2011-01-18 03:36:43 +00:00
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.ComponentModel ;
using System.Data ;
using System.Drawing ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Text ;
using System.Windows.Forms ;
2011-01-18 17:17:14 +00:00
using System.IO ;
2011-01-19 02:49:47 +00:00
using System.Globalization ;
2011-01-18 03:36:43 +00:00
namespace BizHawk.MultiClient
2011-06-16 02:39:35 +00:00
/// <summary>
/// A winform designed to display ram address values of the user's choice
/// </summary>
public partial class RamWatch : Form
//When receiving a watch from a different domain, should something be done?
2011-06-19 19:10:01 +00:00
//when sorting, "Prev as Change" option not taken into account
2011-06-16 02:39:35 +00:00
int defaultWidth ; //For saving the default size of the dialog, so the user can restore if desired
int defaultHeight ;
int defaultAddressWidth ;
int defaultValueWidth ;
int defaultPrevWidth ;
int defaultChangeWidth ;
int NotesWidth ;
string systemID = "NULL" ;
MemoryDomain Domain = new MemoryDomain ( "NULL" , 1 , Endian . Little , addr = > 0 , ( a , v ) = > { } ) ;
List < Watch > watchList = new List < Watch > ( ) ;
string currentWatchFile = "" ;
bool changes = false ;
List < ToolStripMenuItem > domainMenuItems = new List < ToolStripMenuItem > ( ) ;
2011-06-19 19:10:01 +00:00
string sortedCol ;
bool sortReverse ;
2011-06-16 02:39:35 +00:00
public void Restart ( )
if ( ! this . IsHandleCreated | | this . IsDisposed ) return ;
NewWatchList ( true ) ;
public List < Watch > GetRamWatchList ( )
List < Watch > w = new List < Watch > ( ) ;
for ( int x = 0 ; x < watchList . Count ; x + + )
w . Add ( new Watch ( watchList [ x ] ) ) ;
return w ;
public void DisplayWatchList ( )
WatchListView . ItemCount = watchList . Count ;
public void UpdateValues ( )
if ( ! this . IsHandleCreated | | this . IsDisposed ) return ;
for ( int x = 0 ; x < watchList . Count ; x + + )
watchList [ x ] . prev = watchList [ x ] . value ;
watchList [ x ] . PeekAddress ( Domain ) ;
if ( watchList [ x ] . value ! = watchList [ x ] . prev )
watchList [ x ] . changecount + + ;
WatchListView . Refresh ( ) ;
public void AddWatch ( Watch w )
watchList . Add ( w ) ;
DisplayWatchList ( ) ;
private void LoadConfigSettings ( )
ColumnPositionSet ( ) ;
defaultWidth = Size . Width ; //Save these first so that the user can restore to its original size
defaultHeight = Size . Height ;
defaultAddressWidth = WatchListView . Columns [ Global . Config . RamWatchAddressIndex ] . Width ;
defaultValueWidth = WatchListView . Columns [ Global . Config . RamWatchValueIndex ] . Width ;
defaultPrevWidth = WatchListView . Columns [ Global . Config . RamWatchPrevIndex ] . Width ;
defaultChangeWidth = WatchListView . Columns [ Global . Config . RamWatchChangeIndex ] . Width ;
NotesWidth = WatchListView . Columns [ Global . Config . RamWatchNotesIndex ] . Width ;
if ( Global . Config . RamWatchSaveWindowPosition & & Global . Config . RamWatchWndx > = 0 & & Global . Config . RamWatchWndy > = 0 )
Location = new Point ( Global . Config . RamWatchWndx , Global . Config . RamWatchWndy ) ;
if ( Global . Config . RamWatchWidth > = 0 & & Global . Config . RamWatchHeight > = 0 )
Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( Global . Config . RamWatchWidth , Global . Config . RamWatchHeight ) ;
SetPrevColumn ( Global . Config . RamWatchShowPrevColumn ) ;
SetChangesColumn ( Global . Config . RamWatchShowChangeColumn ) ;
if ( Global . Config . RamWatchAddressWidth > 0 )
WatchListView . Columns [ Global . Config . RamWatchAddressIndex ] . Width = Global . Config . RamWatchAddressWidth ;
if ( Global . Config . RamWatchValueWidth > 0 )
WatchListView . Columns [ Global . Config . RamWatchValueIndex ] . Width = Global . Config . RamWatchValueWidth ;
if ( Global . Config . RamWatchPrevWidth > 0 )
WatchListView . Columns [ Global . Config . RamWatchPrevIndex ] . Width = Global . Config . RamWatchPrevWidth ;
if ( Global . Config . RamWatchChangeWidth > 0 )
WatchListView . Columns [ Global . Config . RamWatchChangeIndex ] . Width = Global . Config . RamWatchChangeWidth ;
if ( Global . Config . RamWatchNotesWidth > 0 )
WatchListView . Columns [ Global . Config . RamWatchNotesIndex ] . Width = Global . Config . RamWatchNotesWidth ;
public void SaveConfigSettings ( )
ColumnPositionSet ( ) ;
