427 lines
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427 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.N64;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Consoles.Nintendo.N64
public class N64SyncSettings
public int VideoSizeX = 320;
public int VideoSizeY = 240;
public N64RicePluginSettings RicePlugin = new N64RicePluginSettings();
public N64GlidePluginSettings GlidePlugin = new N64GlidePluginSettings();
public N64Glide64mk2PluginSettings Glide64mk2Plugin = new N64Glide64mk2PluginSettings();
public N64SyncSettings Clone()
return new N64SyncSettings
VidPlugin = VidPlugin,
VideoSizeX = VideoSizeX,
VideoSizeY = VideoSizeY,
RicePlugin = RicePlugin.Clone(),
GlidePlugin = GlidePlugin.Clone(),
Glide64mk2Plugin = Glide64mk2Plugin.Clone()
// get mupenapi internal object
public VideoPluginSettings GetVPS(GameInfo game)
var ret = new VideoPluginSettings(VidPlugin, VideoSizeX, VideoSizeY);
IPluginSettings ips = null;
switch (VidPlugin)
// clone so per game hacks don't overwrite our settings object
case PLUGINTYPE.GLIDE: ips = GlidePlugin.Clone(); break;
case PLUGINTYPE.GLIDE64MK2: ips = Glide64mk2Plugin.Clone(); break;
case PLUGINTYPE.RICE: ips = RicePlugin.Clone(); break;
ret.Parameters = ips.GetPluginSettings();
return ret;
public interface IPluginSettings
PLUGINTYPE PluginType { get; }
Dictionary<string, object> GetPluginSettings();
void FillPerGameHacks(GameInfo game);
public class N64RicePluginSettings : IPluginSettings
public PLUGINTYPE PluginType
get { return PLUGINTYPE.RICE; }
public void FillPerGameHacks(GameInfo game)
if (UseDefaultHacks)
DisableTextureCRC = game.GetBool("RiceDisableTextureCRC", false);
DisableCulling = game.GetBool("RiceDisableCulling", false);
IncTexRectEdge = game.GetBool("RiceIncTexRectEdge", false);
ZHack = game.GetBool("RiceZHack", false);
TextureScaleHack = game.GetBool("RiceTextureScaleHack", false);
PrimaryDepthHack = game.GetBool("RicePrimaryDepthHack", false);
Texture1Hack = game.GetBool("RiceTexture1Hack", false);
FastLoadTile = game.GetBool("RiceFastLoadTile", false);
UseSmallerTexture = game.GetBool("RiceUseSmallerTexture", false);
VIWidth = game.GetInt("RiceVIWidth", -1);
VIHeight = game.GetInt("RiceVIHeight", -1);
UseCIWidthAndRatio = game.GetInt("RiceUseCIWidthAndRatio", 0);
FullTMEM = game.GetInt("RiceFullTMEM", 0);
TxtSizeMethod2 = game.GetBool("RiceTxtSizeMethod2", false);
EnableTxtLOD = game.GetBool("RiceEnableTxtLOD", false);
FastTextureCRC = game.GetInt("RiceFastTextureCRC", 0);
EmulateClear = game.GetBool("RiceEmulateClear", false);
ForceScreenClear = game.GetBool("RiceForceScreenClear", false);
AccurateTextureMappingHack = game.GetInt("RiceAccurateTextureMappingHack", 0);
NormalBlender = game.GetInt("RiceNormalBlender", 0);
DisableBlender = game.GetBool("RiceDisableBlender", false);
ForceDepthBuffer = game.GetBool("RiceForceDepthBuffer", false);
DisableObjBG = game.GetBool("RiceDisableObjBG", false);
FrameBufferOption = game.GetInt("RiceFrameBufferOption", 0);
RenderToTextureOption = game.GetInt("RiceRenderToTextureOption", 0);
ScreenUpdateSettingHack = game.GetInt("RiceScreenUpdateSettingHack", 0);
EnableHacksForGame = game.GetInt("RiceEnableHacksForGame", 0);
public Dictionary<string, object> GetPluginSettings()
//TODO: deal witn the game depedent settings
Dictionary<string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();
System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] members = this.GetType().GetFields();
foreach (System.Reflection.FieldInfo member in members)
object field = this.GetType().GetField(member.Name).GetValue(this);
dictionary.Add(member.Name, field);
return dictionary;
public int FrameBufferSetting = 0;
public int FrameBufferWriteBackControl = 0;
public int RenderToTexture = 0;
public int ScreenUpdateSetting = 4;
public int Mipmapping = 2;
public int FogMethod = 0;
public int ForceTextureFilter = 0;
public int TextureEnhancement = 0;
