2011-01-16 06:31:14 +00:00
using System;
2013-11-13 23:36:21 +00:00
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.PCEngine
2011-01-11 02:55:51 +00:00
2013-11-13 23:36:21 +00:00
// This rendering code is only used for TurboGrafx/TurboCD Mode.
// In SuperGrafx mode, separate rendering functions in the VPC class are used.
2011-01-11 02:55:51 +00:00
2013-11-13 23:36:21 +00:00
public partial class VDC
/* There are many line-counters here. Here is a breakdown of what they each are:
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2013-11-13 23:36:21 +00:00
+ ScanLine is the current NTSC scanline. It has a range from 0 to 262.
+ ActiveLine is the current offset into the framebuffer. 0 is the first
line of active display, and the last value will be BufferHeight-1.
+ BackgroundY is the current offset into the scroll plane. It is set with BYR
register at certain sync points and incremented every scanline.
Its values range from 0 - $1FF.
+ RCRCounter is set to $40 at the first line of active display, and incremented each
scanline thereafter.
public int ScanLine;
public int BackgroundY;
public int RCRCounter;
public int ActiveLine;
public int HBlankCycles = 79;
public bool PerformSpriteLimit;
byte[] PriorityBuffer = new byte[512];
byte[] InterSpritePriorityBuffer = new byte[512];
public void ExecFrame(bool render)
if (MultiResHack > 0 && render)
Array.Clear(FrameBuffer, 0, FrameBuffer.Length);
while (true)
int ActiveDisplayStartLine = DisplayStartLine;
int VBlankLine = ActiveDisplayStartLine + Registers[VDW] + 1;
if (VBlankLine > 261)
VBlankLine = 261;
ActiveLine = ScanLine - ActiveDisplayStartLine;
bool InActiveDisplay = (ScanLine >= ActiveDisplayStartLine) && (ScanLine < VBlankLine);
if (ScanLine == ActiveDisplayStartLine)
RCRCounter = 0x40;
if (ScanLine == VBlankLine)
if (RCRCounter == (Registers[RCR] & 0x3FF))
if (RasterCompareInterruptEnabled)
StatusByte |= StatusRasterCompare;
cpu.IRQ1Assert = true;
if (InActiveDisplay)
if (ScanLine == ActiveDisplayStartLine)
BackgroundY = Registers[BYR];
BackgroundY &= 0x01FF;
if (render) RenderScanLine();
if (ScanLine == VBlankLine && VBlankInterruptEnabled)
StatusByte |= StatusVerticalBlanking;
if (ScanLine == VBlankLine + 4 && SatDmaPerformed)
SatDmaPerformed = false;
if ((Registers[DCR] & 1) > 0)
StatusByte |= StatusVramSatDmaComplete;
if ((StatusByte & (StatusVerticalBlanking | StatusVramSatDmaComplete)) != 0)
cpu.IRQ1Assert = true;
cpu.Execute(455 - HBlankCycles - 2);
if (InActiveDisplay == false && DmaRequested)
if (ScanLine == vce.NumberOfScanlines)
ScanLine = 0;
public void RenderScanLine()
if (ActiveLine >= FrameHeight)
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2013-11-13 23:36:21 +00:00
2014-02-15 19:54:00 +00:00
Action<bool> RenderBackgroundScanline;
unsafe void RenderBackgroundScanlineUnsafe(bool show)
2013-11-13 23:36:21 +00:00
Array.Clear(PriorityBuffer, 0, FrameWidth);
if (BackgroundEnabled == false)
2014-02-14 20:24:26 +00:00
int p = vce.Palette[256];
fixed (int* FBptr = FrameBuffer)
int* dst = FBptr + ActiveLine * FramePitch;
for (int i = 0; i < FrameWidth; i++)
*dst++ = p;
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2014-02-14 20:24:26 +00:00
// per-line parameters
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int vertLine = BackgroundY;
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vertLine %= BatHeight * 8;