Global . Config . RamWatchAddressWidth = WatchListView . Columns [ Global . Config . RamWatchAddressIndex ] . Width ;
Global . Config . RamWatchValueWidth = WatchListView . Columns [ Global . Config . RamWatchValueIndex ] . Width ;
Global . Config . RamWatchPrevWidth = WatchListView . Columns [ Global . Config . RamWatchPrevIndex ] . Width ;
Global . Config . RamWatchChangeWidth = WatchListView . Columns [ Global . Config . RamWatchChangeIndex ] . Width ;
Global . Config . RamWatchNotesWidth = WatchListView . Columns [ Global . Config . RamWatchNotesIndex ] . Width ;
Global . Config . RamWatchWndx = this . Location . X ;
Global . Config . RamWatchWndy = this . Location . Y ;
Global . Config . RamWatchWidth = this . Right - this . Left ;
Global . Config . RamWatchHeight = this . Bottom - this . Top ;
public RamWatch ( )
InitializeComponent ( ) ;
WatchListView . QueryItemText + = new QueryItemTextHandler ( WatchListView_QueryItemText ) ;
WatchListView . QueryItemBkColor + = new QueryItemBkColorHandler ( WatchListView_QueryItemBkColor ) ;
WatchListView . VirtualMode = true ;
Closing + = ( o , e ) = > SaveConfigSettings ( ) ;
2011-06-19 19:10:01 +00:00
sortReverse = false ;
sortedCol = "" ;
2011-06-16 02:39:35 +00:00
protected override void OnClosing ( CancelEventArgs e )
if ( ! AskSave ( ) )
e . Cancel = true ;
base . OnClosing ( e ) ;
private void WatchListView_QueryItemBkColor ( int index , int column , ref Color color )
if ( watchList [ index ] . type = = atype . SEPARATOR )
color = this . BackColor ;
if ( Global . MainForm . Cheats1 . IsActiveCheat ( Domain , watchList [ index ] . address ) )
color = Color . LightCyan ;
void WatchListView_QueryItemText ( int index , int column , out string text )
text = "" ;
if ( column = = 0 ) //Address
if ( watchList [ index ] . type = = atype . SEPARATOR )
text = "" ;
text = String . Format ( "{0:X" + GetNumDigits ( ( Domain . Size - 1 ) ) . ToString ( ) + "}" , watchList [ index ] . address ) ;
if ( column = = 1 ) //Value
if ( watchList [ index ] . type = = atype . SEPARATOR )
text = "" ;
switch ( watchList [ index ] . signed )
case asigned . HEX :
switch ( watchList [ index ] . type )
case atype . BYTE :
text = String . Format ( "{0:X2}" , watchList [ index ] . value ) ;
break ;
case atype . WORD :
text = String . Format ( "{0:X4}" , watchList [ index ] . value ) ;
break ;
case atype . DWORD :
text = String . Format ( "{0:X8}" , watchList [ index ] . value ) ;
break ;
break ;
case asigned . SIGNED :
text = ( ( sbyte ) watchList [ index ] . value ) . ToString ( ) ;
break ;
case asigned . UNSIGNED :
text = watchList [ index ] . value . ToString ( ) ;
break ;
if ( column = = 2 ) //Prev
if ( watchList [ index ] . type = = atype . SEPARATOR )
text = "" ;
if ( Global . Config . RamWatchShowChangeFromPrev )
int x = watchList [ index ] . value - watchList [ index ] . prev ;
if ( x < 0 )
text = x . ToString ( ) ;
text = "+" + x . ToString ( ) ;
switch ( watchList [ index ] . signed )
case asigned . HEX :
switch ( watchList [ index ] . type )
case atype . BYTE :
text = String . Format ( "{0:X2}" , watchList [ index ] . prev ) ;
break ;
case atype . WORD :
text = String . Format ( "{0:X4}" , watchList [ index ] . prev ) ;
break ;
case atype . DWORD :
text = String . Format ( "{0:X8}" , watchList [ index ] . prev ) ;
break ;
break ;
case asigned . SIGNED :
text = ( ( sbyte ) watchList [ index ] . prev ) . ToString ( ) ;
break ;
case asigned . UNSIGNED :
text = watchList [ index ] . prev . ToString ( ) ;
break ;
if ( column = = 3 ) //Change Counts
text = watchList [ index ] . changecount . ToString ( ) ;
if ( column = = 4 ) //Notes
if ( watchList [ index ] . type = = atype . SEPARATOR )
text = "" ;
text = watchList [ index ] . notes ;
public int HowMany ( string str , char c )
int count = 0 ;
for ( int x = 0 ; x < str . Length ; x + + )
if ( str [ x ] = = c )
count + + ;
return count ;
public bool AskSave ( )
if ( changes )
DialogResult result = MessageBox . Show ( "Save Changes?" , "Ram Watch" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNoCancel , MessageBoxIcon . Question , MessageBoxDefaultButton . Button3 ) ;
if ( result = = DialogResult . Yes )
//TOOD: Do quicksave if filename, else save as
if ( string . Compare ( currentWatchFile , "" ) = = 0 )
SaveAs ( ) ;
SaveWatchFile ( currentWatchFile ) ;
return true ;
else if ( result = = DialogResult . No )
return true ;
else if ( result = = DialogResult . Cancel )
