo = 17 + tongue_wait ; tcolor = COLOUR.text -- tongue going out
elseif tongue_out == 2 then -- at the max or tongue going back
tinfo = math.max ( tongue_wait , tongue_timer ) + floor ( ( tongue_len + 7 ) / 4 ) - ( tongue_len ~= 0 and 1 or 0 )
tcolor = eat_id == SMW.null_sprite_id and COLOUR.text or COLOUR.warning
elseif tongue_out == 0 then tinfo = 0 ; tcolor = COLOUR.text -- tongue in
else tinfo = tongue_timer + 1 ; tcolor = COLOUR.tongue_line -- item was just spat out
Text_opacity = 0.5
draw_text ( AR_x * ( x_tongue + 4 ) , AR_y * ( y_tongue + 5 ) , tinfo , tcolor , false , false , 0.5 )
Text_opacity = 1.0
draw_rectangle ( x_tongue , y_tongue + 1 , 8 , 4 , tongue_line , COLOUR.tongue_bg )
local function show_counters ( )
if not OPTIONS.display_counters then
-- Font
Text_opacity = 1.0
Bg_opacity = 1.0
local height = BIZHAWK_FONT_HEIGHT
local text_counter = 0
local pipe_entrance_timer = u8 ( WRAM.pipe_entrance_timer )
local multicoin_block_timer = u8 ( WRAM.multicoin_block_timer )
local gray_pow_timer = u8 ( WRAM.gray_pow_timer )
local blue_pow_timer = u8 ( WRAM.blue_pow_timer )
local dircoin_timer = u8 ( WRAM.dircoin_timer )
local pballoon_timer = u8 ( WRAM.pballoon_timer )
local star_timer = u8 ( WRAM.star_timer )
local invisibility_timer = u8 ( WRAM.invisibility_timer )
local animation_timer = u8 ( WRAM.animation_timer )
local fireflower_timer = u8 ( WRAM.fireflower_timer )
local yoshi_timer = u8 ( WRAM.yoshi_timer )
local swallow_timer = u8 ( WRAM.swallow_timer )
local lakitu_timer = u8 ( WRAM.lakitu_timer )
local score_incrementing = u8 ( WRAM.score_incrementing )
local end_level_timer = u8 ( WRAM.end_level_timer )
local display_counter = function ( label , value , default , mult , frame , color )
if value == default then return end
text_counter = text_counter + 1
local color = color or COLOUR.text
draw_text ( - Border_left , AR_y * 102 + ( text_counter * height ) , fmt ( " %s: %d " , label , ( value * mult ) - frame ) , color )
if Player_animation_trigger == 5 or Player_animation_trigger == 6 then
display_counter ( " Pipe " , pipe_entrance_timer , - 1 , 1 , 0 , COLOUR.counter_pipe )
display_counter ( " Multi Coin " , multicoin_block_timer , 0 , 1 , 0 , COLOUR.counter_multicoin )
display_counter ( " Pow " , gray_pow_timer , 0 , 4 , Effective_frame % 4 , COLOUR.counter_gray_pow )
display_counter ( " Pow " , blue_pow_timer , 0 , 4 , Effective_frame % 4 , COLOUR.counter_blue_pow )
display_counter ( " Dir Coin " , dircoin_timer , 0 , 4 , Real_frame % 4 , COLOUR.counter_dircoin )
display_counter ( " P-Balloon " , pballoon_timer , 0 , 4 , Real_frame % 4 , COLOUR.counter_pballoon )
display_counter ( " Star " , star_timer , 0 , 4 , ( Effective_frame - 3 ) % 4 , COLOUR.counter_star )
display_counter ( " Invisibility " , invisibility_timer , 0 , 1 , 0 )
display_counter ( " Fireflower " , fireflower_timer , 0 , 1 , 0 , COLOUR.counter_fireflower )
display_counter ( " Yoshi " , yoshi_timer , 0 , 1 , 0 , COLOUR.yoshi )
display_counter ( " Swallow " , swallow_timer , 0 , 4 , ( Effective_frame - 1 ) % 4 , COLOUR.yoshi )
display_counter ( " Lakitu " , lakitu_timer , 0 , 4 , Effective_frame % 4 )
display_counter ( " End Level " , end_level_timer , 0 , 2 , ( Real_frame - 1 ) % 2 )
display_counter ( " Score Incrementing " , score_incrementing , 0x50 , 1 , 0 )
if Lock_animation_flag ~= 0 then display_counter ( " Animation " , animation_timer , 0 , 1 , 0 ) end -- shows when player is getting hurt or dying
-- Main function to run inside a level
local function level_mode ( )
if Game_mode == SMW.game_mode_level then
