2015-06-23 18:17:51 +00:00
/* Mednafen - Multi-system Emulator
* Subchannel Q CRC Code : Copyright ( C ) 1998 Andreas Mueller < mueller @ daneb . ping . de >
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or
* ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
* Foundation , Inc . , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 USA
2014-12-25 19:56:04 +00:00
# include <string.h>
# include <assert.h>
2015-06-23 18:17:51 +00:00
# include "emuware/emuware.h"
# include "CDUtility.h"
# include "dvdisaster.h"
# include "lec.h"
# include <assert.h>
// Kill_LEC_Correct();
namespace CDUtility
// lookup table for crc calculation
static uint16 subq_crctab [ 256 ] =
0x0000 , 0x1021 , 0x2042 , 0x3063 , 0x4084 , 0x50A5 , 0x60C6 , 0x70E7 , 0x8108 ,
0x9129 , 0xA14A , 0xB16B , 0xC18C , 0xD1AD , 0xE1CE , 0xF1EF , 0x1231 , 0x0210 ,
0x3273 , 0x2252 , 0x52B5 , 0x4294 , 0x72F7 , 0x62D6 , 0x9339 , 0x8318 , 0xB37B ,
0xA35A , 0xD3BD , 0xC39C , 0xF3FF , 0xE3DE , 0x2462 , 0x3443 , 0x0420 , 0x1401 ,
0x64E6 , 0x74C7 , 0x44A4 , 0x5485 , 0xA56A , 0xB54B , 0x8528 , 0x9509 , 0xE5EE ,
0xF5CF , 0xC5AC , 0xD58D , 0x3653 , 0x2672 , 0x1611 , 0x0630 , 0x76D7 , 0x66F6 ,
0x5695 , 0x46B4 , 0xB75B , 0xA77A , 0x9719 , 0x8738 , 0xF7DF , 0xE7FE , 0xD79D ,
0xC7BC , 0x48C4 , 0x58E5 , 0x6886 , 0x78A7 , 0x0840 , 0x1861 , 0x2802 , 0x3823 ,
0xC9CC , 0xD9ED , 0xE98E , 0xF9AF , 0x8948 , 0x9969 , 0xA90A , 0xB92B , 0x5AF5 ,
0x4AD4 , 0x7AB7 , 0x6A96 , 0x1A71 , 0x0A50 , 0x3A33 , 0x2A12 , 0xDBFD , 0xCBDC ,
0xFBBF , 0xEB9E , 0x9B79 , 0x8B58 , 0xBB3B , 0xAB1A , 0x6CA6 , 0x7C87 , 0x4CE4 ,
0x5CC5 , 0x2C22 , 0x3C03 , 0x0C60 , 0x1C41 , 0xEDAE , 0xFD8F , 0xCDEC , 0xDDCD ,
0xAD2A , 0xBD0B , 0x8D68 , 0x9D49 , 0x7E97 , 0x6EB6 , 0x5ED5 , 0x4EF4 , 0x3E13 ,
0x2E32 , 0x1E51 , 0x0E70 , 0xFF9F , 0xEFBE , 0xDFDD , 0xCFFC , 0xBF1B , 0xAF3A ,
0x9F59 , 0x8F78 , 0x9188 , 0x81A9 , 0xB1CA , 0xA1EB , 0xD10C , 0xC12D , 0xF14E ,
0xE16F , 0x1080 , 0x00A1 , 0x30C2 , 0x20E3 , 0x5004 , 0x4025 , 0x7046 , 0x6067 ,
0x83B9 , 0x9398 , 0xA3FB , 0xB3DA , 0xC33D , 0xD31C , 0xE37F , 0xF35E , 0x02B1 ,
0x1290 , 0x22F3 , 0x32D2 , 0x4235 , 0x5214 , 0x6277 , 0x7256 , 0xB5EA , 0xA5CB ,
0x95A8 , 0x8589 , 0xF56E , 0xE54F , 0xD52C , 0xC50D , 0x34E2 , 0x24C3 , 0x14A0 ,
0x0481 , 0x7466 , 0x6447 , 0x5424 , 0x4405 , 0xA7DB , 0xB7FA , 0x8799 , 0x97B8 ,
0xE75F , 0xF77E , 0xC71D , 0xD73C , 0x26D3 , 0x36F2 , 0x0691 , 0x16B0 , 0x6657 ,
0x7676 , 0x4615 , 0x5634 , 0xD94C , 0xC96D , 0xF90E , 0xE92F , 0x99C8 , 0x89E9 ,
0xB98A , 0xA9AB , 0x5844 , 0x4865 , 0x7806 , 0x6827 , 0x18C0 , 0x08E1 , 0x3882 ,
0x28A3 , 0xCB7D , 0xDB5C , 0xEB3F , 0xFB1E , 0x8BF9 , 0x9BD8 , 0xABBB , 0xBB9A ,
0x4A75 , 0x5A54 , 0x6A37 , 0x7A16 , 0x0AF1 , 0x1AD0 , 0x2AB3 , 0x3A92 , 0xFD2E ,