return false ;
return true ;
public void LoadWatchFromRecent ( string file )
bool z = true ;
if ( changes ) z = AskSave ( ) ;
if ( z )
bool r = LoadWatchFile ( file , false ) ;
if ( ! r )
DialogResult result = MessageBox . Show ( "Could not open " + file + "\nRemove from list?" , "File not found" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNo , MessageBoxIcon . Error ) ;
if ( result = = DialogResult . Yes )
Global . Config . RecentWatches . Remove ( file ) ;
DisplayWatchList ( ) ;
changes = false ;
private void NewWatchList ( bool suppressAsk )
bool result = true ;
if ( changes ) result = AskSave ( ) ;
if ( result = = true | | suppressAsk )
watchList . Clear ( ) ;
DisplayWatchList ( ) ;
currentWatchFile = "" ;
changes = false ;
MessageLabel . Text = "" ;
2011-06-19 19:10:01 +00:00
sortReverse = false ;
sortedCol = "" ;
2011-06-16 02:39:35 +00:00
private bool SaveWatchFile ( string path )
var file = new FileInfo ( path ) ;
using ( StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter ( path ) )
string str = "Domain " + Domain . Name + "\n" ;
for ( int x = 0 ; x < watchList . Count ; x + + )
str + = string . Format ( "{0:X4}" , watchList [ x ] . address ) + "\t" ;
str + = watchList [ x ] . GetTypeByChar ( ) . ToString ( ) + "\t" ;
str + = watchList [ x ] . GetSignedByChar ( ) . ToString ( ) + "\t" ;
if ( watchList [ x ] . bigendian = = true )
str + = "1\t" ;
str + = "0\t" ;
str + = watchList [ x ] . notes + "\n" ;
sw . WriteLine ( str ) ;
changes = false ;
return true ;
private int GetDomainPos ( string name )
//Attempts to find the memory domain by name, if it fails, it defaults to index 0
for ( int x = 0 ; x < Global . Emulator . MemoryDomains . Count ; x + + )
if ( Global . Emulator . MemoryDomains [ x ] . Name = = name )
return x ;
return 0 ;
public bool LoadWatchFile ( string path , bool append )
int y , z ;
var file = new FileInfo ( path ) ;
if ( file . Exists = = false ) return false ;
using ( StreamReader sr = file . OpenText ( ) )
if ( ! append )
currentWatchFile = path ;
int count = 0 ;
string s = "" ;
string temp = "" ;
if ( append = = false )
watchList . Clear ( ) ; //Wipe existing list and read from file
while ( ( s = sr . ReadLine ( ) ) ! = null )
//parse each line and add to watchList
//.wch files from other emulators start with a number representing the number of watch, that line can be discarded here
//Any properly formatted line couldn't possibly be this short anyway, this also takes care of any garbage lines that might be in a file
if ( s . Length < 5 ) continue ;
if ( s . Substring ( 0 , 6 ) = = "Domain" )
SetMemoryDomain ( GetDomainPos ( s . Substring ( 7 , s . Length - 7 ) ) ) ;
z = HowMany ( s , '\t' ) ;
if ( z = = 5 )
//If 5, then this is a .wch file format made from another emulator, the first column (watch position) is not needed here
y = s . IndexOf ( '\t' ) + 1 ;
s = s . Substring ( y , s . Length - y ) ; //5 digit value representing the watch position number
else if ( z ! = 4 )
continue ; //If not 4, something is wrong with this line, ignore it
count + + ;
Watch w = new Watch ( ) ;
temp = s . Substring ( 0 , s . IndexOf ( '\t' ) ) ;
w . address = int . Parse ( temp , NumberStyles . HexNumber ) ;
y = s . IndexOf ( '\t' ) + 1 ;
s = s . Substring ( y , s . Length - y ) ; //Type
w . SetTypeByChar ( s [ 0 ] ) ;
y = s . IndexOf ( '\t' ) + 1 ;
s = s . Substring ( y , s . Length - y ) ; //Signed
w . SetSignedByChar ( s [ 0 ] ) ;
y = s . IndexOf ( '\t' ) + 1 ;
s = s . Substring ( y , s . Length - y ) ; //Endian
y = Int16 . Parse ( s [ 0 ] . ToString ( ) ) ;
if ( y = = 0 )
w . bigendian = false ;
w . bigendian = true ;
w . notes = s . Substring ( 2 , s . Length - 2 ) ; //User notes
watchList . Add ( w ) ;
Global . Config . RecentWatches . Add ( file . FullName ) ;
changes = false ;
MessageLabel . Text = Path . GetFileName ( file . FullName ) ;
//Update the number of watches
WatchCountLabel . Text = count . ToString ( ) + " watches" ;
return true ;
private Point GetPromptPoint ( )
Point p = new Point ( WatchListView . Location . X , WatchListView . Location . Y ) ;
Point q = new Point ( ) ;
q = PointToScreen ( p ) ;
return q ;
void AddNewWatch ( )
RamWatchNewWatch r = new RamWatchNewWatch ( ) ;
r . location = GetPromptPoint ( ) ;
r . ShowDialog ( ) ;
if ( r . userSelected = = true )
watchList . Add ( r . watch ) ;
DisplayWatchList ( ) ; //TODO: Do I need these calls?