-- Draws/Erases the tiles if user clicked
draw_layer1_tiles ( Camera_x , Camera_y )
draw_layer2_tiles ( )
sprites ( )
extended_sprites ( )
cluster_sprites ( )
minor_extended_sprites ( )
bounce_sprite_info ( )
level_info ( )
player ( )
yoshi ( )
show_counters ( )
-- Draws/Erases the hitbox for objects
if User_input.mouse_inwindow then
select_object ( User_input.xmouse , User_input.ymouse , Camera_x , Camera_y )
local function overworld_mode ( )
if Game_mode ~= SMW.game_mode_overworld then return end
-- Font
Text_opacity = 1.0
Bg_opacity = 1.0
local height = BIZHAWK_FONT_HEIGHT
local y_text = BIZHAWK_FONT_HEIGHT
-- Real frame modulo 8
local real_frame_8 = Real_frame % 8
draw_text ( Buffer_width + Border_right , y_text , fmt ( " Real Frame = %3d = %d(mod 8) " , Real_frame , real_frame_8 ) , true )
-- Star Road info
local star_speed = u8 ( WRAM.star_road_speed )
local star_timer = u8 ( WRAM.star_road_timer )
y_text = y_text + height
draw_text ( Buffer_width + Border_right , y_text , fmt ( " Star Road(%x %x) " , star_speed , star_timer ) , COLOUR.cape , true )
local function left_click ( )
-- Call options menu if the form is closed
if Options_form.is_form_closed and mouse_onregion ( 120 * AR_x , 0 , 120 * AR_x + 4 * BIZHAWK_FONT_WIDTH , BIZHAWK_FONT_HEIGHT ) then -- bizhawk
Options_form.create_window ( )
-- Drag and drop sprites
if Cheat.allow_cheats then
local id = select_object ( User_input.xmouse , User_input.ymouse , Camera_x , Camera_y )
if type ( id ) == " number " and id >= 0 and id < SMW.sprite_max then
Cheat.dragging_sprite_id = id
Cheat.is_dragging_sprite = true
-- Layer 1 tiles
local x_mouse , y_mouse = game_coordinates ( User_input.xmouse , User_input.ymouse , Camera_x , Camera_y )
x_mouse = 16 * floor ( x_mouse / 16 )
y_mouse = 16 * floor ( y_mouse / 16 )
if User_input.mouse_inwindow then
select_tile ( x_mouse , y_mouse , Layer1_tiles )
-- This function runs at the end of paint callback
-- Specific for info that changes if the emulator is paused and idle callback is called
local function mouse_actions ( )
-- Font
Text_opacity = 1.0
if Cheat.allow_cheats then -- show cheat status anyway
alert_text ( - Border_left , Buffer_height + Border_bottom , " Cheats: allowed " , COLOUR.warning , COLOUR.warning_bg ,
true , false , 0.0 , 1.0 )
-- Drag and drop sprites with the mouse
if Cheat.is_dragging_sprite then
Cheat.drag_sprite ( Cheat.dragging_sprite_id )
Cheat.is_cheating = true
local function read_raw_input ( )
-- User input data
Previous.User_input = copytable ( User_input )
local tmp = input.get ( )
for entry , value in pairs ( User_input ) do
User_input [ entry ] = tmp [ entry ] or false
-- Mouse input
tmp = input.getmouse ( )
User_input.xmouse = tmp.X
User_input.ymouse = tmp.Y
User_input.leftclick = tmp.Left
User_input.rightclick = tmp.Right
-- BizHawk, custom field
User_input.mouse_inwindow = mouse_onregion ( - Border_left , - Border_top , Buffer_width + Border_right , Buffer_height + Border_bottom )
-- Detect if a key was just pressed or released
for entry , value in pairs ( User_input ) do
if ( value ~= false ) and ( Previous.User_input [ entry ] == false ) then Keys.pressed [ entry ] = true
else Keys.pressed [ entry ] = false
if ( value == false ) and ( Previous.User_input [ entry ] ~= false ) then Keys.released [ entry ] = true
else Keys.released [ entry ] = false
-- Key presses/releases execution:
for entry , value in pairs ( Keys.press ) do
if Keys.pressed [ entry ] then
value ( )
for entry , value in pairs ( Keys.release ) do
if Keys.released [ entry ] then
value ( )
-- This signals that some cheat is activated, or was some short time ago
