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/* SNES SPC-700 APU emulator C interface (also usable from C++) */
/* snes_spc 0.9.0 */
#ifndef SPC_H
#define SPC_H
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Error string return. NULL if success, otherwise error message. */
typedef const char* spc_err_t;
typedef struct SNES_SPC SNES_SPC;
/* Creates new SPC emulator. NULL if out of memory. */
SNES_SPC* spc_new( void );
/* Frees SPC emulator */
void spc_delete( SNES_SPC* );
/* Sample pairs generated per second */
enum { spc_sample_rate = 32000 };
/**** Emulator use ****/
/* Sets IPL ROM data. Library does not include ROM data. Most SPC music files
don't need ROM, but a full emulator must provide this. */
enum { spc_rom_size = 0x40 };
void spc_init_rom( SNES_SPC*, unsigned char const rom [spc_rom_size] );
/* Sets destination for output samples */
typedef short spc_sample_t;
void spc_set_output( SNES_SPC*, spc_sample_t* out, int out_size );
/* Number of samples written to output since last set */
int spc_sample_count( SNES_SPC const* );
/* Resets SPC to power-on state. This resets your output buffer, so you must
call spc_set_output() after this. */
void spc_reset( SNES_SPC* );
/* Emulates pressing reset switch on SNES. This resets your output buffer, so
you must call spc_set_output() after this. */
void spc_soft_reset( SNES_SPC* );
/* 1024000 SPC clocks per second, sample pair every 32 clocks */
typedef int spc_time_t;
enum { spc_clock_rate = 1024000 };
enum { spc_clocks_per_sample = 32 };
/* Reads/writes port at specified time */
enum { spc_port_count = 4 };
int spc_read_port ( SNES_SPC*, spc_time_t, int port );
void spc_write_port( SNES_SPC*, spc_time_t, int port, int data );
/* Runs SPC to end_time and starts a new time frame at 0 */
void spc_end_frame( SNES_SPC*, spc_time_t end_time );
uint8_t* spc_get_ram(SNES_SPC*);
/**** Sound control ****/
/*Mutes voices corresponding to non-zero bits in mask. Reduces emulation accuracy. */
enum { spc_voice_count = 8 };
void spc_mute_voices( SNES_SPC*, int mask );
/* If true, prevents channels and global volumes from being phase-negated.
Only supported by fast DSP; has no effect on accurate DSP. */
void spc_disable_surround( SNES_SPC*, int disable );
/* Sets tempo, where spc_tempo_unit = normal, spc_tempo_unit / 2 = half speed, etc. */
enum { spc_tempo_unit = 0x100 };
void spc_set_tempo( SNES_SPC*, int );
/**** SPC music playback *****/
/* Loads SPC data into emulator. Returns NULL on success, otherwise error string. */
spc_err_t spc_load_spc( SNES_SPC*, void const* spc_in, long size );
/* Clears echo region. Useful after loading an SPC as many have garbage in echo. */
void spc_clear_echo( SNES_SPC* );
/* Plays for count samples and write samples to out. Discards samples if out
is NULL. Count must be a multiple of 2 since output is stereo. */
spc_err_t spc_play( SNES_SPC*, int count, short* out );
/* Skips count samples. Several times faster than spc_play(). */
spc_err_t spc_skip( SNES_SPC*, int count );
/**** State save/load (only available with accurate DSP) ****/
/* Saves/loads exact emulator state */
enum { spc_state_size = 67 * 1024L }; /* maximum space needed when saving */
typedef void (*spc_copy_func_t)( unsigned char** io, void* state, size_t );
void spc_copy_state( SNES_SPC*, unsigned char** io, spc_copy_func_t );
/* Writes minimal SPC file header to spc_out */
void spc_init_header( void* spc_out );
/* Saves emulator state as SPC file data. Writes spc_file_size bytes to spc_out.
Does not set up SPC header; use spc_init_header() for that. */
enum { spc_file_size = 0x10200 }; /* spc_out must have this many bytes allocated */
void spc_save_spc( SNES_SPC*, void* spc_out );
/* Returns non-zero if new key-on events occurred since last check. Useful for
trimming silence while saving an SPC. */
int spc_check_kon( SNES_SPC* );
/**** SPC_Filter ****/
typedef struct SPC_Filter SPC_Filter;
/* Creates new filter. NULL if out of memory. */
SPC_Filter* spc_filter_new( void );
/* Frees filter */
void spc_filter_delete( SPC_Filter* );
/* Filters count samples of stereo sound in place. Count must be a multiple of 2. */
void spc_filter_run( SPC_Filter*, spc_sample_t* io, int count );
/* Clears filter to silence */
void spc_filter_clear( SPC_Filter* );
/* Sets gain (volume), where spc_filter_gain_unit is normal. Gains greater than
spc_filter_gain_unit are fine, since output is clamped to 16-bit sample range. */
enum { spc_filter_gain_unit = 0x100 };
void spc_filter_set_gain( SPC_Filter*, int gain );
/* Sets amount of bass (logarithmic scale) */
enum { spc_filter_bass_none = 0 };
enum { spc_filter_bass_norm = 8 }; /* normal amount */
enum { spc_filter_bass_max = 31 };
void spc_filter_set_bass( SPC_Filter*, int bass );
#ifdef __cplusplus