void Changes ( )
changes = true ;
MessageLabel . Text = Path . GetFileName ( currentWatchFile ) + " *" ;
void EditWatchObject ( int pos )
RamWatchNewWatch r = new RamWatchNewWatch ( ) ;
r . location = GetPromptPoint ( ) ;
r . SetToEditWatch ( watchList [ pos ] , "Edit Watch" ) ;
r . ShowDialog ( ) ;
if ( r . userSelected = = true )
Changes ( ) ;
watchList [ pos ] = r . watch ;
DisplayWatchList ( ) ;
void EditWatch ( )
ListView . SelectedIndexCollection indexes = WatchListView . SelectedIndices ;
if ( indexes . Count > 0 )
EditWatchObject ( indexes [ 0 ] ) ;
void RemoveWatch ( )
Changes ( ) ;
ListView . SelectedIndexCollection indexes = WatchListView . SelectedIndices ;
if ( indexes . Count > 0 )
foreach ( int index in indexes )
watchList . Remove ( watchList [ indexes [ 0 ] ] ) ; //index[0] used since each iteration will make this the correct list index
DisplayWatchList ( ) ;
void DuplicateWatch ( )
ListView . SelectedIndexCollection indexes = WatchListView . SelectedIndices ;
if ( indexes . Count > 0 )
RamWatchNewWatch r = new RamWatchNewWatch ( ) ;
r . location = GetPromptPoint ( ) ;
int x = indexes [ 0 ] ;
r . SetToEditWatch ( watchList [ x ] , "Duplicate Watch" ) ;
r . ShowDialog ( ) ;
if ( r . userSelected = = true )
Changes ( ) ;
watchList . Add ( r . watch ) ;
DisplayWatchList ( ) ;
void MoveUp ( )
if ( WatchListView . SelectedIndices . Count = = 0 )
return ;
ListView . SelectedIndexCollection indexes = WatchListView . SelectedIndices ;
Watch temp = new Watch ( ) ;
if ( indexes . Count = = 0 ) return ;
foreach ( int index in indexes )
temp = watchList [ index ] ;
watchList . Remove ( watchList [ index ] ) ;
watchList . Insert ( index - 1 , temp ) ;
//Note: here it will get flagged many times redundantly potentially,
//but this avoids it being flagged falsely when the user did not select an index
Changes ( ) ;
List < int > i = new List < int > ( ) ;
for ( int z = 0 ; z < indexes . Count ; z + + )
i . Add ( indexes [ z ] - 1 ) ;
WatchListView . SelectedIndices . Clear ( ) ;
for ( int z = 0 ; z < i . Count ; z + + )
WatchListView . SelectItem ( i [ z ] , true ) ;
DisplayWatchList ( ) ;
void MoveDown ( )
ListView . SelectedIndexCollection indexes = WatchListView . SelectedIndices ;
Watch temp = new Watch ( ) ;
if ( indexes . Count = = 0 ) return ;
foreach ( int index in indexes )
temp = watchList [ index ] ;
if ( index < watchList . Count - 1 )
watchList . Remove ( watchList [ index ] ) ;
watchList . Insert ( index + 1 , temp ) ;
//Note: here it will get flagged many times redundantly potnetially,
//but this avoids it being flagged falsely when the user did not select an index
Changes ( ) ;
List < int > i = new List < int > ( ) ;
for ( int z = 0 ; z < indexes . Count ; z + + )
i . Add ( indexes [ z ] + 1 ) ;
WatchListView . SelectedIndices . Clear ( ) ;
for ( int z = 0 ; z < i . Count ; z + + )
WatchListView . SelectItem ( i [ z ] , true ) ;
DisplayWatchList ( ) ;
private void exitToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( ! AskSave ( ) )
return ;
this . Close ( ) ;
private void newListToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
NewWatchList ( false ) ;
private FileInfo GetFileFromUser ( )
var ofd = new OpenFileDialog ( ) ;
if ( currentWatchFile . Length > 0 )
ofd . FileName = Path . GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( currentWatchFile ) ;
ofd . InitialDirectory = PathManager . MakeAbsolutePath ( Global . Config . WatchPath , "" ) ;
ofd . Filter = "Watch Files (*.wch)|*.wch|All Files|*.*" ;
ofd . RestoreDirectory = true ;
Global . Sound . StopSound ( ) ;
var result = ofd . ShowDialog ( ) ;
Global . Sound . StartSound ( ) ;
if ( result ! = DialogResult . OK )
return null ;
var file = new FileInfo ( ofd . FileName ) ;
return file ;
private void OpenWatchFile ( )
var file = GetFileFromUser ( ) ;
if ( file ! = null )
bool r = true ;
if ( changes ) r = AskSave ( ) ;
if ( r )
LoadWatchFile ( file . FullName , false ) ;
DisplayWatchList ( ) ;
private void openToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
OpenWatchFile ( ) ;
private void saveToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( string . Compare ( currentWatchFile , "" ) = = 0 ) return ;
if ( changes )
2011-06-26 18:56:56 +00:00
2011-06-16 02:39:35 +00:00
SaveWatchFile ( currentWatchFile ) ;
2011-06-26 18:56:56 +00:00
MessageLabel . Text = Path . GetFileName ( currentWatchFile ) + " saved." ;
2011-06-16 02:39:35 +00:00
private FileInfo GetSaveFileFromUser ( )
var sfd = new SaveFileDialog ( ) ;
if ( currentWatchFile . Length > 0 )
sfd . FileName = Path . GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( currentWatchFile ) ;
sfd . InitialDirectory = Path . GetDirectoryName ( currentWatchFile ) ;
else if ( ! ( Global . Emulator is NullEmulator ) )
2011-06-18 21:39:53 +00:00
sfd . FileName = Global . Game . FilesystemSafeName ;
2011-06-16 02:39:35 +00:00
sfd . InitialDirectory = PathManager . MakeAbsolutePath ( Global . Config . WatchPath , "" ) ;
sfd . FileName = "NULL" ;
sfd . InitialDirectory = PathManager . MakeAbsolutePath ( Global . Config . WatchPath , "" ) ;
sfd . Filter = "Watch Files (*.wch)|*.wch|All Files|*.*" ;
sfd . RestoreDirectory = true ;
Global . Sound . StopSound ( ) ;
var result = sfd . ShowDialog ( ) ;