Cheat.allow_cheats = false
Cheat.is_cheating = false
function Cheat . is_cheat_active ( )
if Cheat.is_cheating then
Text_opacity = 1.0
Bg_opacity = 1.0
alert_text ( Buffer_middle_x - 3 * BIZHAWK_FONT_WIDTH , BIZHAWK_FONT_HEIGHT , " CHEAT " , COLOUR.warning , COLOUR.warning_bg )
Previous.is_cheating = true
if Previous.is_cheating then
gui.addmessage ( " Script applied cheat " ) -- BizHawk
Previous.is_cheating = false
-- Called from Cheat.beat_level()
function Cheat . activate_next_level ( secret_exit )
if u8 ( WRAM.level_exit_type ) == 0x80 and u8 ( WRAM.midway_point ) == 1 then
if secret_exit then
w8 ( WRAM.level_exit_type , 0x2 )
w8 ( WRAM.level_exit_type , 1 )
Cheat.is_cheating = true
-- allows start + select + X to activate the normal exit
-- start + select + A to activate the secret exit
-- start + select + B to exit the level without activating any exits
function Cheat . beat_level ( )
if Is_paused and Joypad [ " Select " ] and ( Joypad [ " X " ] or Joypad [ " A " ] or Joypad [ " B " ] ) then
w8 ( WRAM.level_flag_table + Level_index , bit.bor ( Level_flag , 0x80 ) )
local secret_exit = Joypad [ " A " ]
if not Joypad [ " B " ] then
w8 ( WRAM.midway_point , 1 )
w8 ( WRAM.midway_point , 0 )
Cheat.activate_next_level ( secret_exit )
-- This function makes Mario's position free
-- Press L+R+up to activate and L+R+down to turn it off.
-- While active, press directionals to fly free and Y or X to boost him up
Cheat.under_free_move = false
function Cheat . free_movement ( )
if ( Joypad [ " L " ] and Joypad [ " R " ] and Joypad [ " Up " ] ) then Cheat.under_free_move = true end
if ( Joypad [ " L " ] and Joypad [ " R " ] and Joypad [ " Down " ] ) then Cheat.under_free_move = false end
if not Cheat.under_free_move then
if Previous.under_free_move then w8 ( WRAM.frozen , 0 ) end
local x_pos , y_pos = u16 ( WRAM.x ) , u16 ( WRAM.y )
local movement_mode = u8 ( WRAM.player_animation_trigger )
local pixels = ( Joypad [ " Y " ] and 7 ) or ( Joypad [ " X " ] and 4 ) or 1 -- how many pixels per frame
if Joypad [ " Left " ] then x_pos = x_pos - pixels end
if Joypad [ " Right " ] then x_pos = x_pos + pixels end
if Joypad [ " Up " ] then y_pos = y_pos - pixels end
if Joypad [ " Down " ] then y_pos = y_pos + pixels end
-- freeze player to avoid deaths
if movement_mode == 0 then
w8 ( WRAM.frozen , 1 )
w8 ( WRAM.x_speed , 0 )
w8 ( WRAM.y_speed , 0 )
-- animate sprites by incrementing the effective frame
w8 ( WRAM.effective_frame , ( u8 ( WRAM.effective_frame ) + 1 ) % 256 )
w8 ( WRAM.frozen , 0 )
-- manipulate some values
w16 ( WRAM.x , x_pos )
w16 ( WRAM.y , y_pos )
w8 ( WRAM.invisibility_timer , 127 )
w8 ( WRAM.vertical_scroll_flag_header , 1 ) -- free vertical scrolling
w8 ( WRAM.vertical_scroll_enabled , 1 )
Cheat.is_cheating = true
Previous.under_free_move = true
-- Drag and drop sprites with the mouse, if the cheats are activated and mouse is over the sprite
-- Right clicking and holding: drags the sprite
-- Releasing: drops it over the latest spot
function Cheat . drag_sprite ( id )
if Game_mode ~= SMW.game_mode_level then Cheat.is_dragging_sprite = false ; return end
local xoff , yoff = Sprites_info [ id ] . xoff , Sprites_info [ id ] . yoff
local xgame , ygame = game_coordinates ( User_input.xmouse - xoff , User_input.ymouse - yoff , Camera_x , Camera_y )
local sprite_xhigh = floor ( xgame / 256 )
local sprite_xlow = xgame - 256 * sprite_xhigh
local sprite_yhigh = floor ( ygame / 256 )
local sprite_ylow = ygame - 256 * sprite_yhigh
w8 ( WRAM.sprite_x_high + id , sprite_xhigh )
