2022-07-27 17:05:27 +00:00
namespace BizHawk.Analyzers ;
using System.Collections.Immutable ;
using System.Linq ;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis ;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp ;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics ;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Operations ;
public sealed class FirstOrDefaultOnStructAnalyzer : DiagnosticAnalyzer
private static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor DiagUseFirstOrNull = new (
id : "BHI3100" ,
title : "Call to FirstOrDefault when elements are of a value type; FirstOrNull may have been intended" ,
messageFormat : "Call to FirstOrDefault when elements are of a value type; did you mean FirstOrNull?" ,
category : "Usage" ,
defaultSeverity : DiagnosticSeverity . Warning ,
isEnabledByDefault : true ) ;
public override ImmutableArray < DiagnosticDescriptor > SupportedDiagnostics { get ; } = ImmutableArray . Create ( DiagUseFirstOrNull ) ;
public override void Initialize ( AnalysisContext context )
context . ConfigureGeneratedCodeAnalysis ( GeneratedCodeAnalysisFlags . None ) ;
context . EnableConcurrentExecution ( ) ;
context . RegisterCompilationStartAction ( initContext = >
if ( initContext . Compilation . GetTypeByMetadataName ( "BizHawk.Common.CollectionExtensions.CollectionExtensions" ) is null ) return ; // project does not have BizHawk.Common dependency
var linqExtClassSym = initContext . Compilation . GetTypeByMetadataName ( "System.Linq.Enumerable" ) ! ;
IMethodSymbol ? firstOrDefaultNoPredSym = null ;
IMethodSymbol ? firstOrDefaultWithPredSym = null ;
foreach ( var sym in linqExtClassSym . GetMembers ( "FirstOrDefault" ) . Cast < IMethodSymbol > ( ) )
if ( sym . Parameters . Length is 2 ) firstOrDefaultWithPredSym = sym ;
else firstOrDefaultNoPredSym = sym ;
initContext . RegisterOperationAction (
oac = >
var operation = ( IInvocationOperation ) oac . Operation ;
var calledSym = operation . TargetMethod . ConstructedFrom ;
if ( ! ( firstOrDefaultWithPredSym ! . Matches ( calledSym ) | | firstOrDefaultNoPredSym ! . Matches ( calledSym ) ) ) return ;
2023-04-14 23:53:20 +00:00
var receiverExprType = ( INamedTypeSymbol ) operation . SemanticModel ! . GetTypeInfo ( ( CSharpSyntaxNode ) operation . Arguments [ 0 ] . Syntax ) ! . ConvertedType ! ;
2022-07-27 17:05:27 +00:00
if ( receiverExprType . TypeArguments [ 0 ] . IsValueType ) oac . ReportDiagnostic ( Diagnostic . Create ( DiagUseFirstOrNull , operation . Syntax . GetLocation ( ) ) ) ;
} ,
OperationKind . Invocation ) ;
} ) ;