0xED0F , 0xDD6C , 0xCD4D , 0xBDAA , 0xAD8B , 0x9DE8 , 0x8DC9 , 0x7C26 , 0x6C07 ,
0x5C64 , 0x4C45 , 0x3CA2 , 0x2C83 , 0x1CE0 , 0x0CC1 , 0xEF1F , 0xFF3E , 0xCF5D ,
0xDF7C , 0xAF9B , 0xBFBA , 0x8FD9 , 0x9FF8 , 0x6E17 , 0x7E36 , 0x4E55 , 0x5E74 ,
0x2E93 , 0x3EB2 , 0x0ED1 , 0x1EF0
} ;
static uint8 scramble_table [ 2352 - 12 ] ;
static bool CDUtility_Inited = false ;
static void InitScrambleTable ( void )
unsigned cv = 1 ;
for ( unsigned i = 12 ; i < 2352 ; i + + )
unsigned char z = 0 ;
for ( int b = 0 ; b < 8 ; b + + )
z | = ( cv & 1 ) < < b ;
int feedback = ( ( cv > > 1 ) & 1 ) ^ ( cv & 1 ) ;
cv = ( cv > > 1 ) | ( feedback < < 14 ) ;
scramble_table [ i - 12 ] = z ;
//for(int i = 0; i < 2352 - 12; i++)
// printf("0x%02x, ", scramble_table[i]);
void CDUtility_Init ( void )
if ( ! CDUtility_Inited )
Init_LEC_Correct ( ) ;
InitScrambleTable ( ) ;
CDUtility_Inited = true ;
void encode_mode0_sector ( uint32 aba , uint8 * sector_data )
CDUtility_Init ( ) ;
lec_encode_mode0_sector ( aba , sector_data ) ;
void encode_mode1_sector ( uint32 aba , uint8 * sector_data )
CDUtility_Init ( ) ;
lec_encode_mode1_sector ( aba , sector_data ) ;
void encode_mode2_sector ( uint32 aba , uint8 * sector_data )
CDUtility_Init ( ) ;
lec_encode_mode2_sector ( aba , sector_data ) ;
void encode_mode2_form1_sector ( uint32 aba , uint8 * sector_data )
CDUtility_Init ( ) ;
lec_encode_mode2_form1_sector ( aba , sector_data ) ;
void encode_mode2_form2_sector ( uint32 aba , uint8 * sector_data )
CDUtility_Init ( ) ;
lec_encode_mode2_form2_sector ( aba , sector_data ) ;
bool edc_check ( const uint8 * sector_data , bool xa )
CDUtility_Init ( ) ;
return ( CheckEDC ( sector_data , xa ) ) ;
bool edc_lec_check_and_correct ( uint8 * sector_data , bool xa )
CDUtility_Init ( ) ;
return ( ValidateRawSector ( sector_data , xa ) ) ;
bool subq_check_checksum ( const uint8 * SubQBuf )
uint16 crc = 0 ;
uint16 stored_crc = 0 ;
stored_crc = SubQBuf [ 0xA ] < < 8 ;
stored_crc | = SubQBuf [ 0xB ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 0xA ; i + + )
crc = subq_crctab [ ( crc > > 8 ) ^ SubQBuf [ i ] ] ^ ( crc < < 8 ) ;
crc = ~ crc ;
return ( crc = = stored_crc ) ;
void subq_generate_checksum ( uint8 * buf )
uint16 crc = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 0xA ; i + + )
crc = subq_crctab [ ( crc > > 8 ) ^ buf [ i ] ] ^ ( crc < < 8 ) ;
// Checksum
buf [ 0xa ] = ~ ( crc > > 8 ) ;
buf [ 0xb ] = ~ ( crc ) ;
void subq_deinterleave ( const uint8 * SubPWBuf , uint8 * qbuf )
memset ( qbuf , 0 , 0xC ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 96 ; i + + )
qbuf [ i > > 3 ] | = ( ( SubPWBuf [ i ] > > 6 ) & 0x1 ) < < ( 7 - ( i & 0x7 ) ) ;
// Deinterleaves 96 bytes of subchannel P-W data from 96 bytes of interleaved subchannel PW data.