w8 ( WRAM.sprite_x_low + id , sprite_xlow )
w8 ( WRAM.sprite_y_high + id , sprite_yhigh )
w8 ( WRAM.sprite_y_low + id , sprite_ylow )
function Cheat . score ( )
if not Cheat.allow_cheats then
print ( " Cheats not allowed. " )
local num = forms.gettext ( Options_form.score_number )
local is_hex = num : sub ( 1 , 2 ) : lower ( ) == " 0x "
num = tonumber ( num )
if not num or num % 1 ~= 0 or num < 0
or num > 9999990 or ( not is_hex and num % 10 ~= 0 ) then
print ( " Enter a valid score: hexadecimal representation or decimal ending in 0. " )
num = is_hex and num or num / 10
w24 ( WRAM.mario_score , num )
print ( fmt ( " Cheat: score set to %d0. " , num ) )
Cheat.is_cheating = true
-- BizHawk: modifies address <address> value from <current> to <current + modification>
-- [size] is the optional size in bytes of the address
-- TODO: [is_signed] is untrue if the value is unsigned, true otherwise
function Cheat . change_address ( address , value_form , size , criterion , error_message , success_message )
if not Cheat.allow_cheats then
print ( " Cheats not allowed. " )
size = size or 1
local max_value = 256 ^ size - 1
local value = Options_form [ value_form ] and forms.gettext ( Options_form [ value_form ] ) or value_form
local default_criterion = function ( value )
value = tonumber ( value )
if not value or value % 1 ~= 0 or value < 0 or value > max_value then
return false
return value
local new = default_criterion ( value )
if criterion and new then
new = criterion ( new ) and new or false
if not new then
print ( error_message or " Enter a valid value. " )
local memoryf = ( size == 1 and w8 ) or ( size == 2 and w16 ) or ( size == 3 and w24 ) or error " size is too big "
memoryf ( address , new )
print ( fmt ( " Cheat: %s set to %d. " , success_message , new ) or fmt ( " Cheat: set WRAM 0x%X to %d. " , address , new ) )
Cheat.is_cheating = true
-- MAIN --
-- Key presses:
Keys.registerkeypress ( " rightclick " , right_click )
Keys.registerkeypress ( " leftclick " , left_click )
-- Key releases:
Keys.registerkeyrelease ( " mouse_inwindow " , function ( ) Cheat.is_dragging_sprite = false end )
Keys.registerkeyrelease ( " leftclick " , function ( ) Cheat.is_dragging_sprite = false end )
-- Lateral gaps:
if not OLD_EMU_VERSION then
client.SetGameExtraPadding ( OPTIONS.left_gap , OPTIONS.top_gap , OPTIONS.right_gap , OPTIONS.bottom_gap )
client.SetClientExtraPadding ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 )
function Options_form . create_window ( )
Options_form.form = forms.newform ( 220 , 554 , " SMW Options " )
local xform , yform , delta_y = 2 , 0 , 20
-- Top label
Options_form.label_cheats = forms.label ( Options_form.form , " You can close this form at any time " , xform , yform , 200 , 20 )
yform = yform + delta_y
Options_form.allow_cheats = forms.checkbox ( Options_form.form , " Allow cheats " , xform , yform )
forms.setproperty ( Options_form.allow_cheats , " Checked " , Cheat.allow_cheats )
xform = xform + 105
forms.button ( Options_form.form , " Powerup " , function ( ) Cheat.change_address ( WRAM.powerup , " powerup_number " , 1 ,
nil , " Enter a valid integer (0-255). " , " powerup " )
end , xform , yform , 58 , 24 )
yform = yform + 2
xform = xform + 59
Options_form.powerup_number = forms.textbox ( Options_form.form , " " , 24 , 16 , " UNSIGNED " , xform , yform , false , false )
xform = 2
yform = yform + 28
forms.button ( Options_form.form , " Score " , Cheat.score , xform , yform , 43 , 24 )
yform = yform + 2
xform = xform + 45