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int yTile = (vertLine / 8);
int yOfs = vertLine % 8;
int xScroll = Registers[BXR] & 0x3FF;
2014-02-14 20:24:26 +00:00
int BatRowMask = BatWidth - 1;
fixed (ushort* VRAMptr = VRAM)
fixed (int* PALptr = vce.Palette)
fixed (byte* Patternptr = PatternBuffer)
fixed (int* FBptr = FrameBuffer)
fixed (byte* Priortyptr = PriorityBuffer)
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2014-02-14 20:24:26 +00:00
// pointer to the BAT and the framebuffer for this line
ushort* BatRow = VRAMptr + yTile * BatWidth;
int* dst = FBptr + ActiveLine * FramePitch;
// parameters that change per tile
ushort BatEnt;
int tileNo, paletteNo, paletteBase;
byte* src;
// calculate tile number and offset for first tile
int xTile = (xScroll >> 3) & BatRowMask;
int xOfs = xScroll & 7;
// update per-tile parameters for first tile
BatEnt = BatRow[xTile];
tileNo = BatEnt & 2047;
paletteNo = BatEnt >> 12;
paletteBase = paletteNo * 16;
src = Patternptr + (tileNo << 6 | yOfs << 3 | xOfs);
for (int x = 0; x < FrameWidth; x++)
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2014-02-14 20:24:26 +00:00
byte c = *src++;
if (c == 0)
dst[x] = PALptr[0];
dst[x] = show ? PALptr[paletteBase + c] : PALptr[0];
Priortyptr[x] = 1;
if (xOfs == 8)
// update tile number
xOfs = 0;
xTile &= BatRowMask;
// update per-tile parameters
BatEnt = BatRow[xTile];
tileNo = BatEnt & 2047;
paletteNo = BatEnt >> 12;
paletteBase = paletteNo * 16;
src = Patternptr + (tileNo << 6 | yOfs << 3 | xOfs);
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2014-02-15 19:54:00 +00:00
void RenderBackgroundScanlineSafe(bool show)
Array.Clear(PriorityBuffer, 0, FrameWidth);
if (BackgroundEnabled == false)
for (int i = 0; i < FrameWidth; i++)
FrameBuffer[(ActiveLine * FramePitch) + i] = vce.Palette[256];
int batHeight = BatHeight * 8;
int batWidth = BatWidth * 8;
int vertLine = BackgroundY;
vertLine %= batHeight;
int yTile = (vertLine / 8);
int yOfs = vertLine % 8;
// This is not optimized. But it seems likely to remain that way.
int xScroll = Registers[BXR] & 0x3FF;
for (int x = 0; x < FrameWidth; x++)
int xTile = ((x + xScroll) / 8) % BatWidth;
int xOfs = (x + xScroll) & 7;
int tileNo = VRAM[(ushort)(((yTile * BatWidth) + xTile))] & 2047;
int paletteNo = VRAM[(ushort)(((yTile * BatWidth) + xTile))] >> 12;
int paletteBase = paletteNo * 16;
byte c = PatternBuffer[(tileNo * 64) + (yOfs * 8) + xOfs];
if (c == 0)
FrameBuffer[(ActiveLine * FramePitch) + x] = vce.Palette[0];
FrameBuffer[(ActiveLine * FramePitch) + x] = show ? vce.Palette[paletteBase + c] : vce.Palette[0];
PriorityBuffer[x] = 1;
2013-11-13 23:36:21 +00:00
byte[] heightTable = { 16, 32, 64, 64 };
public void RenderSpritesScanline(bool show)
if (SpritesEnabled == false)
Array.Clear(InterSpritePriorityBuffer, 0, FrameWidth);
bool Sprite4ColorMode = Sprite4ColorModeEnabled;
int activeSprites = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
if (activeSprites >= 16 && PerformSpriteLimit)
int y = (SpriteAttributeTable[(i * 4) + 0] & 1023) - 64;
int x = (SpriteAttributeTable[(i * 4) + 1] & 1023) - 32;
ushort flags = SpriteAttributeTable[(i * 4) + 3];
int height = heightTable[(flags >> 12) & 3];
int width = (flags & 0x100) == 0 ? 16 : 32;
if (y + height <= ActiveLine || y > ActiveLine)
activeSprites += width == 16 ? 1 : 2;
int patternNo = (((SpriteAttributeTable[(i * 4) + 2]) >> 1) & 0x1FF);