Global . Sound . StartSound ( ) ;
if ( result ! = DialogResult . OK )
return null ;
var file = new FileInfo ( sfd . FileName ) ;
return file ;
private void SaveAs ( )
var file = GetSaveFileFromUser ( ) ;
if ( file ! = null )
SaveWatchFile ( file . FullName ) ;
currentWatchFile = file . FullName ;
MessageLabel . Text = Path . GetFileName ( currentWatchFile ) + " saved." ;
2011-06-26 19:01:06 +00:00
Global . Config . RecentWatches . Add ( file . FullName ) ;
2011-06-16 02:39:35 +00:00
private void saveAsToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SaveAs ( ) ;
private void appendFileToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
var file = GetFileFromUser ( ) ;
if ( file ! = null )
LoadWatchFile ( file . FullName , true ) ;
DisplayWatchList ( ) ;
Changes ( ) ;
private void autoLoadToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
UpdateAutoLoadRamWatch ( ) ;
private void newWatchToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
AddNewWatch ( ) ;
private void editWatchToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
EditWatch ( ) ;
private void removeWatchToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
RemoveWatch ( ) ;
private void duplicateWatchToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
DuplicateWatch ( ) ;
private void moveUpToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
MoveUp ( ) ;
private void moveDownToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
MoveDown ( ) ;
private void RamWatch_Load ( object sender , EventArgs e )
LoadConfigSettings ( ) ;
SetMemoryDomainMenu ( ) ;
private void filesToolStripMenuItem_DropDownOpened ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( Global . Config . AutoLoadRamWatch = = true )
autoLoadToolStripMenuItem . Checked = true ;
autoLoadToolStripMenuItem . Checked = false ;
if ( string . Compare ( currentWatchFile , "" ) = = 0 | | ! changes )
saveToolStripMenuItem . Enabled = false ;
saveToolStripMenuItem . Enabled = true ;
private void UpdateAutoLoadRamWatch ( )
autoLoadToolStripMenuItem . Checked = Global . Config . AutoLoadRamWatch ^ = true ;
private void recentToolStripMenuItem_DropDownOpened ( object sender , EventArgs e )
//Clear out recent Roms list
//repopulate it with an up to date list
recentToolStripMenuItem . DropDownItems . Clear ( ) ;
if ( Global . Config . RecentWatches . IsEmpty ( ) )
var none = new ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
none . Enabled = false ;
none . Text = "None" ;
recentToolStripMenuItem . DropDownItems . Add ( none ) ;
for ( int x = 0 ; x < Global . Config . RecentWatches . Length ( ) ; x + + )
string path = Global . Config . RecentWatches . GetRecentFileByPosition ( x ) ;
var item = new ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
item . Text = path ;
item . Click + = ( o , ev ) = > LoadWatchFromRecent ( path ) ;
recentToolStripMenuItem . DropDownItems . Add ( item ) ;
recentToolStripMenuItem . DropDownItems . Add ( "-" ) ;
var clearitem = new ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
clearitem . Text = "&Clear" ;
clearitem . Click + = ( o , ev ) = > Global . Config . RecentWatches . Clear ( ) ;
recentToolStripMenuItem . DropDownItems . Add ( clearitem ) ;
var auto = new ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
auto . Text = "&Auto-Load" ;
auto . Click + = ( o , ev ) = > UpdateAutoLoadRamWatch ( ) ;
if ( Global . Config . AutoLoadRamWatch = = true )
auto . Checked = true ;
auto . Checked = false ;
recentToolStripMenuItem . DropDownItems . Add ( auto ) ;
private void WatchListView_AfterLabelEdit ( object sender , LabelEditEventArgs e )
if ( e . Label = = null ) //If no change
return ;
string Str = e . Label . ToUpper ( ) . Trim ( ) ;
int index = e . Item ;
if ( InputValidate . IsValidHexNumber ( Str ) )
watchList [ e . Item ] . address = int . Parse ( Str , NumberStyles . HexNumber ) ;
EditWatchObject ( index ) ;
MessageBox . Show ( "Invalid number!" ) ; //TODO: More parameters and better message
WatchListView . Items [ index ] . Text = watchList [ index ] . address . ToString ( ) ; //TODO: Why doesn't the list view update to the new value? It won't until something else changes
private void restoreWindowSizeToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
this . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( defaultWidth , defaultHeight ) ;
Global . Config . RamWatchAddressIndex = 0 ;
Global . Config . RamWatchValueIndex = 1 ;
Global . Config . RamWatchPrevIndex = 2 ;
Global . Config . RamWatchChangeIndex = 3 ;
Global . Config . RamWatchNotesIndex = 4 ;
ColumnPositionSet ( ) ;
showPreviousValueToolStripMenuItem . Checked = false ;
Global . Config . RamWatchShowPrevColumn = false ;
showChangeCountsToolStripMenuItem . Checked = true ;
Global . Config . RamWatchShowChangeColumn = true ;
WatchListView . Columns [ 0 ] . Width = defaultAddressWidth ;
WatchListView . Columns [ 1 ] . Width = defaultValueWidth ;
WatchListView . Columns [ 2 ] . Width = 0 ;
WatchListView . Columns [ 3 ] . Width = defaultChangeWidth ;
WatchListView . Columns [ 4 ] . Width = NotesWidth ;
private void newToolStripButton_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
NewWatchList ( false ) ;
private void openToolStripButton_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