Options_form.score_number = forms.textbox ( Options_form.form , fmt ( " 0x%X " , u24 ( WRAM.mario_score ) ) , 48 , 16 , nil , xform , yform , false , false )
xform = xform + 59
forms.button ( Options_form.form , " Coin " , function ( ) Cheat.change_address ( WRAM.player_coin , " coin_number " , 1 ,
function ( num ) return num < 100 end , " Enter an integer between 0 and 99. " , " coin " )
end , xform , yform , 43 , 24 )
yform = yform + 2
xform = xform + 45
Options_form.coin_number = forms.textbox ( Options_form.form , " " , 24 , 16 , " UNSIGNED " , xform , yform , false , false )
xform = 2
yform = yform + 28
forms.button ( Options_form.form , " Box " , function ( ) Cheat.change_address ( 0x0dc2 , " item_box_number " , 1 , -- unlisted WRAM
nil , " Enter a valid integer (0-255). " , " Item box " )
end , xform , yform , 43 , 24 )
yform = yform + 2
xform = xform + 45
Options_form.item_box_number = forms.textbox ( Options_form.form , " " , 24 , 16 , " UNSIGNED " , xform , yform , false , false )
xform = 2
yform = yform + 28
Options_form.label1 = forms.label ( Options_form.form , " Show/hide options: " , xform , yform )
yform = yform + delta_y
local y_begin_showhide = yform -- 1st column
Options_form.debug_info = forms.checkbox ( Options_form.form , " Debug info " , xform , yform )
forms.setproperty ( Options_form.debug_info , " Checked " , OPTIONS.display_debug_info )
yform = yform + delta_y
Options_form.movie_info = forms.checkbox ( Options_form.form , " Movie info " , xform , yform )
forms.setproperty ( Options_form.movie_info , " Checked " , OPTIONS.display_movie_info )
yform = yform + delta_y
Options_form.misc_info = forms.checkbox ( Options_form.form , " Miscellaneous " , xform , yform )
forms.setproperty ( Options_form.misc_info , " Checked " , OPTIONS.display_misc_info )
yform = yform + delta_y
Options_form.player_info = forms.checkbox ( Options_form.form , " Player info " , xform , yform )
forms.setproperty ( Options_form.player_info , " Checked " , OPTIONS.display_player_info )
yform = yform + delta_y
Options_form.sprite_info = forms.checkbox ( Options_form.form , " Sprite info " , xform , yform )
forms.setproperty ( Options_form.sprite_info , " Checked " , OPTIONS.display_sprite_info )
yform = yform + delta_y
Options_form.sprite_hitbox = forms.checkbox ( Options_form.form , " Sprite hitbox " , xform , yform )
forms.setproperty ( Options_form.sprite_hitbox , " Checked " , OPTIONS.display_sprite_hitbox )
yform = yform + delta_y
Options_form.sprite_tables = forms.checkbox ( Options_form.form , " Sprite tables " , xform , yform )
forms.setproperty ( Options_form.sprite_tables , " Checked " , OPTIONS.display_miscellaneous_sprite_table )
yform = yform + delta_y
Options_form.extended_sprite_info = forms.checkbox ( Options_form.form , " Extended sprites " , xform , yform )
forms.setproperty ( Options_form.extended_sprite_info , " Checked " , OPTIONS.display_extended_sprite_info )
xform = xform + 105 -- 2nd column
yform = y_begin_showhide
Options_form.cluster_sprite_info = forms.checkbox ( Options_form.form , " Cluster sprites " , xform , yform )
forms.setproperty ( Options_form.cluster_sprite_info , " Checked " , OPTIONS.display_cluster_sprite_info )
yform = yform + delta_y
Options_form.minor_extended_sprite_info = forms.checkbox ( Options_form.form , " Minor ext. spr. " , xform , yform )
forms.setproperty ( Options_form.minor_extended_sprite_info , " Checked " , OPTIONS.display_minor_extended_sprite_info )
yform = yform + delta_y
Options_form.bounce_sprite_info = forms.checkbox ( Options_form.form , " Bounce sprites " , xform , yform )