public int TextureEnhancementControl = 0;
public int TextureQuality = 0;
public int OpenGLDepthBufferSetting = 16;
public int MultiSampling = 0;
public int ColorQuality = 0;
public int OpenGLRenderSetting = 0;
public int AnisotropicFiltering = 0;
public bool NormalAlphaBlender = false;
public bool FastTextureLoading = false;
public bool AccurateTextureMapping = true;
public bool InN64Resolution = false;
public bool SaveVRAM = false;
public bool DoubleSizeForSmallTxtrBuf = false;
public bool DefaultCombinerDisable = false;
public bool EnableHacks = true;
public bool WinFrameMode = false;
public bool FullTMEMEmulation = false;
public bool OpenGLVertexClipper = false;
public bool EnableSSE = true;
public bool EnableVertexShader = false;
public bool SkipFrame = false;
public bool TexRectOnly = false;
public bool SmallTextureOnly = false;
public bool LoadHiResCRCOnly = true;
public bool LoadHiResTextures = false;
public bool DumpTexturesToFiles = false;
public bool UseDefaultHacks = true;
public bool DisableTextureCRC = false;
public bool DisableCulling = false;
public bool IncTexRectEdge = false;
public bool ZHack = false;
public bool TextureScaleHack = false;
public bool PrimaryDepthHack = false;
public bool Texture1Hack = false;
public bool FastLoadTile = false;
public bool UseSmallerTexture = false;
public int VIWidth = -1;
public int VIHeight = -1;
public int UseCIWidthAndRatio = 0;
public int FullTMEM = 0;
public bool TxtSizeMethod2 = false;
public bool EnableTxtLOD = false;
public int FastTextureCRC = 0;
public bool EmulateClear = false;
public bool ForceScreenClear = false;
public int AccurateTextureMappingHack = 0;
public int NormalBlender = 0;
public bool DisableBlender = false;
public bool ForceDepthBuffer = false;
public bool DisableObjBG = false;
public int FrameBufferOption = 0;
public int RenderToTextureOption = 0;
public int ScreenUpdateSettingHack = 0;
public int EnableHacksForGame = 0;
public N64RicePluginSettings Clone()
return (N64RicePluginSettings)MemberwiseClone();
public class N64GlidePluginSettings : IPluginSettings
public PLUGINTYPE PluginType
get { return PLUGINTYPE.GLIDE; }
public void FillPerGameHacks(GameInfo game)
if (UseDefaultHacks)
alt_tex_size = game.GetBool("Glide_alt_tex_size", false);
buff_clear = game.GetBool("Glide_buff_clear", true);
decrease_fillrect_edge = game.GetBool("Glide_decrease_fillrect_edge", false);
detect_cpu_write = game.GetBool("Glide_detect_cpu_write", false);
fb_clear = game.GetBool("Glide_fb_clear", false);
fb_hires = game.GetBool("Glide_fb_clear", true);
fb_read_alpha = game.GetBool("Glide_fb_read_alpha", false);
fb_smart = game.GetBool("Glide_fb_smart", false);
fillcolor_fix = game.GetBool("Glide_fillcolor_fix", false);
fog = game.GetBool("Glide_fog", true);
force_depth_compare = game.GetBool("Glide_force_depth_compare", false);
force_microcheck = game.GetBool("Glide_force_microcheck", false);
fb_hires_buf_clear = game.GetBool("Glide_fb_hires_buf_clear", true);
fb_ignore_aux_copy = game.GetBool("Glide_fb_ignore_aux_copy", false);
fb_ignore_previous = game.GetBool("Glide_fb_ignore_previous", false);
increase_primdepth = game.GetBool("Glide_increase_primdepth", false);
increase_texrect_edge = game.GetBool("Glide_increase_texrect_edge", false);
fb_optimize_texrect = game.GetBool("Glide_fb_optimize_texrect", true);
fb_optimize_write = game.GetBool("Glide_fb_optimize_write", false);
PPL = game.GetBool("Glide_PPL", false);
soft_depth_compare = game.GetBool("Glide_soft_depth_compare", false);
use_sts1_only = game.GetBool("Glide_use_sts1_only", false);
wrap_big_tex = game.GetBool("Glide_wrap_big_tex", false);
depth_bias = game.GetInt("Glide_depth_bias", 20);
filtering = game.GetInt("Glide_filtering", 1);
fix_tex_coord = game.GetInt("Glide_fix_tex_coord", 0);
lodmode = game.GetInt("Glide_lodmode", 0);
stipple_mode = game.GetInt("Glide_stipple_mode", 2);
stipple_pattern = game.GetInt("Glide_stipple_pattern", 1041204192);
