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2013-06-25 00:14:35 +00:00
// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.
// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see
// Official git repository and contact information can be found at
// and
#include "Core/MIPS/MIPS.h"
#include "Core/MIPS/MIPSTables.h"
#include "Core/MIPS/MIPSAnalyst.h"
#include "Core/MIPS/x86/Jit.h"
#include "Core/MIPS/x86/Asm.h"
#include "Core/MIPS/x86/RegCache.h"
using namespace Gen;
static const int allocationOrder[] =
// R12, when used as base register, for example in a LEA, can generate bad code! Need to look into this.
#ifdef _M_X64
#ifdef _WIN32
RSI, RDI, R13, R14, R8, R9, R10, R11, R12, //, RCX
RBP, R13, R14, R8, R9, R10, R11, R12, //, RCX
#elif _M_IX86
ESI, EDI, EBP, EDX, ECX, // Let's try to free up EBX as well.
GPRRegCache::GPRRegCache() : mips(0), emit(0) {
memset(regs, 0, sizeof(regs));
memset(xregs, 0, sizeof(xregs));
void GPRRegCache::Start(MIPSState *mips, MIPSAnalyst::AnalysisResults &stats) {
this->mips = mips;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_X_REGS; i++) {
xregs[i].free = true;
xregs[i].dirty = false;
xregs[i].allocLocked = false;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_MIPS_GPRS; i++) {
regs[i].location = GetDefaultLocation(i);
regs[i].away = false;
regs[i].locked = false;
// todo: sort to find the most popular regs
int maxPreload = 2;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_MIPS_GPRS; i++)
if (stats.numReads[i] > 2 || stats.numWrites[i] >= 2)
LoadToX64(i, true, false); //stats.firstRead[i] <= stats.firstWrite[i], false);
if (!maxPreload)
//Find top regs - preload them (load bursts ain't bad)
//But only preload IF written OR reads >= 3
// these are MIPS reg indices
void GPRRegCache::Lock(int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4) {
regs[p1].locked = true;
if (p2 != 0xFF) regs[p2].locked = true;
if (p3 != 0xFF) regs[p3].locked = true;
if (p4 != 0xFF) regs[p4].locked = true;
// these are x64 reg indices
void GPRRegCache::LockX(int x1, int x2, int x3, int x4) {
if (xregs[x1].allocLocked) {
PanicAlert("RegCache: x %i already locked!", x1);
xregs[x1].allocLocked = true;
if (x2 != 0xFF) xregs[x2].allocLocked = true;
if (x3 != 0xFF) xregs[x3].allocLocked = true;
if (x4 != 0xFF) xregs[x4].allocLocked = true;
void GPRRegCache::UnlockAll() {
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_MIPS_GPRS; i++)
regs[i].locked = false;
void GPRRegCache::UnlockAllX() {
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_X_REGS; i++)
xregs[i].allocLocked = false;
X64Reg GPRRegCache::GetFreeXReg()
int aCount;
const int *aOrder = GetAllocationOrder(aCount);
for (int i = 0; i < aCount; i++)
X64Reg xr = (X64Reg)aOrder[i];
if (!xregs[xr].allocLocked && xregs[xr].free)
return (X64Reg)xr;
//Okay, not found :( Force grab one
//TODO - add a pass to grab xregs whose mipsreg is not used in the next 3 instructions
for (int i = 0; i < aCount; i++)
X64Reg xr = (X64Reg)aOrder[i];
if (xregs[xr].allocLocked)
int preg = xregs[xr].mipsReg;
if (!regs[preg].locked)
return xr;
//Still no dice? Die!
_assert_msg_(DYNA_REC, 0, "Regcache ran out of regs");
return (X64Reg) -1;
void GPRRegCache::FlushR(X64Reg reg)
if (reg >= NUM_X_REGS)
PanicAlert("Flushing non existent reg");
if (!xregs[reg].free)
int GPRRegCache::SanityCheck() const {
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_MIPS_GPRS; i++) {
if (regs[i].away) {
if (regs[i].location.IsSimpleReg()) {
Gen::X64Reg simple = regs[i].location.GetSimpleReg();
if (xregs[simple].allocLocked)
return 1;
if (xregs[simple].mipsReg != i)
return 2;
else if (regs[i].location.IsImm())
return 3;
return 0;
void GPRRegCache::DiscardRegContentsIfCached(int preg) {
if (regs[preg].away && regs[preg].location.IsSimpleReg()) {
X64Reg xr = regs[preg].location.GetSimpleReg();
xregs[xr].free = true;
xregs[xr].dirty = false;
xregs[xr].mipsReg = -1;
regs[preg].away = false;
regs[preg].location = GetDefaultLocation(preg);
void GPRRegCache::SetImmediate32(int preg, u32 immValue) {
// ZERO is always zero. Let's just make sure.