OpenWatchFile ( ) ;
private void saveToolStripButton_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( changes )
SaveWatchFile ( currentWatchFile ) ;
SaveAs ( ) ;
private void InsertSeparator ( )
Watch w = new Watch ( ) ;
w . type = atype . SEPARATOR ;
ListView . SelectedIndexCollection indexes = WatchListView . SelectedIndices ;
int x ;
if ( indexes . Count > 0 )
x = indexes [ 0 ] ;
if ( indexes [ 0 ] > 0 )
watchList . Insert ( indexes [ 0 ] , w ) ;
watchList . Add ( w ) ;
DisplayWatchList ( ) ;
private void cutToolStripButton_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
RemoveWatch ( ) ;
private void NewWatchStripButton1_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
AddNewWatch ( ) ;
private void MoveUpStripButton1_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
MoveUp ( ) ;
private void MoveDownStripButton1_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
MoveDown ( ) ;
private void EditWatchToolStripButton1_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
EditWatch ( ) ;
private void DuplicateWatchToolStripButton_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
DuplicateWatch ( ) ;
private void toolStripButton1_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
InsertSeparator ( ) ;
private void insertSeparatorToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
InsertSeparator ( ) ;
private void PoketoolStripButton2_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
PokeAddress ( ) ;
private void PokeAddress ( )
ListView . SelectedIndexCollection indexes = WatchListView . SelectedIndices ;
RamPoke p = new RamPoke ( ) ;
if ( indexes . Count > 0 )
p . SetWatchObject ( watchList [ indexes [ 0 ] ] ) ;
p . location = GetPromptPoint ( ) ;
p . ShowDialog ( ) ;
private void pokeAddressToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
PokeAddress ( ) ;
private void watchesToolStripMenuItem_DropDownOpened ( object sender , EventArgs e )
ListView . SelectedIndexCollection indexes = WatchListView . SelectedIndices ;
if ( indexes . Count > 0 )
editWatchToolStripMenuItem . Enabled = true ;
duplicateWatchToolStripMenuItem . Enabled = true ;
removeWatchToolStripMenuItem . Enabled = true ;
moveUpToolStripMenuItem . Enabled = true ;
moveDownToolStripMenuItem . Enabled = true ;
pokeAddressToolStripMenuItem . Enabled = true ;
freezeAddressToolStripMenuItem . Enabled = true ;
editWatchToolStripMenuItem . Enabled = false ;
duplicateWatchToolStripMenuItem . Enabled = false ;
removeWatchToolStripMenuItem . Enabled = false ;
moveUpToolStripMenuItem . Enabled = false ;
moveDownToolStripMenuItem . Enabled = false ;
pokeAddressToolStripMenuItem . Enabled = false ;
freezeAddressToolStripMenuItem . Enabled = false ;
private void editToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
EditWatch ( ) ;
private void removeToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
RemoveWatch ( ) ;
private void duplicateToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
DuplicateWatch ( ) ;
private void pokeToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
PokeAddress ( ) ;
private void insertSeperatorToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
InsertSeparator ( ) ;
private void moveUpToolStripMenuItem1_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
MoveUp ( ) ;
private void moveDownToolStripMenuItem1_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
MoveDown ( ) ;
private void contextMenuStrip1_Opening ( object sender , CancelEventArgs e )
ListView . SelectedIndexCollection indexes = WatchListView . SelectedIndices ;
if ( indexes . Count = = 0 )
contextMenuStrip1 . Items [ 0 ] . Visible = false ;
contextMenuStrip1 . Items [ 1 ] . Visible = false ;
contextMenuStrip1 . Items [ 2 ] . Visible = false ;
contextMenuStrip1 . Items [ 3 ] . Visible = false ;
contextMenuStrip1 . Items [ 4 ] . Visible = false ;
contextMenuStrip1 . Items [ 5 ] . Visible = false ;
contextMenuStrip1 . Items [ 6 ] . Visible = false ;
contextMenuStrip1 . Items [ 8 ] . Visible = false ;
contextMenuStrip1 . Items [ 9 ] . Visible = false ;
for ( int x = 0 ; x < contextMenuStrip1 . Items . Count ; x + + )
contextMenuStrip1 . Items [ x ] . Visible = true ;
if ( Global . Config . RamWatchShowChangeColumn )
contextMenuStrip1 . Items [ 11 ] . Text = "Hide change counts" ;
contextMenuStrip1 . Items [ 11 ] . Text = "Show change counts" ;
if ( Global . Config . RamWatchShowPrevColumn )
contextMenuStrip1 . Items [ 12 ] . Text = "Hide previous value" ;
contextMenuStrip1 . Items [ 12 ] . Text = "Show previous value" ;
if ( Global . Config . RamWatchShowChangeFromPrev )
contextMenuStrip1 . Items [ 13 ] . Text = "Display Previous value as previous" ;
contextMenuStrip1 . Items [ 13 ] . Text = "Display Previosu value as change amount" ;
private void WatchListView_MouseDoubleClick ( object sender , MouseEventArgs e )
ListView . SelectedIndexCollection indexes = WatchListView . SelectedIndices ;
if ( indexes . Count > 0 )
EditWatch ( ) ;
private void RamWatch_DragDrop ( object sender , DragEventArgs e )
string [ ] filePaths = ( string [ ] ) e . Data . GetData ( DataFormats . FileDrop ) ;
if ( Path . GetExtension ( filePaths [ 0 ] ) = = ( ".wch" ) )
LoadWatchFile ( filePaths [ 0 ] , false ) ;
DisplayWatchList ( ) ;