swapmode = game.GetInt("Glide_swapmode", 1);
enable_hacks_for_game = game.GetInt("Glide_enable_hacks_for_game", 0);
public Dictionary<string, object> GetPluginSettings()
//TODO: deal witn the game depedent settings
Dictionary<string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();
System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] members = this.GetType().GetFields();
foreach (System.Reflection.FieldInfo member in members)
object field = this.GetType().GetField(member.Name).GetValue(this);
dictionary.Add(member.Name, field);
return dictionary;
public int wfmode = 1;
public bool wireframe = false;
public int card_id = 0;
public bool flame_corona = false;
public int ucode = 2;
public bool autodetect_ucode = true;
public bool motionblur = false;
public bool fb_read_always = false;
public bool unk_as_red = false;
public bool filter_cache = false;
public bool fast_crc = false;
public bool disable_auxbuf = false;
public bool fbo = false;
public bool noglsl = true;
public bool noditheredalpha = true;
public int tex_filter = 0;
public bool fb_render = false;
public bool wrap_big_tex = false;
public bool use_sts1_only = false;
public bool soft_depth_compare = false;
public bool PPL = false;
public bool fb_optimize_write = false;
public bool fb_optimize_texrect = true;
public bool increase_texrect_edge = false;
public bool increase_primdepth = false;
public bool fb_ignore_previous = false;
public bool fb_ignore_aux_copy = false;
public bool fb_hires_buf_clear = true;
public bool force_microcheck = false;
public bool force_depth_compare = false;
public bool fog = true;
public bool fillcolor_fix = false;
public bool fb_smart = false;
public bool fb_read_alpha = false;
public bool fb_get_info = false;
public bool fb_hires = true;
public bool fb_clear = false;
public bool detect_cpu_write = false;
public bool decrease_fillrect_edge = false;
public bool buff_clear = true;
public bool alt_tex_size = false;
public bool UseDefaultHacks = true;
public int enable_hacks_for_game = 0;
public int swapmode = 1;
public int stipple_pattern = 1041204192;
public int stipple_mode = 2;
public int scale_y = 100000;
public int scale_x = 100000;
public int offset_y = 0;
public int offset_x = 0;
public int lodmode = 0;
public int fix_tex_coord = 0;
public int filtering = 1;
public int depth_bias = 20;
public N64GlidePluginSettings Clone()
return (N64GlidePluginSettings)MemberwiseClone();
public class N64Glide64mk2PluginSettings : IPluginSettings
public PLUGINTYPE PluginType
get { return PLUGINTYPE.GLIDE64MK2; }
public void FillPerGameHacks(GameInfo game)
if (UseDefaultHacks)
use_sts1_only = game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_use_sts1_only", false);
optimize_texrect = game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_optimize_texrect", true);
increase_texrect_edge = game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_increase_texrect_edge", false);
ignore_aux_copy = game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_ignore_aux_copy", false);
hires_buf_clear = game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_hires_buf_clear", true);
force_microcheck = game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_force_microcheck", false);
fog = game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_fog", true);
fb_smart = game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_fb_smart", false);
fb_read_alpha = game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_fb_read_alpha", false);
fb_hires = game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_fb_hires", true);
detect_cpu_write = game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_detect_cpu_write", false);
decrease_fillrect_edge = game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_decrease_fillrect_edge", false);
buff_clear = game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_buff_clear", true);