forms.setproperty ( Options_form.bounce_sprite_info , " Checked " , OPTIONS.display_bounce_sprite_info )
yform = yform + delta_y
Options_form.level_info = forms.checkbox ( Options_form.form , " Level info " , xform , yform )
forms.setproperty ( Options_form.level_info , " Checked " , OPTIONS.display_level_info )
yform = yform + delta_y
Options_form.yoshi_info = forms.checkbox ( Options_form.form , " Yoshi info " , xform , yform )
forms.setproperty ( Options_form.yoshi_info , " Checked " , OPTIONS.display_yoshi_info )
yform = yform + delta_y
Options_form.counters_info = forms.checkbox ( Options_form.form , " Counters info " , xform , yform )
forms.setproperty ( Options_form.counters_info , " Checked " , OPTIONS.display_counters )
yform = yform + delta_y
Options_form.static_camera_region = forms.checkbox ( Options_form.form , " Static camera " , xform , yform )
forms.setproperty ( Options_form.static_camera_region , " Checked " , OPTIONS.display_static_camera_region )
yform = yform + delta_y -- if odd number of show/hide checkboxes
xform , yform = 2 , yform + 30
forms.label ( Options_form.form , " Player hitbox: " , xform , yform + 2 , 70 , 25 )
xform = xform + 70
Options_form.player_hitbox = forms.dropdown ( Options_form.form , { " Hitbox " , " Interaction points " , " Both " , " None " } , xform , yform )
xform , yform = 2 , yform + 30
forms.label ( Options_form.form , " Debug info: " , xform , yform , 62 , 22 )
yform = yform + delta_y
local y_begin_debug = yform -- 1st column
Options_form.debug_player_extra = forms.checkbox ( Options_form.form , " Player extra " , xform , yform )
forms.setproperty ( Options_form.debug_player_extra , " Checked " , OPTIONS.display_debug_player_extra )
yform = yform + delta_y
Options_form.debug_sprite_extra = forms.checkbox ( Options_form.form , " Sprite extra " , xform , yform )
forms.setproperty ( Options_form.debug_sprite_extra , " Checked " , OPTIONS.display_debug_sprite_extra )
yform = yform + delta_y
Options_form.debug_sprite_tweakers = forms.checkbox ( Options_form.form , " Sprite tweakers " , xform , yform )
forms.setproperty ( Options_form.debug_sprite_tweakers , " Checked " , OPTIONS.display_debug_sprite_tweakers )
yform = yform + delta_y
Options_form.debug_extended_sprite = forms.checkbox ( Options_form.form , " Extended sprites " , xform , yform )
forms.setproperty ( Options_form.debug_extended_sprite , " Checked " , OPTIONS.display_debug_extended_sprite )
yform = yform + delta_y
xform , yform = xform + 105 , y_begin_debug
Options_form.debug_cluster_sprite = forms.checkbox ( Options_form.form , " Cluster sprites " , xform , yform )
forms.setproperty ( Options_form.debug_cluster_sprite , " Checked " , OPTIONS.display_debug_cluster_sprite )
yform = yform + delta_y
Options_form.debug_minor_extended_sprite = forms.checkbox ( Options_form.form , " Minor ext. spr. " , xform , yform )
forms.setproperty ( Options_form.debug_minor_extended_sprite , " Checked " , OPTIONS.display_debug_minor_extended_sprite )
yform = yform + delta_y
Options_form.debug_bounce_sprite = forms.checkbox ( Options_form.form , " Bounce sprites " , xform , yform )
forms.setproperty ( Options_form.debug_bounce_sprite , " Checked " , OPTIONS.display_debug_bounce_sprite )
yform = yform + delta_y
Options_form.debug_controller_data = forms.checkbox ( Options_form.form , " Controller data " , xform , yform )
forms.setproperty ( Options_form.debug_controller_data , " Checked " , OPTIONS.display_debug_controller_data )
--yform = yform + delta_y
-- HELP:
xform , yform = 4 , yform + 30
forms.label ( Options_form.form , " Miscellaneous: " , xform , yform , 78 , 22 )