private void RamWatch_DragEnter ( object sender , DragEventArgs e )
e . Effect = e . Data . GetDataPresent ( DataFormats . FileDrop ) ? DragDropEffects . Copy : DragDropEffects . None ; string [ ] filePaths = ( string [ ] ) e . Data . GetData ( DataFormats . FileDrop ) ;
private void ClearChangeCounts ( )
for ( int x = 0 ; x < watchList . Count ; x + + )
watchList [ x ] . changecount = 0 ;
DisplayWatchList ( ) ;
MessageLabel . Text = "Change counts cleared" ;
private void ClearChangeCountstoolStripButton_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
ClearChangeCounts ( ) ;
private void clearChangeCountsToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
ClearChangeCounts ( ) ;
private void showChangeCountsToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
Global . Config . RamWatchShowChangeColumn ^ = true ;
SetChangesColumn ( Global . Config . RamWatchShowChangeColumn ) ;
private void SetChangesColumn ( bool show )
Global . Config . RamWatchShowChangeColumn = show ;
showChangeCountsToolStripMenuItem . Checked = show ;
if ( show )
WatchListView . Columns [ Global . Config . RamWatchChangeIndex ] . Width = 54 ;
WatchListView . Columns [ Global . Config . RamWatchChangeIndex ] . Width = 0 ;
private void SetPrevColumn ( bool show )
Global . Config . RamWatchShowPrevColumn = show ;
showPreviousValueToolStripMenuItem . Checked = show ;
if ( show )
WatchListView . Columns [ Global . Config . RamWatchPrevIndex ] . Width = 59 ;
WatchListView . Columns [ Global . Config . RamWatchPrevIndex ] . Width = 0 ;
private void showPreviousValueToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
Global . Config . RamWatchShowPrevColumn ^ = true ;
SetPrevColumn ( Global . Config . RamWatchShowPrevColumn ) ;
private void prevValueShowsChangeAmountToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
Global . Config . RamWatchShowChangeFromPrev ^ = true ;
DisplayWatchList ( ) ;
private void optionsToolStripMenuItem_DropDownOpened ( object sender , EventArgs e )
prevValueShowsChangeAmountToolStripMenuItem . Checked = Global . Config . RamWatchShowChangeFromPrev ;
private void viewInHexEditorToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
ListView . SelectedIndexCollection indexes = WatchListView . SelectedIndices ;
if ( indexes . Count > 0 )
Global . MainForm . LoadHexEditor ( ) ;
Global . MainForm . HexEditor1 . GoToAddress ( watchList [ indexes [ 0 ] ] . address ) ;
private int GetNumDigits ( Int32 i )
//if (i == 0) return 0;
//if (i < 0x10) return 1;
//if (i < 0x100) return 2;
//if (i < 0x1000) return 3; //adelikat: commenting these out because I decided that regardless of domain, 4 digits should be the minimum
if ( i < 0x10000 ) return 4 ;
if ( i < 0x1000000 ) return 6 ;
else return 8 ;
private void freezeToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
FreezeAddress ( ) ;
private int WORDGetLowerByte ( int value )
return value / 256 ;
private int WORDGetUpperByte ( int value )
return value > > 2 ;
private void FreezeAddress ( )
ListView . SelectedIndexCollection indexes = WatchListView . SelectedIndices ;
if ( indexes . Count > 0 )
switch ( watchList [ indexes [ 0 ] ] . type )
case atype . BYTE :
Cheat c = new Cheat ( "" , watchList [ indexes [ 0 ] ] . address , ( byte ) watchList [ indexes [ 0 ] ] . value ,
true , Domain ) ;
Global . MainForm . Cheats1 . AddCheat ( c ) ;
break ;
case atype . WORD :
byte low = ( byte ) ( watchList [ indexes [ 0 ] ] . value / 256 ) ;
byte high = ( byte ) ( watchList [ indexes [ 0 ] ] . value ) ;
int a1 = watchList [ indexes [ 0 ] ] . address ;
int a2 = watchList [ indexes [ 0 ] ] . address + 1 ;
if ( watchList [ indexes [ 0 ] ] . bigendian )
Cheat c1 = new Cheat ( "" , a1 , low , true , Domain ) ;
Cheat c2 = new Cheat ( "" , a2 , high , true , Domain ) ;
Global . MainForm . Cheats1 . AddCheat ( c1 ) ;
Global . MainForm . Cheats1 . AddCheat ( c2 ) ;
Cheat c1 = new Cheat ( "" , a1 , high , true , Domain ) ;
Cheat c2 = new Cheat ( "" , a2 , low , true , Domain ) ;
Global . MainForm . Cheats1 . AddCheat ( c1 ) ;
Global . MainForm . Cheats1 . AddCheat ( c2 ) ;
break ;
case atype . DWORD :
byte HIWORDhigh = ( byte ) ( watchList [ indexes [ 0 ] ] . value / 0x1000000 ) ;
byte HIWORDlow = ( byte ) ( watchList [ indexes [ 0 ] ] . value / 0x10000 ) ;
byte LOWORDhigh = ( byte ) ( watchList [ indexes [ 0 ] ] . value / 0x100 ) ;
byte LOWORDlow = ( byte ) ( watchList [ indexes [ 0 ] ] . value ) ;
int a1 = watchList [ indexes [ 0 ] ] . address ;
int a2 = watchList [ indexes [ 0 ] ] . address + 1 ;
int a3 = watchList [ indexes [ 0 ] ] . address + 2 ;
int a4 = watchList [ indexes [ 0 ] ] . address + 3 ;
if ( watchList [ indexes [ 0 ] ] . bigendian )
Cheat c1 = new Cheat ( "" , a1 , HIWORDhigh , true , Domain ) ;
Cheat c2 = new Cheat ( "" , a2 , HIWORDlow , true , Domain ) ;
Cheat c3 = new Cheat ( "" , a3 , LOWORDhigh , true , Domain ) ;
Cheat c4 = new Cheat ( "" , a4 , LOWORDlow , true , Domain ) ;
Global . MainForm . Cheats1 . AddCheat ( c1 ) ;
Global . MainForm . Cheats1 . AddCheat ( c2 ) ;
Global . MainForm . Cheats1 . AddCheat ( c3 ) ;
Global . MainForm . Cheats1 . AddCheat ( c4 ) ;
Cheat c1 = new Cheat ( "" , a1 , LOWORDlow , true , Domain ) ;
Cheat c2 = new Cheat ( "" , a2 , LOWORDhigh , true , Domain ) ;