if (preg == 0)
immValue = 0;
regs[preg].away = true;
regs[preg].location = Imm32(immValue);
bool GPRRegCache::IsImmediate(int preg) const {
// Always say yes for ZERO, even if it's in a temp reg.
if (preg == 0)
return true;
return regs[preg].location.IsImm();
u32 GPRRegCache::GetImmediate32(int preg) const {
_dbg_assert_msg_(JIT, IsImmediate(preg), "Reg %d must be an immediate.", preg);
// Always 0 for ZERO.
if (preg == 0)
return 0;
return regs[preg].location.GetImmValue();
const int *GPRRegCache::GetAllocationOrder(int &count) {
count = sizeof(allocationOrder) / sizeof(const int);
return allocationOrder;
OpArg GPRRegCache::GetDefaultLocation(int reg) const {
return M(&mips->r[reg]);
void GPRRegCache::KillImmediate(int preg, bool doLoad, bool makeDirty) {
if (regs[preg].away) {
if (regs[preg].location.IsImm())
BindToRegister(preg, doLoad, makeDirty);
else if (regs[preg].location.IsSimpleReg())
xregs[RX(preg)].dirty |= makeDirty;
void GPRRegCache::BindToRegister(int i, bool doLoad, bool makeDirty) {
if (!regs[i].away && regs[i].location.IsImm())
PanicAlert("Bad immediate");
if (!regs[i].away || (regs[i].away && regs[i].location.IsImm())) {
X64Reg xr = GetFreeXReg();
if (xregs[xr].dirty) PanicAlert("Xreg already dirty");
if (xregs[xr].allocLocked) PanicAlert("GetFreeXReg returned locked register");
xregs[xr].free = false;
xregs[xr].mipsReg = i;
xregs[xr].dirty = makeDirty || regs[i].location.IsImm();
OpArg newloc = ::Gen::R(xr);
if (doLoad) {
// Force ZERO to be 0.
if (i == 0)
emit->MOV(32, newloc, Imm32(0));
emit->MOV(32, newloc, regs[i].location);
for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
if (i != j && regs[j].location.IsSimpleReg() && regs[j].location.GetSimpleReg() == xr) {
ERROR_LOG(JIT, "BindToRegister: Strange condition");
regs[i].away = true;
regs[i].location = newloc;
} else {
// reg location must be simplereg; memory locations
// and immediates are taken care of above.
xregs[RX(i)].dirty |= makeDirty;
if (xregs[RX(i)].allocLocked) {
PanicAlert("Seriously WTF, this reg should have been flushed");
void GPRRegCache::StoreFromRegister(int i) {
if (regs[i].away) {
bool doStore;
if (regs[i].location.IsSimpleReg()) {
X64Reg xr = RX(i);
xregs[xr].free = true;
xregs[xr].mipsReg = -1;
doStore = xregs[xr].dirty;
xregs[xr].dirty = false;
} else {
//must be immediate - do nothing
doStore = true;
OpArg newLoc = GetDefaultLocation(i);
// But never store to ZERO.
if (doStore && i != 0)
emit->MOV(32, newLoc, regs[i].location);
regs[i].location = newLoc;
regs[i].away = false;
void GPRRegCache::Flush()
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_X_REGS; i++) {
if (xregs[i].allocLocked)
PanicAlert("Someone forgot to unlock X64 reg %i.", i);
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_MIPS_GPRS; i++) {
if (regs[i].locked) {
PanicAlert("Somebody forgot to unlock MIPS reg %i.", i);
if (regs[i].away) {
if (regs[i].location.IsSimpleReg()) {
X64Reg xr = RX(i);
xregs[xr].dirty = false;
else if (regs[i].location.IsImm()) {
} else {
_assert_msg_(DYNA_REC,0,"Jit64 - Flush unhandled case, reg %i PC: %08x", i, mips->pc);