void subpw_deinterleave ( const uint8 * in_buf , uint8 * out_buf )
assert ( in_buf ! = out_buf ) ;
memset ( out_buf , 0 , 96 ) ;
for ( unsigned ch = 0 ; ch < 8 ; ch + + )
for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < 96 ; i + + )
out_buf [ ( ch * 12 ) + ( i > > 3 ) ] | = ( ( in_buf [ i ] > > ( 7 - ch ) ) & 0x1 ) < < ( 7 - ( i & 0x7 ) ) ;
// Interleaves 96 bytes of subchannel P-W data from 96 bytes of uninterleaved subchannel PW data.
void subpw_interleave ( const uint8 * in_buf , uint8 * out_buf )
assert ( in_buf ! = out_buf ) ;
for ( unsigned d = 0 ; d < 12 ; d + + )
for ( unsigned bitpoodle = 0 ; bitpoodle < 8 ; bitpoodle + + )
uint8 rawb = 0 ;
for ( unsigned ch = 0 ; ch < 8 ; ch + + )
rawb | = ( ( in_buf [ ch * 12 + d ] > > ( 7 - bitpoodle ) ) & 1 ) < < ( 7 - ch ) ;
out_buf [ ( d < < 3 ) + bitpoodle ] = rawb ;
// I'm not trusting that the "control" field for the TOC leadout entry will always be set properly, so | the control fields for the last track entry
// and the leadout entry together before extracting the D2 bit. Audio track->data leadout is fairly benign though maybe noisy(especially if we ever implement
// data scrambling properly), but data track->audio leadout could break things in an insidious manner for the more accurate drive emulation code).
void subpw_synth_leadout_lba ( const TOC & toc , const int32 lba , uint8 * SubPWBuf )
uint8 buf [ 0xC ] ;
uint32 lba_relative ;
uint32 ma , sa , fa ;
uint32 m , s , f ;
lba_relative = lba - toc . tracks [ 100 ] . lba ;
f = ( lba_relative % 75 ) ;
s = ( ( lba_relative / 75 ) % 60 ) ;
m = ( lba_relative / 75 / 60 ) ;
fa = ( lba + 150 ) % 75 ;
sa = ( ( lba + 150 ) / 75 ) % 60 ;
ma = ( ( lba + 150 ) / 75 / 60 ) ;
uint8 adr = 0x1 ; // Q channel data encodes position
uint8 control = toc . tracks [ 100 ] . control ;
if ( toc . tracks [ toc . last_track ] . valid )
control | = toc . tracks [ toc . last_track ] . control & 0x4 ;
else if ( toc . disc_type = = DISC_TYPE_CD_I )
control | = 0x4 ;
memset ( buf , 0 , 0xC ) ;
buf [ 0 ] = ( adr < < 0 ) | ( control < < 4 ) ;
buf [ 1 ] = 0xAA ;
buf [ 2 ] = 0x01 ;
// Track relative MSF address
buf [ 3 ] = U8_to_BCD ( m ) ;
buf [ 4 ] = U8_to_BCD ( s ) ;
buf [ 5 ] = U8_to_BCD ( f ) ;
buf [ 6 ] = 0 ; // Zerroooo
// Absolute MSF address
buf [ 7 ] = U8_to_BCD ( ma ) ;
buf [ 8 ] = U8_to_BCD ( sa ) ;
buf [ 9 ] = U8_to_BCD ( fa ) ;
subq_generate_checksum ( buf ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 96 ; i + + )
SubPWBuf [ i ] = ( ( ( buf [ i > > 3 ] > > ( 7 - ( i & 0x7 ) ) ) & 1 ) ? 0x40 : 0x00 ) | 0x80 ;
void synth_leadout_sector_lba ( uint8 mode , const TOC & toc , const int32 lba , uint8 * out_buf )
memset ( out_buf , 0 , 2352 + 96 ) ;
subpw_synth_leadout_lba ( toc , lba , out_buf + 2352 ) ;
if ( out_buf [ 2352 + 1 ] & 0x40 )
if ( mode = = 0xFF )
if ( toc . disc_type = = DISC_TYPE_CD_XA | | toc . disc_type = = DISC_TYPE_CD_I )
mode = 0x02 ;
mode = 0x01 ;