xform , yform = xform + 78 , yform - 2
Options_form.draw_tiles_with_click = forms.checkbox ( Options_form.form , " Draw/erase tiles " , xform , yform )
forms.setproperty ( Options_form.draw_tiles_with_click , " Checked " , OPTIONS.draw_tiles_with_click )
xform , yform = 4 , yform + 30
Options_form.text_opacity = forms.label ( Options_form.form , ( " Text opacity: (%.0f%%, %.0f%%) " ) :
format ( 100 * Text_max_opacity , 100 * Background_max_opacity ) , xform , yform , 135 , 22 )
xform , yform = xform + 135 , yform - 4
forms.button ( Options_form.form , " - " , function ( ) decrease_opacity ( )
forms.settext ( Options_form.text_opacity , ( " Text opacity: (%.0f%%, %.0f%%) " ) : format ( 100 * Text_max_opacity , 100 * Background_max_opacity ) )
end , xform , yform , 14 , 24 )
xform = xform + 14
forms.button ( Options_form.form , " + " , function ( ) increase_opacity ( )
forms.settext ( Options_form.text_opacity , ( " Text opacity: (%.0f%%, %.0f%%) " ) : format ( 100 * Text_max_opacity , 100 * Background_max_opacity ) )
end , xform , yform , 14 , 24 )
xform , yform = 4 , yform + 25
Options_form.erase_tiles = forms.button ( Options_form.form , " Erase tiles " , function ( ) Layer1_tiles = { } ; Layer2_tiles = { } end , xform , yform )
xform = xform + 105
Options_form.write_help_handle = forms.button ( Options_form.form , " Help " , Options_form.write_help , xform , yform )
function Options_form . evaluate_form ( )
-- Option form's buttons
Cheat.allow_cheats = forms.ischecked ( Options_form.allow_cheats ) or false
OPTIONS.display_debug_info = forms.ischecked ( Options_form.debug_info ) or false
-- Show/hide
OPTIONS.display_movie_info = forms.ischecked ( Options_form.movie_info ) or false
OPTIONS.display_misc_info = forms.ischecked ( Options_form.misc_info ) or false
OPTIONS.display_player_info = forms.ischecked ( Options_form.player_info ) or false
OPTIONS.display_sprite_info = forms.ischecked ( Options_form.sprite_info ) or false
OPTIONS.display_sprite_hitbox = forms.ischecked ( Options_form.sprite_hitbox ) or false
OPTIONS.display_miscellaneous_sprite_table = forms.ischecked ( Options_form.sprite_tables ) or false
OPTIONS.display_extended_sprite_info = forms.ischecked ( Options_form.extended_sprite_info ) or false
OPTIONS.display_cluster_sprite_info = forms.ischecked ( Options_form.cluster_sprite_info ) or false
OPTIONS.display_minor_extended_sprite_info = forms.ischecked ( Options_form.minor_extended_sprite_info ) or false
OPTIONS.display_bounce_sprite_info = forms.ischecked ( Options_form.bounce_sprite_info ) or false
OPTIONS.display_level_info = forms.ischecked ( Options_form.level_info ) or false
OPTIONS.display_yoshi_info = forms.ischecked ( Options_form.yoshi_info ) or false
OPTIONS.display_counters = forms.ischecked ( Options_form.counters_info ) or false
OPTIONS.display_static_camera_region = forms.ischecked ( Options_form.static_camera_region ) or false
-- Debug/Extra
OPTIONS.display_debug_player_extra = forms.ischecked ( Options_form.debug_player_extra ) or false
OPTIONS.display_debug_sprite_extra = forms.ischecked ( Options_form.debug_sprite_extra ) or false
OPTIONS.display_debug_sprite_tweakers = forms.ischecked ( Options_form.debug_sprite_tweakers ) or false
OPTIONS.display_debug_extended_sprite = forms.ischecked ( Options_form.debug_extended_sprite ) or false
OPTIONS.display_debug_cluster_sprite = forms.ischecked ( Options_form.debug_cluster_sprite ) or false
OPTIONS.display_debug_minor_extended_sprite = forms.ischecked ( Options_form.debug_minor_extended_sprite ) or false