alt_tex_size = game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_alt_tex_size", true);
swapmode = game.GetInt("Glide64mk2_swapmode", 1);
stipple_pattern = game.GetInt("Glide64mk2_stipple_pattern", 1041204192);
stipple_mode = game.GetInt("Glide64mk2_stipple_mode", 2);
lodmode = game.GetInt("Glide64mk2_lodmode", 0);
filtering = game.GetInt("Glide64mk2_filtering", 0);
correct_viewport = game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_correct_viewport", false);
force_calc_sphere = game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_force_calc_sphere", false);
pal230 = game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_pal230", false);
texture_correction = game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_texture_correction", true);
n64_z_scale = game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_n64_z_scale", false);
old_style_adither = game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_old_style_adither", false);
zmode_compare_less = game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_zmode_compare_less", false);
adjust_aspect = game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_adjust_aspect", true);
clip_zmax = game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_clip_zmax", true);
clip_zmin = game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_clip_zmin", false);
force_quad3d = game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_force_quad3d", false);
useless_is_useless = game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_useless_is_useless", false);
fb_read_always = game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_fb_read_always", false);
aspectmode = game.GetInt("Glide64mk2_aspectmode", 0);
fb_crc_mode = game.GetInt("Glide64mk2_fb_crc_mode", 1);
enable_hacks_for_game = game.GetInt("Glide64mk2_enable_hacks_for_game", 0);
read_back_to_screen = game.GetInt("Glide64mk2_read_back_to_screen", 0);
fast_crc = game.GetBool("Glide64mk2_fast_crc", true);
public Dictionary<string, object> GetPluginSettings()
//TODO: deal witn the game depedent settings
Dictionary<string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();
System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] members = this.GetType().GetFields();
foreach (System.Reflection.FieldInfo member in members)
object field = this.GetType().GetField(member.Name).GetValue(this);
dictionary.Add(member.Name, field);
return dictionary;
public bool wrpFBO = true;
public int card_id = 0;
public bool use_sts1_only = false;
public bool optimize_texrect = true;
public bool increase_texrect_edge = false;
public bool ignore_aux_copy = false;
public bool hires_buf_clear = true;
public bool force_microcheck = false;
public bool fog = true;
public bool fb_smart = false;
public bool fb_read_alpha = false;
public bool fb_hires = true;
public bool detect_cpu_write = false;
public bool decrease_fillrect_edge = false;
public bool buff_clear = true;
public bool alt_tex_size = false;
public int swapmode = 1;
public int stipple_pattern = 1041204192;
public int stipple_mode = 2;
public int lodmode = 0;
public int filtering = 0;
public bool wrpAnisotropic = false;
public bool correct_viewport = false;
public bool force_calc_sphere = false;
public bool pal230 = false;
public bool texture_correction = true;
public bool n64_z_scale = false;
public bool old_style_adither = false;
public bool zmode_compare_less = false;
public bool adjust_aspect = true;
public bool clip_zmax = true;
public bool clip_zmin = false;
public bool force_quad3d = false;
public bool useless_is_useless = false;
public bool fb_read_always = false;
public bool fb_get_info = false;
public bool fb_render = true;
public int aspectmode = 0;
public int fb_crc_mode = 1;
public bool fast_crc = true;
public bool UseDefaultHacks = true;
public int enable_hacks_for_game = 0;
public int read_back_to_screen = 0;
public N64Glide64mk2PluginSettings Clone()
return (N64Glide64mk2PluginSettings)MemberwiseClone();