switch ( mode )
default :
encode_mode0_sector ( LBA_to_ABA ( lba ) , out_buf ) ;
break ;
case 0x01 :
encode_mode1_sector ( LBA_to_ABA ( lba ) , out_buf ) ;
break ;
case 0x02 :
out_buf [ 12 + 6 ] = 0x20 ;
out_buf [ 12 + 10 ] = 0x20 ;
encode_mode2_form2_sector ( LBA_to_ABA ( lba ) , out_buf ) ;
break ;
// ISO/IEC 10149:1995 (E): 20.2
void subpw_synth_udapp_lba ( const TOC & toc , const int32 lba , const int32 lba_subq_relative_offs , uint8 * SubPWBuf )
uint8 buf [ 0xC ] ;
uint32 lba_relative ;
uint32 ma , sa , fa ;
uint32 m , s , f ;
if ( lba < - 150 | | lba > = 0 )
printf ( " [BUG] subpw_synth_udapp_lba() lba out of range --- %d \n " , lba ) ;
int32 lba_tmp = lba + lba_subq_relative_offs ;
if ( lba_tmp < 0 )
lba_relative = 0 - 1 - lba_tmp ;
lba_relative = lba_tmp - 0 ;
f = ( lba_relative % 75 ) ;
s = ( ( lba_relative / 75 ) % 60 ) ;
m = ( lba_relative / 75 / 60 ) ;
fa = ( lba + 150 ) % 75 ;
sa = ( ( lba + 150 ) / 75 ) % 60 ;
ma = ( ( lba + 150 ) / 75 / 60 ) ;
uint8 adr = 0x1 ; // Q channel data encodes position
uint8 control ;
if ( toc . disc_type = = DISC_TYPE_CD_I & & toc . first_track > 1 )
control = 0x4 ;
else if ( toc . tracks [ toc . first_track ] . valid )
control = toc . tracks [ toc . first_track ] . control ;
control = 0x0 ;
memset ( buf , 0 , 0xC ) ;
buf [ 0 ] = ( adr < < 0 ) | ( control < < 4 ) ;
buf [ 1 ] = U8_to_BCD ( toc . first_track ) ;
buf [ 2 ] = U8_to_BCD ( 0x00 ) ;
// Track relative MSF address
buf [ 3 ] = U8_to_BCD ( m ) ;
buf [ 4 ] = U8_to_BCD ( s ) ;
buf [ 5 ] = U8_to_BCD ( f ) ;
buf [ 6 ] = 0 ; // Zerroooo
// Absolute MSF address
buf [ 7 ] = U8_to_BCD ( ma ) ;
buf [ 8 ] = U8_to_BCD ( sa ) ;
buf [ 9 ] = U8_to_BCD ( fa ) ;
subq_generate_checksum ( buf ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 96 ; i + + )
SubPWBuf [ i ] = ( ( ( buf [ i > > 3 ] > > ( 7 - ( i & 0x7 ) ) ) & 1 ) ? 0x40 : 0x00 ) | 0x80 ;
void synth_udapp_sector_lba ( uint8 mode , const TOC & toc , const int32 lba , int32 lba_subq_relative_offs , uint8 * out_buf )
memset ( out_buf , 0 , 2352 + 96 ) ;
subpw_synth_udapp_lba ( toc , lba , lba_subq_relative_offs , out_buf + 2352 ) ;
if ( out_buf [ 2352 + 1 ] & 0x40 )
if ( mode = = 0xFF )
if ( toc . disc_type = = DISC_TYPE_CD_XA | | toc . disc_type = = DISC_TYPE_CD_I )
mode = 0x02 ;
mode = 0x01 ;
switch ( mode )
default :
encode_mode0_sector ( LBA_to_ABA ( lba ) , out_buf ) ;
break ;
case 0x01 :
encode_mode1_sector ( LBA_to_ABA ( lba ) , out_buf ) ;
break ;
case 0x02 :
out_buf [ 12 + 6 ] = 0x20 ;
out_buf [ 12 + 10 ] = 0x20 ;
encode_mode2_form2_sector ( LBA_to_ABA ( lba ) , out_buf ) ;
break ;
#if 0
bool subq_extrapolate ( const uint8 * subq_input , int32 position_delta , uint8 * subq_output )
assert ( subq_check_checksum ( subq_input ) ) ;
subq_generate_checksum ( subq_output ) ;
# endif
void scrambleize_data_sector ( uint8 * sector_data )
for ( unsigned i = 12 ; i < 2352 ; i + + )
sector_data [ i ] ^ = scramble_table [ i - 12 ] ;