int paletteBase = 256 + ((flags & 15) * 16);
bool priority = (flags & 0x80) != 0;
bool hflip = (flags & 0x0800) != 0;
bool vflip = (flags & 0x8000) != 0;
int colorMask = 0xFF;
if (Sprite4ColorMode)
if ((SpriteAttributeTable[(i * 4) + 2] & 1) == 0)
colorMask = 0x03;
colorMask = 0x0C;
if (width == 32)
patternNo &= 0x1FE;
int yofs = 0;
if (vflip == false)
yofs = (ActiveLine - y) & 15;
if (height == 32)
patternNo &= 0x1FD;
if (ActiveLine - y >= 16)
y += 16;
patternNo += 2;
else if (height == 64)
patternNo &= 0x1F9;
if (ActiveLine - y >= 48)
y += 48;
patternNo += 6;
else if (ActiveLine - y >= 32)
y += 32;
patternNo += 4;
else if (ActiveLine - y >= 16)
y += 16;
patternNo += 2;
else // vflip == true
yofs = 15 - ((ActiveLine - y) & 15);
if (height == 32)
patternNo &= 0x1FD;
if (ActiveLine - y < 16)
y += 16;
patternNo += 2;
else if (height == 64)
patternNo &= 0x1F9;
if (ActiveLine - y < 16)
y += 48;
patternNo += 6;
else if (ActiveLine - y < 32)
y += 32;
patternNo += 4;
else if (ActiveLine - y < 48)
y += 16;
patternNo += 2;
if (hflip == false)
if (x + width > 0 && y + height > 0)
for (int xs = x >= 0 ? x : 0; xs < x + 16 && xs >= 0 && xs < FrameWidth; xs++)
byte pixel = (byte)(SpriteBuffer[(patternNo * 256) + (yofs * 16) + (xs - x)] & colorMask);
if (colorMask == 0x0C)
pixel >>= 2;
if (pixel != 0 && InterSpritePriorityBuffer[xs] == 0)
InterSpritePriorityBuffer[xs] = 1;
if ((priority || PriorityBuffer[xs] == 0) && show)
FrameBuffer[(ActiveLine * FramePitch) + xs] = vce.Palette[paletteBase + pixel];
if (width == 32)
x += 16;
for (int xs = x >= 0 ? x : 0; xs < x + 16 && xs >= 0 && xs < FrameWidth; xs++)
byte pixel = (byte)(SpriteBuffer[(patternNo * 256) + (yofs * 16) + (xs - x)] & colorMask);
if (colorMask == 0x0C)
pixel >>= 2;
if (pixel != 0 && InterSpritePriorityBuffer[xs] == 0)
InterSpritePriorityBuffer[xs] = 1;
if ((priority || PriorityBuffer[xs] == 0) && show)
FrameBuffer[(ActiveLine * FramePitch) + xs] = vce.Palette[paletteBase + pixel];
{ // hflip = true
if (x + width > 0 && y + height > 0)
if (width == 32)
for (int xs = x >= 0 ? x : 0; xs < x + 16 && xs >= 0 && xs < FrameWidth; xs++)
byte pixel = (byte)(SpriteBuffer[(patternNo * 256) + (yofs * 16) + 15 - (xs - x)] & colorMask);
if (colorMask == 0x0C)
pixel >>= 2;
if (pixel != 0 && InterSpritePriorityBuffer[xs] == 0)
InterSpritePriorityBuffer[xs] = 1;
if ((priority || PriorityBuffer[xs] == 0) && show)
FrameBuffer[(ActiveLine * FramePitch) + xs] = vce.Palette[paletteBase + pixel];
if (width == 32)
x += 16;
for (int xs = x >= 0 ? x : 0; xs < x + 16 && xs >= 0 && xs < FrameWidth; xs++)
byte pixel = (byte)(SpriteBuffer[(patternNo * 256) + (yofs * 16) + 15 - (xs - x)] & colorMask);
if (colorMask == 0x0C)
pixel >>= 2;
if (pixel != 0 && InterSpritePriorityBuffer[xs] == 0)
InterSpritePriorityBuffer[xs] = 1;
if ((priority || PriorityBuffer[xs] == 0) && show)
FrameBuffer[(ActiveLine * FramePitch) + xs] = vce.Palette[paletteBase + pixel];
int FramePitch = 256;
int FrameWidth = 256;
int FrameHeight = 240;
int[] FrameBuffer = new int[256 * 240];
public int[] GetVideoBuffer() { return FrameBuffer; }
public int VirtualWidth { get { return FramePitch; } }
public int BufferWidth { get { return FramePitch; } }
public int BufferHeight { get { return FrameHeight; } }
public int BackgroundColor { get { return vce.Palette[256]; } }
2011-01-11 02:55:51 +00:00