Cheat c3 = new Cheat ( "" , a3 , HIWORDlow , true , Domain ) ;
Cheat c4 = new Cheat ( "" , a4 , HIWORDhigh , true , Domain ) ;
Global . MainForm . Cheats1 . AddCheat ( c1 ) ;
Global . MainForm . Cheats1 . AddCheat ( c2 ) ;
Global . MainForm . Cheats1 . AddCheat ( c3 ) ;
Global . MainForm . Cheats1 . AddCheat ( c4 ) ;
break ;
private void freezeAddressToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
FreezeAddress ( ) ;
private void FreezetoolStripButton2_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
FreezeAddress ( ) ;
private void SetPlatformAndMemoryDomainLabel ( )
string memoryDomain = Domain . ToString ( ) ;
systemID = Global . Emulator . SystemId ;
MemDomainLabel . Text = systemID + " " + memoryDomain ;
private void SetMemoryDomain ( int pos )
if ( pos < Global . Emulator . MemoryDomains . Count ) //Sanity check
Domain = Global . Emulator . MemoryDomains [ pos ] ;
SetPlatformAndMemoryDomainLabel ( ) ;
Update ( ) ;
private void SetMemoryDomainMenu ( )
memoryDomainsToolStripMenuItem . DropDownItems . Clear ( ) ;
if ( Global . Emulator . MemoryDomains . Count > 0 )
for ( int x = 0 ; x < Global . Emulator . MemoryDomains . Count ; x + + )
string str = Global . Emulator . MemoryDomains [ x ] . ToString ( ) ;
var item = new ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
item . Text = str ;
int z = x ;
item . Click + = ( o , ev ) = > SetMemoryDomain ( z ) ;
if ( x = = 0 )
SetMemoryDomain ( x ) ;
memoryDomainsToolStripMenuItem . DropDownItems . Add ( item ) ;
domainMenuItems . Add ( item ) ;
memoryDomainsToolStripMenuItem . Enabled = false ;
private void CheckDomainMenuItems ( )
for ( int x = 0 ; x < domainMenuItems . Count ; x + + )
if ( Domain . Name = = domainMenuItems [ x ] . Text )
domainMenuItems [ x ] . Checked = true ;
domainMenuItems [ x ] . Checked = false ;
private void memoryDomainsToolStripMenuItem_DropDownOpened ( object sender , EventArgs e )
CheckDomainMenuItems ( ) ;
private void ColumnReorder ( object sender , ColumnReorderedEventArgs e )
ColumnHeader header = e . Header ;
int lowIndex = 0 ;
int highIndex = 0 ;
int changeIndex = 0 ;
if ( e . NewDisplayIndex > e . OldDisplayIndex )
changeIndex = - 1 ;
highIndex = e . NewDisplayIndex ;
lowIndex = e . OldDisplayIndex ;
changeIndex = 1 ;
highIndex = e . OldDisplayIndex ;
lowIndex = e . NewDisplayIndex ;
if ( Global . Config . RamWatchAddressIndex > = lowIndex & & Global . Config . RamWatchAddressIndex < = highIndex )
Global . Config . RamWatchAddressIndex + = changeIndex ;
if ( Global . Config . RamWatchValueIndex > = lowIndex & & Global . Config . RamWatchValueIndex < = highIndex )
Global . Config . RamWatchValueIndex + = changeIndex ;
if ( Global . Config . RamWatchPrevIndex > = lowIndex & & Global . Config . RamWatchPrevIndex < = highIndex )
Global . Config . RamWatchPrevIndex + = changeIndex ;
if ( Global . Config . RamWatchChangeIndex > = lowIndex & & Global . Config . RamWatchChangeIndex < = highIndex )
Global . Config . RamWatchChangeIndex + = changeIndex ;
if ( Global . Config . RamWatchNotesIndex > = lowIndex & & Global . Config . RamWatchNotesIndex < = highIndex )
Global . Config . RamWatchNotesIndex + = changeIndex ;
if ( header . Text = = "Address" )
Global . Config . RamWatchAddressIndex = e . NewDisplayIndex ;
else if ( header . Text = = "Value" )
Global . Config . RamWatchValueIndex = e . NewDisplayIndex ;
else if ( header . Text = = "Prev" )
Global . Config . RamWatchPrevIndex = e . NewDisplayIndex ;
else if ( header . Text = = "Changes" )
Global . Config . RamWatchChangeIndex = e . NewDisplayIndex ;
else if ( header . Text = = "Notes" )
Global . Config . RamWatchNotesIndex = e . NewDisplayIndex ;
private void ColumnPositionSet ( )
List < ColumnHeader > columnHeaders = new List < ColumnHeader > ( ) ;
int i = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < WatchListView . Columns . Count ; i + + )
columnHeaders . Add ( WatchListView . Columns [ i ] ) ;
WatchListView . Columns . Clear ( ) ;
i = 0 ;
string column = "" ;
if ( Global . Config . RamWatchAddressIndex = = i )
column = "Address" ;
else if ( Global . Config . RamWatchValueIndex = = i )
column = "Value" ;
else if ( Global . Config . RamWatchPrevIndex = = i )
column = "Prev" ;
else if ( Global . Config . RamWatchChangeIndex = = i )
column = "Changes" ;
else if ( Global . Config . RamWatchNotesIndex = = i )
column = "Notes" ;
for ( int k = 0 ; k < columnHeaders . Count ( ) ; k + + )
if ( columnHeaders [ k ] . Text = = column )
WatchListView . Columns . Add ( columnHeaders [ k ] ) ;
columnHeaders . Remove ( columnHeaders [ k ] ) ;
break ;
i + + ;
} while ( columnHeaders . Count ( ) > 0 ) ;
2011-06-19 19:10:01 +00:00
private void OrderColumn ( int columnToOrder )
string columnName = WatchListView . Columns [ columnToOrder ] . Text ;
if ( sortedCol . CompareTo ( columnName ) ! = 0 )
sortReverse = false ;
2011-06-19 19:20:43 +00:00
watchList . Sort ( ( x , y ) = > x . CompareTo ( y , columnName ) * ( sortReverse ? - 1 : 1 ) ) ;
sortedCol = columnName ;
sortReverse = ! ( sortReverse ) ;
2011-06-19 19:10:01 +00:00
WatchListView . Refresh ( ) ;
private void WatchListView_ColumnClick ( object sender , ColumnClickEventArgs e )
OrderColumn ( e . Column ) ;
2011-06-16 02:39:35 +00:00
2011-02-21 15:23:30 +00:00