OPTIONS.display_debug_bounce_sprite = forms.ischecked ( Options_form.debug_bounce_sprite ) or false
OPTIONS.display_debug_controller_data = forms.ischecked ( Options_form.debug_controller_data ) or false
-- Other buttons
OPTIONS.draw_tiles_with_click = forms.ischecked ( Options_form.draw_tiles_with_click ) or false
local button_text = forms.gettext ( Options_form.player_hitbox )
OPTIONS.display_player_hitbox = button_text == " Both " or button_text == " Hitbox "
OPTIONS.display_interaction_points = button_text == " Both " or button_text == " Interaction points "
-- Save the configurations
if Bizhawk_loop_counter == 0 then INI.save_options ( ) end
function Options_form . write_help ( )
print ( " - - - TIPS - - - " )
print ( " MOUSE: " )
print ( " Use the left click to draw blocks and to see the Map16 properties. " )
print ( " Use the right click to toogle the hitbox mode of Mario and sprites. " )
print ( " \n " )
print ( " CHEATS(better turn off while recording a movie): " )
print ( " L+R+up: stop gravity for Mario fly / L+R+down to cancel " )
print ( " Use the mouse to drag and drop sprites " )
print ( " While paused: B+select to get out of the level " )
print ( " X+select to beat the level (main exit) " )
print ( " A+select to get the secret exit (don't use it if there isn't one) " )
print ( " \n " )
print ( " OTHERS: " )
print ( " If performance suffers, disable some options that are not needed at the moment. " )
print ( " - - - end of tips - - - " )
Options_form.create_window ( )
Options_form.is_form_closed = false
event.unregisterbyname ( " smw-tas-bizhawk-onexit " )
event.onexit ( function ( )
local destroyed = forms.destroy ( Options_form.form )
if not OLD_EMU_VERSION then
client.SetGameExtraPadding ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 )
client.SetClientExtraPadding ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 )
print ( " Finishing smw-bizhawk script. " )
client.paint ( )
end , " smw-tas-bizhawk-onexit " )
2012-09-04 21:55:41 +00:00
while true do
2016-02-04 02:51:33 +00:00
if emu.getsystemid ( ) ~= " SNES " then
gui.text ( 0 , 0 , " WRONG CORE: " .. emu.getsystemid ( ) , " black " , " red " , " bottomright " )
Options_form.is_form_closed = forms.gettext ( Options_form.player_hitbox ) == " "
if not Options_form.is_form_closed then Options_form.evaluate_form ( ) end
bizhawk_status ( )
bizhawk_screen_info ( )
read_raw_input ( )
-- Drawings are allowed now
scan_smw ( )
level_mode ( )
overworld_mode ( )
show_movie_info ( )
if Is_lagged then -- BizHawk: outside show_movie_info
alert_text ( Buffer_middle_x - 3 * BIZHAWK_FONT_WIDTH , 2 * BIZHAWK_FONT_HEIGHT , " LAG " , COLOUR.warning , COLOUR.warning_bg )
show_misc_info ( )
show_controller_data ( )
Cheat.is_cheat_active ( )
mouse_actions ( )
-- Checks if options form exits and create a button in case it doesn't
if Options_form.is_form_closed then
if User_input.mouse_inwindow then
draw_rectangle ( 120 - 1 , 0 , 4 * BIZHAWK_FONT_WIDTH / AR_x + 1 , BIZHAWK_FONT_HEIGHT / AR_y + 1 , 0xff000000 , 0xff808080 ) -- bizhawk
gui.text ( 120 * AR_x + Border_left , 0 + Border_top , " Menu " ) -- unlisted color
Joypad = joypad.get ( 1 )
if Cheat.allow_cheats then
Cheat.is_cheating = false
Cheat.beat_level ( )
Cheat.free_movement ( )
-- Cancel any continuous cheat
Cheat.under_free_move = false
Cheat.is_cheating = false
-- Frame advance: hack for performance
Bizhawk_loop_counter = ( Bizhawk_loop_counter + 1 ) % 300 -- save options each 5 seconds
if client.ispaused ( ) then
emu.yield ( )
gui.clearGraphics ( )
gui.cleartext ( )
emu.frameadvance ( )
2012-09-04 21:55:41 +00:00